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20168665? ago

I know nothing about gematria but I enjoy reading your thought process and SB2 as well. I appreciate your hard work and your willingness to share what you have found with others. There are so many complex codes involved with Q and Q+ posts that it is nice to know there are brains way bigger than mine working on them to decode for the rest of us. Thank you!

20168777? ago


You're most welcome.

I am working day and night on this and have for over two years.

It's not fun most of the time, until you have a break through, like finding out the connection between "Come Up With" that Trump said awkwardly at 3.02 in that video (decoded0), and the EXACT same results for Ivanka's tweet on the same day (the gematria decode of the file name of the photo specifically).

THEY WERE BOTH THE SAME English gematria results on the SAME DAY!!! It's Mathematically impossible that it is a 'co-incidence'.

Let that sink in Anon.

BTW, I pray a lot, and it is The Holy Spirit providing me these decodes FYI.

Take care.


20171985? ago

Could you post Ivanka's tweet that you are referring to? It would help in the analysis. I like to see how you come up with your decodes. I also like to see SB2's decodes as well. They most always get me to see things that I would not have noticed before. Doesn't mean that I agree with all, some were spot on IMO.

20175088? ago

Here's one I did:- Not much analysis, but the result: QAnon is the main notable.