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20065929? ago

You guys are missing the point...Last Tue he/she was told to get Q-anon stories ready...foreshadowing this past weekend events. He/She brings up Jim Watkins before hes news. Either that person is a Lucky LARP or they are the real thing...its like a Q proof but Deepstate side.

20066748? ago

I am thinking the FBI memo was the reason for them getting the heads up.

Assuming that memo was used to inject NSA evidence into a trial, it makes sense that they would want reporters ready to get information out there quickly.

20066888? ago

Why is everyone so excited about the NSA that has all our comms injecting evidence into trials that three DS will hold for Q followers ?

Maybe I like the NSA more than the CIA but with leftists everywhere, why would I be happy about my phone calls and shitposts being in a kangaroo court for DS lawyers to hmmm and haw about?

20067096? ago

And then there's this shit:

She says 7 of her great grandparents were killed at Auschwitz. Shit you not.

20071741? ago

If upvoat you but she had this thread shut down. Weer fooked!

20076574? ago

How did he get doxxed when he was anon?

20076674? ago

The IDIOT DETECTED!!! link from below.

Upper left corner of pic.

20076738? ago

Doxxes himself while "detecting idiots" lol

20076751? ago

Lol, it doesn't take much skill to be a propagandist these days, the scripts are usually pre-written for them.