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20127375? ago

I recommend you walk away from all of Q's endless list of unfulfilled promises and make sure you are ready for civil war... because if Q if bullshit then civil war is inevitable.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

20127500? ago

I don't think Q is BS, but I agree with you on one thing. If these evil criminals aren't taken down real soon, there sure as hell will be a civil war!

20127716? ago

Such an American civil war would almost certainly mean the end of western civilization because the Jews will take advantage of the chaos and send "humanitarian forces" to sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure while our (((Federal Reserve))) bankrupts us.

The loss of life would be catastrophic.

But, by that time, we'll have nothing to lose anyway.

EVERY patriot DESPERATELY needs to arm themselves NOW and do at least some rudimentary prepping, while they still have the chance.

20129459? ago

It is exactly what soros wants for us. to fight each other.

20127941? ago

The loss of life would be catastrophic.

That's the point! Get rid of the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Globalists, Jews, Niggers, Spics, and Sand niggers.