Probably going to make a seperate post about this later.
Alice in Wonderland Disorder is detected by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and causes hallucinations, disproportionate sizing, and in severe cases memory loss or the memory of false events (think MK Ultra). I need to do some more research but I'm thinking Epstein and Barr are related to scientists that worked on behalf of the CIA and their work in understanding the virus lead to it being named after them, and secretly laid the foundation for the mechanism MK Ultra uses.
Literally a picture in that post you lazy fuck. The DS loves lazy bastards like yourself. Looking to be told how it is and not willing to find out yourself.
Alice in wonderland syndrome connected to migraines and probably more... it's like you could be looking at a table and part of the table (in peripheral) will disappear, when you move your hands or arms what you see your hands doing is lagging behind or ahead of where you intend.
I thought the name was a bit of a joke, but when it happens it's very distressing.
The other effect is that an area of vision is similar to how if you look at the sun for a time that portion of your vision will have the negative color for a few minutes, except it grows to take up a portion of your vision, except for the things that is focused on.
I hate people who say they are triggered, but even thinking about it trying to describe from my perspective is triggering to where I'm having to do my checks to ensure that its a false alarm.
Are you so naive that you do not real-eyes that this place in which you dwell is all just fake reality? The search for truth is a noble venture. But what happens when that search becomes so obsessive that we no longer find truth but instead… create it?
Many wise traditions believe that we do indeed create our reality. What we see of people taking extreme views in whatever direction shows us how true that is, at least on the individual level.
When we look in a mirror we see a reflection of ourselves. But how much more powerful than this is the reflection we see in the eyes of another? What we see in another is but a reflection of the self. Hence. Do not judge lest you be judged by what measure you meet.
Outside of pure conjecture that Epstein is the virus and Barr is the cure, this doesn’t hold true. And this is where we always fall off the cliff with our analogies.
Epstein and Barr were the two scientist who discovered this human borne virus so naturally it was named after them.
don't believe for a second that anyone in government is going to get to the bottom of anything. Not going to happen.
You people parrot Q that there are no coincidences....what pray tell do you say about the coincidence that Barr's father knew Epstein and being placed in position as AG months before Epstein was arrested - likely about the time they made the decision to arrest Epstein, raid and confiscate all evidence and kill him?
Q had you all looking toward the IG reports, FISA DECLAS and BOOM drops as distraction while IMO the real setup was occurring to eliminate the Epstein threat to the cabal.
Correct, if Trump and the military were united, people would absolutely be in GITMO, publicly executed with no need for secrecy. All of the things we are hoping for would have been completed by now. He would have had absolute power especially in the context of upholding the Constitution. Could Q be the quantum computer developed by google? We would indeed be surprised who was talking to us!
was not debunked. of course those who have an interest to remove the link would put out whatever info necessary to debunk it.
But let's say the disinfo debunk was correct - is it still not lottery or worse odds that Barr's father worked in the same school and left only months before? What are the odds? You know you q folks like to say what are the odds re: Q drops but fail to apply them to anything that may create any questions.....
Retiring date was in a news article. His hiring date was known. It was debunked.
I said the odds are good they knew each superficially anyway as everyone in that echelon knows one another at least as acquaintances. What does that prove? Someone that knew someone superficially a long time ago has a son that becomes AG and investigates someone that was once hired at a school he once worked at? What is your point, that Barr wants to get Epstein off because of the above? If so, it's a pretty weak connection and just because his dad may have once hired the guy before his predilection is known means that Barr doesn't want justice for a perverted sicko pedo? I question everything all the time, including Q, but just because their is a connection does not mean they align with motives.
Some of us truly care about our fellow citizens, absolutely. We will take criticism and anything else to try and help people. What happens if nothing happens? Do many of you loose hope and off yourselves? I’m sure that this has already happened to a few. Q while interesting, is only someone/something using the work of bakers to make predictions. I’ve seen some delusional reaches when people are trying to prove the Q, really delusional.
We need to get out of the distraction, if Q is real no worries right? One can go about his life totally confident that justice will be dealt out. Right? Because its going to happen; they have everything on everyone so there can be no escape for the evildoers. You and I have no control over what will or will not happen in all of this, none. Live life to the fullest with the time you have left, be a good friend to others. Spread kindness and joy wherever you go, leave no pain in your wake, be the example. In this we will change others. What is done is done, its how we influence our immediate circumstances that will actually bring change.
20160594? ago
I watched through Sopranos for the 100th time not long ago. Janice's condition of Epstein-Barr made my ears perk up and mindfucked me lol.
20158435? ago
Nope. Wrong. Somebody definitely posted lies on Wiki leaks. Epstein Barr . Keep searching.
20157516? ago
Nice find. That's on the level of numerology and astrology.
20156991? ago
I see what you did there.
20156523? ago
Ever notice the names are dirty jokes?
Gislane=jizz lane. Stuff like that.
AG Barr is silver bar. Elemental chart. Strange shit.
20157148? ago
Mayor Buttplug....
20156278? ago
Probably going to make a seperate post about this later.
Alice in Wonderland Disorder is detected by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and causes hallucinations, disproportionate sizing, and in severe cases memory loss or the memory of false events (think MK Ultra). I need to do some more research but I'm thinking Epstein and Barr are related to scientists that worked on behalf of the CIA and their work in understanding the virus lead to it being named after them, and secretly laid the foundation for the mechanism MK Ultra uses.
20156090? ago
Or a coincidence with all death camps in WW2 placed exactly in a shape of pentagram
20159258? ago
Not death camps tho
20157157? ago
I'm not reading all that shit. show me a picture.
20161057? ago
Literally a picture in that post you lazy fuck. The DS loves lazy bastards like yourself. Looking to be told how it is and not willing to find out yourself.
20155983? ago
Clorine Dioxide probably cures that too.
20155972? ago
If Barr was involved in whatever happened, I hope it was known as "Project Mono" or something.
20155923? ago
funny that
20155803? ago
Epstein-Barr is a strain of herpes
20160595? ago
Trump gave the world herpes.
Let that sink in.
20155420? ago
amazing musk and maxwell. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
20155401? ago
A simple Wiki Edit explains this. Anyone can do it.
20155884? ago
How easy is it to edit a .gov address?
20157096? ago
Gov site doesn't mention Alice....
20155272? ago
It gets even weirder...
From the wikipedia article "The virus is also associated with the childhood disorders of** "Alice in Wonderland syndrome..."**
Wtf did someone edit the wiki just to fuck with people?
20156578? ago
Simulation theory seems more and more likely all the time.
20159252? ago
It's just Satan fucking with us. Don't worry too much but enjoy it all
20158222? ago
Law of One!
20160571? ago
David Wilcock?
20156194? ago
Alice in wonderland syndrome connected to migraines and probably more... it's like you could be looking at a table and part of the table (in peripheral) will disappear, when you move your hands or arms what you see your hands doing is lagging behind or ahead of where you intend.
I thought the name was a bit of a joke, but when it happens it's very distressing.
20158277? ago
Simulation lag
20163394? ago
In a weird way, yes, but not everything.
The other effect is that an area of vision is similar to how if you look at the sun for a time that portion of your vision will have the negative color for a few minutes, except it grows to take up a portion of your vision, except for the things that is focused on.
I hate people who say they are triggered, but even thinking about it trying to describe from my perspective is triggering to where I'm having to do my checks to ensure that its a false alarm.
20155500? ago
Ha! I didn't see that. Post up the link. That's hilarious!
20155260? ago
Are you so naive that you do not real-eyes that this place in which you dwell is all just fake reality? The search for truth is a noble venture. But what happens when that search becomes so obsessive that we no longer find truth but instead… create it?
20155460? ago
Many wise traditions believe that we do indeed create our reality. What we see of people taking extreme views in whatever direction shows us how true that is, at least on the individual level.
20155315? ago
We see you Joe Biden!
20155470? ago
When we look in a mirror we see a reflection of ourselves. But how much more powerful than this is the reflection we see in the eyes of another? What we see in another is but a reflection of the self. Hence. Do not judge lest you be judged by what measure you meet.
20155259? ago
Outside of pure conjecture that Epstein is the virus and Barr is the cure, this doesn’t hold true. And this is where we always fall off the cliff with our analogies.
Epstein and Barr were the two scientist who discovered this human borne virus so naturally it was named after them.
Yvonne Barr did not discover a cure.
20155554? ago
The Matrix is all around you, They Live is a documentary
20156540? ago
Put on my glasses!
20155486? ago
Yes, you are LITERALLY correct. That's why this is an analogy, a metaphor. By nature, they aren't exact.
20155033? ago
That IS weird.
20154981? ago
don't believe for a second that anyone in government is going to get to the bottom of anything. Not going to happen.
You people parrot Q that there are no coincidences....what pray tell do you say about the coincidence that Barr's father knew Epstein and being placed in position as AG months before Epstein was arrested - likely about the time they made the decision to arrest Epstein, raid and confiscate all evidence and kill him?
Q had you all looking toward the IG reports, FISA DECLAS and BOOM drops as distraction while IMO the real setup was occurring to eliminate the Epstein threat to the cabal.
20155263? ago
Correct, if Trump and the military were united, people would absolutely be in GITMO, publicly executed with no need for secrecy. All of the things we are hoping for would have been completed by now. He would have had absolute power especially in the context of upholding the Constitution. Could Q be the quantum computer developed by google? We would indeed be surprised who was talking to us!
20155170? ago
Whaaaaat??? Are you telling me the FBI WON'T get to the bottom of this and provide us with the transparency we need???
20155133? ago
Very sure that was debunked. Barr's father had moved on months before Epstein was hired at that school.
20155307? ago
was not debunked. of course those who have an interest to remove the link would put out whatever info necessary to debunk it.
But let's say the disinfo debunk was correct - is it still not lottery or worse odds that Barr's father worked in the same school and left only months before? What are the odds? You know you q folks like to say what are the odds re: Q drops but fail to apply them to anything that may create any questions.....
20155543? ago
Retiring date was in a news article. His hiring date was known. It was debunked.
I said the odds are good they knew each superficially anyway as everyone in that echelon knows one another at least as acquaintances. What does that prove? Someone that knew someone superficially a long time ago has a son that becomes AG and investigates someone that was once hired at a school he once worked at? What is your point, that Barr wants to get Epstein off because of the above? If so, it's a pretty weak connection and just because his dad may have once hired the guy before his predilection is known means that Barr doesn't want justice for a perverted sicko pedo? I question everything all the time, including Q, but just because their is a connection does not mean they align with motives.
20155073? ago
the pedovores that Epstein could prove on the other hand would sear the public globally.
-can you be more specific, what peodvores, please provide sauce
20154963? ago
Funny indeed.
20155063? ago
Simply leave the board. What are you doing here?
20156508? ago
Why are you butthurt about the comment "Funny indeed"?
20155438? ago
Some of us truly care about our fellow citizens, absolutely. We will take criticism and anything else to try and help people. What happens if nothing happens? Do many of you loose hope and off yourselves? I’m sure that this has already happened to a few. Q while interesting, is only someone/something using the work of bakers to make predictions. I’ve seen some delusional reaches when people are trying to prove the Q, really delusional.
We need to get out of the distraction, if Q is real no worries right? One can go about his life totally confident that justice will be dealt out. Right? Because its going to happen; they have everything on everyone so there can be no escape for the evildoers. You and I have no control over what will or will not happen in all of this, none. Live life to the fullest with the time you have left, be a good friend to others. Spread kindness and joy wherever you go, leave no pain in your wake, be the example. In this we will change others. What is done is done, its how we influence our immediate circumstances that will actually bring change.