20218771? ago

fear porn

20217332? ago

Recession is 2 consecutive quarters with negative economic growth, based on GDP. We haven't had even 1 quarter with negative growth. Shills gonna shill.

20217397? ago

Exactly right. It's surreal how the corrupt media can disconnect themselves from reality and feed the braindead masses a pile-of-shit, sky-is-falling, looming recession when Trump's economy hasn't contracted one single quarter.

20217527? ago

I had a lefty friend of mine bring up the recession yesterday. So I calmly asked her if she knew what a recession was...she didn't, so I explained it to her. Then I took it a step further and explained to her why the fake news is pushing the recession talk...the inverted yield curve. I hope I enlightened her and if nothing else, I hope she doesn't continue to spout off about things that she hasn't taken the time to research even the basis for what she is saying. I think she's very slowly starting to wake up.

20215056? ago

Central Banking was established to legitimize counterfeiting fraud, aka – Fractional Reserve Banking) The FDIC’s “insurance” program was nothing more than an explicit promise that the Fed would print enough money to redeem all ensured deposits, thus insuring the continuation of fractional reserved banking, the very problem that was used as the excuse to establish the Fed. Think mirror once again.

It did not take long for the Politicians to realize that the Fed could just print money at will. Pandora’s box opened. It took time and finally they spent money, stole money at will. Now comes the bigger lie. Recessions typically happen every 8-9 years, give or take a couple of years, and economic anomalies. This is the time to harvest and control the people who have the most money and power. You are now conditioned to expect them.

With unlimited money means more money to plunder and funnel to family and friends. With programs comes the take off the top and politicians become millionaires. They even have an escape goat in special interests. What a great con in full view for everyone to see. Sometimes the best hiding place in is full view.

It matters not who is in charge of the Fed or what rules Congress may insist that it adopts. Once money printing, via fiat or fractional reserve credit creation, is seen to be both feasible, justified, and legal nothing and no one can stop it.

The only solution is to destroy the monster that makes it all possible, the Fed. Without the ability to sell its debt to its own central bank, government would be forced to live within the means set by the will of the people through their elected representatives. The scales would eventually fall from the eyes of both politicians and public as it becomes clear that what government spends comes at the expense of the private economy. You will live the remainder of your short life on social security and a little more instead of retiring with adequate funds.

20214848? ago

Been watching the economy since 2008. With 20+ tril in debt, there is no way to legimately pay it back with our current system. The 2 options to get rid of it are to, 1, have a debt jubilee in which case banks, wall street, 401k's will fail. Or, 2, print massive amounts of money and pay off the debt with funny money creating inflation. In this case dollars become worthless and gas/milk/food /everything skyrockets in price. If number 1 happens, it's good to keep your cash out of the banks, if 2 happens then gold/silver/cryptos will be your friend.

On a side note, this is how you would lose your money in the bank. As a depositor in a bank, you are classified as an "unsecured creditor". This means in the event that people with debts cannot or do not pay their loan back to the bank, or a massive bank run occurs and banks start to collapse, then your money is unsecured (to you) and you are far down on the list to be reimbursed. Additionally, the FDIC has a minuscule percentage of the whole banking system on their books to reimburse if widespread collapse happen.

I'm not sure how a return to the gold standard will impact the regular economy in the short term, but the price of gold would have to skyrocket to cover the outstanding debt and current money in circulation. Most estimate a conservative price of 10k per ounce with the amount of gold we have on the books.

To say nothing is coming is shortsighted imo. Trump may be able to keep kicking the can down the road, but with our debt and close to 1tril budget deficit each year, it's only a matter of time before something breaks.

20214836? ago

Spring or summer of next year.

The heart of the problem is the enormous debt globally. Estimated at 2 Quadrillion dollars. It can't be repaid. And the Rothchild cabal doesn't want it repaid. They want to own all the interest revenue stream still accumulating from this egregious debt overhang. The debt is so large the interest repayment alone has crippled the economy---the parasites have killed the host and are dependent on transfusions of cash to keep going. Now the cabal is offering negative interest rates. It makes up the difference with fees up front,always collecting the cream and giving us the 1% milk. It's after the difference between the offered rate, again, on money they conjure out of thin air, and the dead debt interest they are collecting on zombie corporations still supported by governments through taxation of the citizens. For example, cumulative interest on held "bad debt" minus the negative interest rate is a very positve amount of money. 2-(-2)) = 4%. A great scam. Don't forget the fees. And other nefarious business practices.

The easiest way to solve this problem is elimination of the debt. Then rates will normalize. Golem, the Banking cartel,will not let go of it's "Precious". Golem wants war to feed its appetite for our flesh.

20214667? ago

Trump has told us the economy is strong so therefore there will be no more recessions.

20214591? ago

You are fake news

20214368? ago

In the best economy ever our national debt continues to rise... The system is broken... Recession is inevitable...

20214162? ago

"Cyclist" here. A major rally will likely begin about 1st week Oct. The 1929 cycle will not likely occur until fall 2020. Everything moves in cycles. IT CAN BE AVOIDED or squelched IF the FED can be abolished or prevented from manipulation to "ADD TO" a downturn. The raising of Interest rates and tightening of the money can exacerbate the selling of stocks and depression. They did it in '29.

20213762? ago

Don't listen to mainstream media about economy. Listen to POTUS and Q.

20213746? ago

We've been in recession since 2008. It's just that the media has changed its language from "recovery" to "recession". Do you live in a vacuum OP? The middle class was wiped out under Obama. Homelessness has exploded. Real wages have been eaten up by inflation and hidden inflation. The U.S. economy has been on life support, intubated by "Quantitative Easing" i.e. "money printing" for us regular folks, and now the DS is pulling the plug in a futile effort destroy Trumps legacy.

Of course, the Q team saw this coming, we're just watching the dragon cut off its own tail to try to save itself.

20215109? ago


20214541? ago

Agreed, we never recovered and the unemployment numbers were always massaged.

20213572? ago

I would agree with most that the economy is stronger than it has been in a very long time. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be that hard for the left (globalists) to weaken it significantly when/if they want to, assuming just minor coordination.

As everyone is aware, the US is awash in public and private debt. Considering our economy has been propped up by credit for so long, and the insane quantitative easing that was in place during Obama admin (printing trillions of $$$), this has created a large capital imbalance (many people underwater, financially speaking). Anything that is imbalanced can easily be tipped over.

Imagine what would happen if a significant change was made to tighten debt/credit policy after decades of over-reliance. Even though we should be heading towards that in a gradual manner, any drastic change would have a huge impact on tens of millions, and the ripple effect would be tremendously bad for the economy. This would be somewhat offset by the fact that so many decent, lower paying jobs have returned, somewhat rebuilding an economic foundation that was nearly destroyed. As of now, I think only greed has prevented some of these globalists from making a big move to tank the economy. They didn't expect Trump to win, but if they can still reap the rewards of a recovering economy, then why not. But I think many of them would be willing to work against their interests in the short term in order to get Trump out of office so they can get back to subverting real capitalism.

20213436? ago

America will fall apart 2020 or a year or two afterwards. Better prepare. Jews will be expelled.

20213306? ago

You spelled golden age wrong

20215136? ago

We're so close...I cannot wait.

20214088? ago

Critizing spelling is a heart issue

20213276? ago

How many times are you going to ask the same question? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3386546

20212928? ago

Start digging and don't stop until you have a hole large enough for you and your entire family. Climb inside. Call a friend to come and shovel the dirt in on top of you. You will never know that the recession was only fake news.

20212806? ago

No recession is coming.

The actual economy is very strong.

The cabal has their tricks. QT, attacks on Boeing, etc...

Trump counters with trade war rhetoric.

For hire signs everywhere.

Fewer immigrants.

Stock market can go to $50k in 3 years.

Just.... trust Trump. Ignore the evil media.

20215309? ago

Stock market can go to $50k in 3 years.

Why do people cheer inflation in the stock market and houses? Seems kinda stupid to see X shares of an old blue chip that pays Y% dividend become less affordable to the average Joe. Same with houses. Less affordable for the young, higher taxes for local government to become even more wasteful, and everybody says "look how great it is!".

I call bullshit, even though I'm a homeowner. I'd love to see housing prices drop to the point where a single income family could pay one off in 5-10 years.

20228368? ago

The number doesnt matter, the purchasing power is all that matters. By inflating debt away the people will have greater purchasing power.

20217807? ago

After the debt has been inflated away sure. Otherwise it crushes the small people.

20215127? ago

And it'll get even stronger once we switch to Gold in late 2020-2021. No more debt as we've all been accustomed to living with. Student debt...GONE. Mortgages...drastically reduced. Inflation.....GONE. Barter and Trade.....returns. We go back to the system as it was designed before 1919.

20214288? ago

The job loss related to bankruptcies is almost as high as the 2008 levels. (Lynette Zang did a video in the past 2 days and I checked the reference, but can't recall the name). I think this is mostly due to big box stores going out of business.

Trump has helped create many manufacturing jobs. I want to see the two side by side- are the jobs just moving to another sector?

20213600? ago



one of many opinions.

20213170? ago

You keep telling yourself that........ then when it is in a smoking ruin around your feet you'll be saying: "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!"

20212911? ago

This is the correct answer.

20212717? ago

Stock up on food and ammo. If you live in a densely populated urban area -- move.

Try to be as far away from niggers as possible.

20212524? ago

Gold! Have gold! And some silver.

20212742? ago

What good will gold do for buying food for your family? The receiver will have to test the gold's purity and then weigh the gold in micrograms...

20214323? ago

Better to use junk silver and have barter items if possible

20213723? ago

I honestly don't think is will be that bad. But better be prepared. If you think that will happen food, water and medicine is way important.

20213175? ago

Or just shoot you in the head and take your gold.

20212489? ago

Looks like [somebody] got their 4:00 AM talking points. But we were already awake...

20212328? ago

Ha. Cool talking point, Shylock.

I read the data those articles (that suddenly popped up is week) are using.

Their "predictor" was wrong multiple times before the 2008 Great Recession. If you can't even predict that, what good are you?

Sounds like BS to me.

20212810? ago

It is.