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20159294? ago

The Dems think what their Jew masters tell them to think.

They know if they don't submit to their master race overlords then our (((mainstream media))) will destroy them and their (((funding))) will be cut and the (((deep state))) will turn on them if they really misbehave.

You can also bet that (((Mossad))) has compromising pictures of the Democrat Congressmen from that (((campaign fundraiser))) where they passed out during the party and woke up naked beside a child.

20159992? ago

From: doglegwarrior

The republicans are bigger zionist jew cock suckers then the dems if you didnt know.

20160061? ago

The Democrat House and Senate shows a different story.

That said, you are correct that there's no shortage of Mossad cock suckers in the Republican Congress too.

20161120? ago

You're leaving out all of the boomers in office that suck zionist cocks but aren't jews themselves.

20163318? ago

I'm a "boomer" and I'm glad I ruined your life.

I'm responsible for all your failures.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

20166328? ago

Never said it was every boomer, but there are a lot of zombified and indoctrinated zionist cock sucking boomers out there. Just means my generation has to fix things.

20166369? ago

Just means my generation has to fix things.

Ummm, I hate to rain on your parade... but how has your generation fixed things?

"Boomer" President Trump is taking all the risks and doing all the heavy lifting.

20167451? ago

President Trump also seems to be very loyal to Israel. We're still importing the 3rd world on an industrial scale. He banned bump stocks, and he's talking about passing red flag laws. He's doing some good things, but I don't think this country can be saved through the political system. We have to rewrite our countries firmware.

20167492? ago

But President Trump also seems to be very loyal to Israel

It would be political suicide not to seem to be very loyal to Israel.

We're still importing the 3rd world on an industrial scale

The amount of laws that need to be removed and cleaned up has been phenomenal... and every time progress is made, it is challenged by Obama's activist judges until the Supreme Court rules.

Please consider viewing this work as part of the process to solve the problem, because that's exactly what it is.

he's talking about passing red flag laws

That talk seems to have stopped.

We have to rewrite our country's firmware.

I agree, however the risks in doing so are enormous and will likely require a civil war. If it comes to that, then so be it, but I want to give President Trump a.k.a the leader of the world-wide nationalist anti-immigration movement, every chance to continue to make massive improvements.

I'm praying and hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water in case not everything "goes to plan".

20168787? ago

Boomers are the reason the country is fucked.

Boomers are getting to old to fight but are still young enough to parasite.

Boomers dropping dead would be only beneficial.

20173881? ago

Boomers are getting to old to fight


20174160? ago

Fuck off grammah fag.