uhm... why does this company own dyncorp and the childs toy comp "Little Tykes"? Occult Feinberg? Franklin Coverup, caught trafficking kids multiple countries like Colombia, children in Bosnia. (boards.4chan.org)
submitted 5.6 years ago by 3358418?
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19943645? 5.6 years ago
The same Columbia where Epstein’s fraudulent plane/ tail # was spotted?
19943680? 5.6 years ago
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357401 So Epstein a foreign agent (Mossad/Rome/Crown?) & criminal clown intelligence source require protecting or b) Other criminal clowns indicted over this or c) entire system corrupt rotten to core!?
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19943645? ago
The same Columbia where Epstein’s fraudulent plane/ tail # was spotted?
19943680? ago
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357401 So Epstein a foreign agent (Mossad/Rome/Crown?) & criminal clown intelligence source require protecting or b) Other criminal clowns indicted over this or c) entire system corrupt rotten to core!?