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20242554? ago


Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theorists peddling sci-fi novel written by AG William Barr’s late dad

By Lia Eustachewich

August 16, 2019 | 2:08pm

Donald Barr's 'Space Relations' was published in 1973.

Donald Barr's "Space Relations" was published in 1973.

Becky Ferreira

A little-known science fiction book penned by the late father of US Attorney General William Barr is being sold online at astronomical prices by sellers eager to attract Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theorists.

“Space Relations: A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale” by Donald Barr has been thrust into the spotlight in the wake of the convicted pedophile’s apparent suicide, and eBay sellers — quick to link the two men — are now hawking it for as much as $4,999, Vice’s Motherboard reported.

“Parallels have been drawn between the plot of the novel and the current allegations of sex trafficking brought against the now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein,” one listing says, Motherboard found. “When Donald Barr wrote this novel he was a headmaster of a school that Jeffrey Epstein taught at.”

The fantasy novel portrays an Earthling named John Craig, who is sold into slavery on a planet called Kossar. Craig falls in love with Lady Morgan Sidney — a Kossar leader described as having “high breasts and long thighs.”

Craig goes along with Lady Morgan’s demands to sexually assault a teenage slave as part of a clinic used to “breed” people, Motherboard said. The novel includes other instances of rape.

Donald Barr and Epstein are loosely linked by their time working at the elite Dalton School in Manhattan. Donald served as headmaster there from 1964 to 1974, while Epstein began teaching math and science there three months after Donald left.

It’s unclear, however, if Donald Barr was involved at all with Epstein’s employment, which only lasted two years.

Donald Barr published “Space Relations” in 1973, a year before resigning from Dalton over “budget priorities and his disciplinarian approach to substance abuse,” his New York Times obituary said. The novelist died in 2004 at age 82.

He wrote one other sci-fi novel, and once described adolescence as “a relatively modern invention.”

“And the romantic wretchedness of it appears to be more modern still,” Donald Barr remarked in a 1986 New York Times essay.


First off, didn't we find out Vice was bailed out by Soros?

2nd...Doesnt anyone but me wonder why all these left outlets suddenly are reporting everything on Epstein now?

If you think they are trying to be respectable now, I have some farmland in the Everglades I'd like to sell you

Something stinks of sulfur

20920690? ago

In 1973, Barr's father hired Epstein to teach calculus to teenagers and published a book about interplanetary pedo slavery?