20013372? ago

At the end of his "manifesto," if real, the shooter said NOT to blame President Trump. He said he had these views before the election.

But at the last press conference, while most were measured, waiting for investigation, not naming subject nor validating manifesto, one woman couldn't wait to describe the manifesto as "hate-filled.divisive, intolerant...." - all the grossly overbroad, double-standard-applied, highly politicized, now "racist" catchphrases - designed to smear President Trump, his supporters, and, more recently, Q and Qanon supporters too.

You gotta give them A for effort.

I trust the American people will see through the charade and I pray my trust is not misplaced!

20012466? ago

David Hogg and his friends did it again?

20012197? ago

What's with the shooter wearing hearing protection? This stinks to high hell.

20014971? ago

Any good shooter wears eyes and ears.

20012189? ago

This one. China.

20012167? ago

smells fishy, anyone in Texas would ask the question why would you drive from Allen to El Paso? Although it is Beto's back yard and is the closest major Texas city to New Mexico - who has a ranch in New Mexico? How many Wal-Marts between Allen and El Paso.tons so its not scoping out just a WalMart.. Why not Laredo, McAllen or Brownsville if it was an immigration thing? Who mentioned they would be in El Paso this weekend... Texas is battlegorund for 2020 and USA. I can see several DS objectives in an FF like this.

20011978? ago

hasnt BETA o'dork been bragging about how safe el paso is?

20011266? ago

This is ridiculous Q wasn't kidding about this being a theater but fucking damn, every news station, the local government broadcasting this shit. It's like there reading something that they rehearsed..... Fucking C_A and the DS FBI with this FF.... They were on top of everything... These people are fucking sick!

20012103? ago

It’s called media fakery. Look it up, head over to Fakeologist.com to learn more.

20011135? ago

I'm seeing the local news it's all coming in through like clock work.

20011031? ago

Surprised they didn't put him in a Trump 2020 or Q t-shirt. I'm sure that's coming... "he was a Trump supporter." Evil scum, all of them!

20010743? ago

They will try to pass the guy off as a Qanon Trump supporter. Be ready to dig to find out and show that he is not.

20010725? ago

"Confirmed" photo of shooter as he entered Walmart (side shot + straight on).


20010718? ago

Can anyone else get on 8ch right now? Was trying to post link to the manifesto...

20010654? ago

Will they blame this one on Q?

20010146? ago

Quick, give all your guns to the government to stop this madness.

20010132? ago

its kinda rare for shooters to be taken alive? y or n ?? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20010110? ago

Why is he wearing ear defenders??

20012135? ago

Because staged hoaxes must comply with health and safety regulations. Actors union and all that.

20014829? ago


20009816? ago

This does not smell right....how is this reported in Google 10 hrs ago?


20009585? ago

So Q pretty much stated this was coming on 7/31. If that 'reporter' is still lurking, here's your proof.

20010194? ago

Uh...The FBI is most likely responsible for this shooting, whether real or hoax.

20009534? ago

21 year old patrick crusius / is this an antifa set up to blame conservatives?

20009532? ago

What the fuck are we waiting for Q?

This shit is getting old.

20009424? ago

His manifesto uses the word "comrade" common language of ANTIFA. Trying to play a Rightwinger?

20009395? ago

Wonder what it's gonna be like here in the US after all this chaos and nonsense is over with.

20009298? ago

ANTIFA? can't put the link... dailycaller.com/2019/07/30/report-andy-ngo-antifa-siege-el-paso-texas-resistance/

20009075? ago

Listened to some cunt that was a "witness" state she could tell it wasn't a hand gun because it was louder than a hand gun - what the fuck? AND, she said she could tell it was an AR or AK. The narrative is laughable at this point.

20008977? ago

Mk Ultra handlers are working overtime hours lately..................... CIA ..... Cancer in America

20008907? ago

i read that they confirmed the shooter was a male. They left race out so my guess is he isn't white...

20008845? ago


20009240? ago


20009393? ago

Trying to find it..

20008822? ago

Felina wasn't worth it.

20008794? ago

Near Rosa's Cantina?

20008708? ago

Nearest Masonic lodge?

20010717? ago

This! First question I ask.

20008668? ago

Notice the doctor on the phone and the black girl with glasses both made sure to emphasize rifles, semi/automatic rifles/AR-15, etc.. plants? The girl thought it was fireworks at first but then she said she knew it wasn't a hand gun because it sounded like an AR.

20009636? ago

Yep I heard that and my dad who doesn’t follow Q nor think false flags exist was like “bull shit like she knows what an AR sounds like, handguns make loud noises too”

20009121? ago

Ha, I just now posted the same comment. Sorry I didn't see yours first. It was cringe worthy - the forced narrative. Makes me want to puke!

20008603? ago

The news got the cam footage very quickly....mathematically impossible

20008806? ago


20008564? ago

Beto O'Rourke's birthplace and current residence.

20011565? ago

Robert O'Rourke. I call him Bob. He hates that.

20008996? ago

Ya mean Beta O'Dourke

20008537? ago

Chans have already id'd the shooter, and his manifesto is there as well. Police scanner verifies they did id this POS.

20008795? ago


20010296? ago

Reportedly the shooter in El Paso:





The photo of the man on the floor in pool of blood is apparently a victim, per poster's comments. She said his family shared the video of deceased person. Different shirt too from the one at the door with the gun.

20008933? ago

https://8ch.net/pol/res/13561409.html photo and manifesto are in the top third of the thread.

20024572? ago

Yes to the second link.

A big fat NO to the first one. Stop mourning fake dead people. These are all staged.

20009231? ago

Interesting "How to spot FF meme":

Gilroy has all of them -

- it got immediate national attention last week, and coverage went on 24/7 on FOX and CNN (both cable) long after the shooter was reported dead

- cause of death = self-inflicted / gun in mouth (per today's report) as opposed to initial law enforcement take down report. (Though law enforcement still to be commended IMHO. He took own life because they were on him immediately. He was loaded for bear and could have killed many more.)

- 2 children and 1 adult killed ("6 yr old boy killed" made headlines everywhere and people who didn't know him choked up on live TV). Truly, it was sad - his hopeful, smiling, not-a-care-in-the-world expression one day and gone the next.)

- one of the podium updaters said they'd done a mass casualty, active shooter drill just recently (and identified a second incident in a nearby town). I looked up the nearby town and it was a recent shooting involving a couple of people in a wealthy suburb.

- media reports to this day reference "white supremist" literature found at his house but don't simultaneously report that he criticized influx of "metizos" AND "white tw*ts" in same social media post as where he recommended reading that literature.

20012121? ago

Elements of a good story, for that’s all these shootings are.

Nobody dies, nobody gets hurt.

As long as people believe it’s real that’s all that matters. The fake news media ensures most people do.

20021646? ago

Some people do die in some of them. DS doesn't care. Whatever gets their objecitve moved forward.

20023932? ago

Do you have any evidence for this, though?

By ‘evidence’ I don’t mean the stories in the news.

20024469? ago

No first hand knowledge, no.

Do you - of 100% staged - including all purported victims, all ER doctors & staff, all 1st responders, etc.?

20024533? ago

No, I have never spoken to someone involved in the hoax who admits it. I probably never will.

Is that necessary to know these things are staged, though? If you see the same patterns at each event, patterns that only indicate staging a hoax, why would you continue to allow for the possibility that “this time it’s a real shooting”?

If hard evidence of a shooting appears I will be the first to admit I was wrong. Evidence like seeing someone shot on video, then the aftermath, then their recovery over weeks, months, years — but that doesn’t happen. Instead there’s always a key piece missing, for which we must fill in the blanks using our imagination.

And that is the whole point. Your own imagination is the most effective tool they have, because you end up doing their work for them and convincing yourself.

20024751? ago

I don't disagree. Not one appears to be what it is meant to come across as. Many, many inconsistencies and inexplicable outright fraudulent presentations. Great work by many people reveals con after con.

Just believe some real people may also be sacrificed in the pursuit of their hoaxes. To add some element of "credibility."

But no first hand proof. But wouldn't someone from one of the hospitals come forward and say, "Ah, no. No real injuries. Just fake"?

20025074? ago

I’ve wondered this myself, but who would check a patient is legit? It’s not like one staffer sees a patient from admission through to surgery. There are handovers galore, plenty of opportunities to spirit a crisis actor away from prying eyes.

Hospital staff probably don’t have the time nor inclination to doubt things either. They would, for the most part, “go with the flow” per any other emergency scenario.

Those who know would be in upper management, and under strict NDAs.

20025127? ago

Don't know.

Just know all is not as it seems.

20008514? ago

Hundred bucks says that this person will be tied to Q anon somehow.

20009005? ago

Easy Money

20008498? ago

News report from The Caller story on July 30th that antifa was going to El Paso to do something about "Border Resistance".


Time to designate them as a terror organization and prosecute them all.

20008956? ago

This is their website - www.borderresistance.com

This is a quote off the front page

What to bring: IT IS HOT. Very hot. Like you might need to get cool to even start thinking again hot. Bring anything that helps you stay cool in this kind of heat. >

Reminds me of Q#3570

[C] before [D].

[C]oats before [D]eclas.

The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

You have more than you know.


20008497? ago

More reasons to carry a gun.

20008448? ago

And they'll keep happening until these freaking people are held accountable, rounded up and hauled off to whatever prison or gallows they're destined for.

This is the one thing that really bothers me... with QAnon, and with the Antifa thing. This is the one part of "The Plan" that I'm not willing to "trust" anymore, no matter how many times people say it.

While Q team is super careful about crossing t's and dotting i's "so folks don't get upset", people are being physically attacked, shot and killed.

And what's worse, Q seems to know when something is going to happen. They've called out missile alerts ahead of time. They called out the NYC subway dude with the pipe bomb ("Direct Blunt Time", "Fireworks", etc). Clearly, they've got the ability to know when something is going to go down. Yet they continue to allow to happen, because they're super duper concerned about making sure "they do everything to the letter". At this point, fuck the letter, fuck "optics". Round these bastards up and shut them away. Enough pussy-footing around.

People acting all coy, "Ask the Q! Ask the Q! Tee-hee!!". "Antifa's TOTALLY been infiltrated by the good guys and are TOTALLY going down! But let's discuss whether or not they're really a terrorist organization instead of fucking doing something about it.. meanwhile they're out attacking and pummeling people who have "the wrong opinions".

I too want to see this done right, but it seems like every time things are "right there", shit comes up and drags it out even longer. How long ago now did Q say "we were at the precipice"? Months at this point?

I still disagree, but I can understand why Anons are starting to lose faith and question the legitimacy of this movement. The bad guys keep getting away with BS, while innocent people continue to get hurt.

At this point, as far as I'm concerned, the blood of every person who is injured or killed is directly on Q's hands.

Enough is enough.

20008906? ago

Excellent. Clearly you understand The Plan perfectly. I think you should take over from Trump. Please start first thing tomorrow.

20008443? ago

I saw this and thought about a post I read today where an anon was predicting a ff in Texas related to Q.

I can't remember which subverse it was in but could have been here or GA.

20008400? ago

No this is a FF and a distraction. They're closing crossings at the border, school facilities and buildings that are far away from the mall. Something is going down.

20008362? ago

Lots of lefty anti-gun commenters on the KTSM twitter feed. A couple suspects apparenly in custody. KTSD does not have anything of substance to report. It's been several hours.

A few anti-gun types did wonder where the sticker sportin, skull sportin, camo wearin types were that are all about guns. No citizens there to draw down on perps? Sad, really sad...

20008256? ago

steers queers & faggots now. texas turned blue

20008179? ago

FBI can fuck off with the false flags.


20010626? ago

I am upset that innocent people died today and if this is an actual false flag, then it makes me sad that this is taking so long and they still have the power of the media.

20012316? ago

Absolutely depressing the extent the Sick Bastards are willing to go. Puert Rico and the Governor JOKING about leaving the corpses to the crows. These motherfuckers have ZERO VALUE for life. All to push an agenda. I am saddened at the loss of life, but we have to hold the line. It may sound heartless, but we MUST NOT GIVE THIS SHIT ATTENTION. EVERYONE IS POSTING THIS EVERYWHERE. EXACTLY WHAT THE DEEP STATE WANTS. UNSEAL EPSTEIN, DECLASS, THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

20012057? ago

Not to worry.

Nobody ever dies or gets hurt at these hoaxes. They are all 100% staged in full cooperation with the media, no exceptions.

Every similar event you’ve ever read about in the National or international media was fake. It’s just a story to rile you up.

20009786? ago

Look at that sickly MK Ultrad poor bastard. As if this kid wasn't fucked up in advance by his rapist.. THE-RAPIST/THERAPIST.

Good job FBI. C+.

20008902? ago

^^^^^ shit only strengthens my resolve

20008135? ago

Something is going on.

20008123? ago

Hey there closing off the bridges from crossing right. There also evacuations on the west side of el paso! I'm here right now.

20008111? ago

The kikes are shooting people again.

20008066? ago

Didn't antifa threaten to start a war there?

20008145? ago

Yep. A 10 day siege of El Paso was threatened. Dan Patrick is on Fox warning them now not to even think about coming to El Paso. If this guy is found to have Antifa roots or sympathies, it’s open season on those fuckers.

20008579? ago

I'm so sick of this shit. Stupid chaos all the time. Makes me tired.

20012306? ago

yes, you are not alone, the chaos has exhausted me too

20008570? ago

Someone posted his alleged manifesto to 8chan. Looks to be a Tarrant copycat targeting spics.

20009596? ago

It was posted on half Chan

20011213? ago

The shooter himself uploaded it to 8chan. Then others shared it on 4chan.

20008038? ago

That fucking picture I saw can't be serious

20007933? ago

Vista Mall isnt walmart,nor are the close to each other

20007875? ago

Shit happens. Just another day in the United States of Rome/Babylon.

20007861? ago

All the news articles I have seen about this have been gun grabbing propaganda

20007753? ago

Walmart? Thought it was a mall.

Aren't malls gun-free zones?

Why would anyone in their right mind go to a mall?

20008918? ago

Shopping, usually.

20008946? ago

Don't quit your day job.

20007713? ago

Here we go again.

20007564? ago

Having been there, and hearing a war zone in Juarez across a creek from El Paso, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole city was at war. Most greasers cross everyday to work, go to school and shop. Then return to shitholio

20008999? ago

Accurate. El Paso fucking sucks as a place to be or visit I’ve never enjoyed the limbo feeling there.

It’s tense

20008567? ago

Why are you so full of hate? We can say we dont want people coming into our country illegally while acknowledging theyre fucking human beings and most are just trying to find a better life, same as you if you were born in a less wealthy country.

20008928? ago

Because they are coming here with no skills or education, they contribute nothing but expanding the welfare roles. I don't like them because they are coming here to steal from me...period.

20008740? ago

They can apply for immigration just like human beings. Instead they walk in and make YOU pay for the gibs faggot. I have no problem with legal immigration, but I am done with rapists and murderers, not to mention these cunts taking benefits they didn't work for. Drugs, child trafficking, and street shitters is not how this country was created. I don't hate the ones looking for a better life, I hate you for voting to let them in.

20009703? ago

I never voted to let them in dumbass. Chill with your shrill womanly outrage.

You can disagree with letting people in while still acknowlwdging theyre just people looking for a better life the same way many of our ancestors did. Only the mentally weak need to demonize their opponents so much because they cant handle a subtle and broad array of opinions...

20010676? ago

The last thing I want is discussion with a faggot. Talk to the homeless for fun

20008707? ago

If you can't follow the rules you die

20008418? ago

I also have been there at the border. Juarez is like a fireworks area at night - flashes of gun fire throughout the city at night. Sounds of gun fire during the day. Did some work at the El Paso newspaper which was butted right at the border fence.

20008776? ago

McAllen, Laredo, Del Rio, Rio Grande City.........all the same. It's drugs, child trafficking and living off the USA schools plus jobs. Having crossed many times and spent my money for 40 years, I don't now

20007542? ago

Probably a Qtard. Thanks for making our streets dangerous, Q!

20007824? ago

And for good measure, your aunt/Mother is a whore.

20007811? ago

If by Qtard you really mean a deep state swamp creature, then yes, you are correct. Otherwise, you're very welcome to go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, since you're scared to come out too long for fear of being caught and sent to GITMO with the rest of the traitors. Tootles faggot.

20007828? ago

The deep state doesn't exist. Quit believing in far right conspiracies.

20007914? ago

"These are not the droids you're looking for" lol!

20007747? ago

Anybody else feeling a little gypped that we don't attract a higher level of trolls? This is entry level, low IQ stuff.

20007643? ago

Why are you even here? Take your “tard” happy ass to your liberal shitholes and mind your business.

20007538? ago

Makes me wonder after all the set up of making Q people look bad the last couple days. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to connect the shooter to us.

20007851? ago

Came here to say this, too. I expect lots of false flags & all blamed on us.

20007663? ago

The garlic festival shooting had almost no legs. We knew/know there is more to come. Quite frankly I'm surprised they haven't set up a really significant FF to blame a supposed Q researcher. Surely one of their wind-up toys has a background that isn't instantly suspicious. The Comet Ping Pong and Hover Dam goofs were laughable FFs.

20008587? ago

There have been several already. The hoover dam guy, the bomber, that kid who shot the mafioso

Theyve all been linked to Q in the msm

20013797? ago

And on Twitter yesterday, after the MSM misleading reporting that QAnon may be an extremist group, multiple calls to shut down President Trump's ralies.

20010698? ago

Yes, the Pizzagate farce wasn't a Q related thing because there was no Q yet but it was an obvious, ridiculous FF. The bomber guy and certainly the dude who claims following Q made him murder a mafia don for Trump were/are stupid. Can't they get a wind-up toy who has a posting history that at least looks somewhat legit or can't they come up with a story that doesn't take suspension of disbelief to swallow (eg. Mafia guy)?

20007843? ago

So much light pouring in for them to get 'er done anymore.

Soon EVIL will be removed from this planet forever.

New Heavens, NEW EARTH. Enjoy living a miracle brothers & sisters of Christ

Give thanks, be kind to one another. Even those that you do not 'like'

20011330? ago

With the date fagging Jimmy

20007946? ago

Please stop datefagging the return of Christ. NO man knows the day or hour...

20008214? ago

Consider stopping chanting like a fag. Consider ending your lying ways

20007534? ago

Nobody shooting back? In Texas, nobody shooting back?

20012078? ago

Staged event, 100% controlled conditions (including health and safety eat defenders)

Nobody died, nobody got hurt. As usual.

20009795? ago

Been in Texas my whole life and about 75% of the Texans I know carry everywhere (licensed).

20009016? ago

El Paso is a liberal shithole. Nothing but spics. Can't believe they found a white guy to shoot up the place.

El Paso used to be 70% white, but then something happened and now it's like 90% Mexican. The only white or black people there are in the military or related to someone who is.

20009352? ago

Exactly. El Paso is way more like New Mexico or California than Texas. It’s a Mexican infested shit hole and I am sure this was a FF set up by the FBI in conjunction with the cartels and local gubment.

20009210? ago

You can Beto O'Rourke had something to do with this.

20009110? ago

contribution most welcome and lends itself to a conspiracy scenario wherein DS / NWO assholes putting kaibosh on Republs and taking 2A rights from Americans.

20008759? ago

Yea... also correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Walmart have a gun counter?

20008243? ago

Apparently Texas is homosexual these days I hear. Didn't antifa said they where going to cause trouble in El Paso recently? It could be them but I kind of doubt it because they all seem like pussies to me.

20008578? ago

Yea, they gotta set up a shooting so that they can release some “sweeping” gun control legislation just in time for those cunts to come rolling in and harass real Americans.

20007816? ago

Look where it's at, its not the heartland of Texas its at its border with new Mexico and Mexico not really that surprising I said the same thing at first

20007495? ago

Am nearby, just got the phone warning. Waiting to see how it develops

20008137? ago

Go shoot the fucker. Save the innocent.

20007559? ago

Keep us posted, I know people there.

20007453? ago

Unavailable for european anons

20007827? ago

Vpn buddy

20007961? ago

Vpn regardless of country