20223417? ago

Yellow gas can means diesel fuel. Because it’s near an rv doesn’t mean anything. The dogs barking was inserted audio. Thru audio Analysis, which raises concern for the entire production of this. His property is nowhere that u can just drive too. They know someone is coming from 3 miles away. The property is protected from the zorro trust. Don’t forget who owns all the surrounding property?




The ranch is insulated! Trunews and camera guy were allowed there, why? Now I have to dig on trunews, Anyone else wanna dig on this?

20226708? ago

A couple things caught my eye, may be something, may be nothing.

First is the address for Alexander LLC is 10990 Wilshire Blvd. LA. Is that anywhere near where that helicopter 'exercise' took place awhile back?

The other was in the King info. The name of Senator Dennis Chavez caught my eye. A light digging didn't turn up any relation to Jason, but who knows? A Democrat described as a New Deal Libertarian I found this interesting bit while searching:

In 1934 he ran against the powerful Republican incumbent, Bronson Cutting. After a hard-fought, bitter campaign and a narrow defeat, Chavez challenged Cutting's victory, claiming that vote fraud had taken place. In May 1935, before the issue could be decided, Cutting was killed in an airplane crash. Chavez was appointed by New Mexico's governor Clyde Tingley (1883–1960) to serve in Cutting's place. Five senators expressed their unhappiness with this by walking out of the Senate as Chavez was being sworn in. Chavez, however, was the clear choice of the people of New Mexico when he was officially elected to the position in 1936, defeating a popular Republican candidate.

Read more: https://www.notablebiographies.com/Ch-Co/Chavez-Dennis.html#ixzz5wyKnR11l

Sounds like deep state's been using the same tricks for a long time.

20223240? ago

Be careful dude. Out west if you cross a fence you are asking to be shot.

20220835? ago

Trunews just put a video out today saying Trump plans to purge all of us execution style after he confiscates our guns post 2020 election.

20220728? ago

On private property without permission? A guy could be shot dead for that. I know I wouldn't ever do something that stupid.

20220378? ago

What they need are some of these freestyle guys, they can thread a needle with drones and probably get footage from anywhere on that compound. If there is an open window, they would be in it.

20219825? ago

All well and good. I love Rusty but WHY didn't anyone flyover while he was THERE?!?

20223426? ago

Because it was a production for video content. The whole thing was staged. They were allowed there Why?

20220341? ago

Eli Wiesel? In a couple of the pictures, RC has a black t-shirt on with "Naked PING PONG" on the front. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591/20219971 ... @mintmachine @TheKalergiFan @Splooge @TestForScience

20220653? ago

and Eli Wiesel? In a couple of the pictures, RC has a black t-shirt on with "Naked PING PONG" on the front. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591/20219971 ... @mintmachine @TheKalergiFan @Splooge @TestForScience

20219795? ago

Not surprised in the least. Makes me sick how the elite use dogs. Just read what Cathy O'Brien discusses in her book Transformation of America.

20219774? ago

12ga 00buck cures being chased by dogs.

20222504? ago

While you are trespassing? That’s a great way to spend the next 10-15 in the pen.