20224006? ago

Seriously? Women wear red high heels/stilettos, because men find them sexy. Clinton is dressed as a woman, in a sexual pose. No other color would send that message in that pic.

20218677? ago

The Who - Eminence Front

The sun shines and people forget

The spray flies as the speedboat glides

And people forget, forget they're hiding

The girls smile and people forget

The snow packs as the skier tracks

People forget, forget they're hiding

Behind an eminence front

Eminence front, it's a put on

It's an eminence front

It's an eminence front, it's a put on

An eminence front, eminence front, it's a put on

Eminence front

It's an eminence front, it's an eminence front, it's a put on

It's a put on, it's a put on, it's a put on

Come on join the party, dress to kill

Won't you come and join the party

Dress to kill? Dress to kill

Drinks flow, people forget

That big wheel spins, the hair thins

People forget, forget they're hiding

The news slows, people forget

The shares crash, hopes are dashed

People forget, forget they're hiding

Behind an eminence front

An eminence front, it's a put on

It's just an eminence front

An eminence front, it's a put on

An eminence front, an eminence front, it's a put on

Eminence front

It's an eminence front, it's a put on

It's a put on, it's a put on, it's a put on

Come on join the party, dress to

Come on join the party, dress to

Come on join the party, dress to

Come on join the party, dress to kill

Dress yourself to kill

eminence | ˈemənəns |


1 fame or recognized superiority, especially within a particular sphere or profession: her eminence in cinematography.

• an important, influential, or distinguished person: the Lord Chancellor canvassed the views of various legal eminences.

• (His/Your Eminence) a title given to a Roman Catholic cardinal, or used in addressing him: His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Wolsey.

front | frənt |


3 [in singular] an appearance or form of behavior assumed by a person to conceal their genuine feelings: she put on a brave front.

• a person or organization serving as a cover for subversive or illegal activities: the CIA identified the company as a front for a terrorist group.

The bold emphasis in the lyrics is mine.

Basically, here's what Pete's telling you. We're faking superiority thru an appearance of moral authority. To join us be prepared to kill. Don't worry, no one will notice anything wrong, because - "People forget."

Those are the club rules. The club's shoe color is red. BTW, the song's vocalist, Peter Townsend, was busted for child porn.

The more you know.

20217531? ago

They're made of human skin

20214631? ago

OMG you noob! We all know the meaning but will not tell you here as it’s a secret.

Go read all the drops and research every post on QRV lazy ass question asker noob shill.

20214468? ago

red shoes - signature of the Satanic child fuckers initiation

20213670? ago

Why the Red Shoes?

Let's suppose you are walking thru the business section of a slaughter house. What would happen to your shoes?

Now why do you suppose the red carpet is rolled out for elites? Is that symbolic for walking atop the sacrificed?

20221041? ago

This, it is symbolic of the blood staining the bottoms of their feet as they abuse the children.

For more in depth understanding see the podesta painting of the mansion in NC that Q posted.

20213881? ago

the blood of goyim

20213142? ago

One word: PEDO

20213068? ago

Red shoes: satanic ritual sacrifice

20212916? ago

Alice in Wonderland.

20212897? ago

Why six fingers?

20213501? ago

I think Giants have six fingers?

20215147? ago

Only the wrong seed line has 6 fingers

20223535? ago

I don’t see 6 fingers. I see a flesh crease on the bottom of his pointing hand. Is that what everyone is saying is a sixth finger?

20212785? ago

Clues: search for cannibalism and ritual sacrifice

20212733? ago

You need to go back and read thru the drops again if you don't know the meaning of the red shoes.

20212484? ago

we all know the meaning of the red shoes and it's all in the research.

20212443? ago

plenty of threads on QRV about it. Evil symbolism.