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20156431? ago

The 16th Century term “Jew” is variously claimed said to come from Old French giu, which is supposed to come from an earlier version juieu and then from latin iudeus and Greek Ioudaios. However this is cleverly and deliberately misleading. Ioudaios is the Greek equivalent of the term Yahudah not Jew.

It is impossible to get the word “Jew” from Ioudaios as it is from Yahudah. So where did the word come actually from and what does it really mean?

Simply, the word "Jew" is directly derived from goy and gyu, two ancient Hebrew words used for derision to variously mean "cattle" and a "dead lifeless, souless corpse".

So how is it possible that a Hebrew word for derision is used and accepted as the label by so many non-Sephardic people of the original faith of the Yahudi and those descendents of the Sarmatians, the Sephardi?

20158952? ago


20157220? ago

Goy means nation, you twat.

Find another way to reconcile your Christianity with your Amalekism.

20156499? ago

And the Greek derivation was circulatory derived from the now popularized 21st century term loudasses. Time travel is fun!