He served in the navy. He's instilled conservative values in me. He's instilled an interest in politics and economics in me. He has preached healthiness and has always been the most fit guy I know at his age. He's respected by his peers and mentees and has always shown me unwavering patience. He's competed in athletic events at the national level in his 40s, 50s. I'm devastated to see his life torn away from him when I know there's truth/cures out there.
I'm getting married in 2 years and I want him to be there. What can I do, what can I suggest? Exercises, vitamins, herbs, sodium hypochlorite, iodine. Anything?
Please and thank you
Edit: Thank you all SO MUCH for your contributions and advice. There is amazing information in this thread and I will be researching all of it.
My dad is considering letting the cancer progress. Chemo and radiation was awful on him last time. The information here has given me hope and I pray it will give him hope as well. God bless all of you
Edit2: For those late to the party: He had prostate cancer last time. He got his prostate removed. He couldn't finish the radiation/chemo treatment. Doctor said his cancer is back, will get more information next appt soon
20012570? ago
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but look into sweet apricot seeds. You can order them online, just make sure they state that they are sweet apricot seeds/kernels. Here's one place that you can order them... https://nuts.com/driedfruit/apricots/kernels.html
Here's the link to some information on the research... https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/apricot-kernels-for-cancer/
And, for good measure, a video that was reposted regarding the above informatoin... https://youtu.be/O2Rr4ikHymo
I hope this helps.
19887378? ago
Cut out all forms of sugar completely. Drink nothing but alkaline water. go to naturalnews,com and search articles related. Good luck to your dad.
19885349? ago
Cut all sugar , it feeds cancer cells
19881509? ago
Gerson Therapy
19881104? ago
Diatomaceous Earth.
19879583? ago
Depends on what type of cancer. Research turkey tail mushroom and take him to a chinese medicine doctor.
19879445? ago
I just have to say this is amazing seeing this many people instantly trying to help.
19878990? ago
Cancer was cured over 5,000 years ago in India. Sodium Bicarbonate creates an environment cancer can no longer thrive in. There are 7 high pH foods, find them buy them and eat them, immediately stop drinking city water and at every chance get 7 or 8 pH drinking water like FIGI. Cancer feeds on sugar, cut it out, stop all sugar consumption. Sugar free products does not always mean sweet free, stop eating processed and prepared food, no fast food, no boxed food, no plastic containers, no microwaved products. Distilled water can cleanse the body of inorganic materials if its a soft metal building up (which is the weapon of choice by the elite) Distilled water is great for getting rid of inorganic minerals, buy your own distiller if possible and TDS meter and distill spring water for 0 PPM.
19878818? ago
Ketogenic Diet starves metastasis.
Depends on the type of cancer but explore this
19878779? ago
RSO (Rick Simpson oil)
19878712? ago
Take a shit load of curcumin.
19878694? ago
Cancer cells runs primarily on glucose and secondarily on glutamine (amino acid). Their mitochondria are dysfunctional proven by Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg back in the 30s. This means cancer cells cannot burn fat via oxidative phosphorylation and has upregulated glucose intake to compensate via a not vey efficient energi creating process called glycolysis (which happens outside the mitochondria). Thats why PET scans are used to identify cancer - they take in the radioactive suger which then will show in the scans. Which suggests that a low carb / high fat diet is obviously the way to go.
I would advice the ketogenic diet (10-20 net carbs, moderate to low protein, and lots of healthy fats - and greens ofc) and intermittent fasting to starve cancer cells which have high metabolic activity. Also you will activate autophagy (activation of lysosomes - cellular recycling) in this way - the benefits are amazing, google it. Intermittent fasting = don't eat between meals, eat maybe 2-3 times a day. If I had cancer I would eat 1-2 times a day and do maybe monthly fasting 2-3 days.
I agree with Thomas Seyfried, a biology professor, who have build on the works of Warburg. He states that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease, not a genetic disease as mainstream dogma suggests.
I would strongly advise to look into his work (e.g. youtube presentations). He will also tell you why therapeutic ketosis is important. Ketosis = your cells burns fats for fuel, your cancer cells don't like that. He talks about a glutamine enzyme blocker in some of his videoes. That would be really great to add!
Do excercise - it will burn your glucose reserves and put you into ketosis faster.
These measures are all critical to cancer cells and at the same time healthy for your normal cells.
Then I would look into Vitamin C in therapeutic doses. That means intravenous Vitamin C infusions and/or liposmal Vitamin C. These two are the only way to get Vitamin C in serum/cells to therapeutic levels. You need serum levels of C in the millimolar range, normally is in the micromolar range. So that takes a lot of Vitamin C, which cannot be reached by normal oral intakes of Vitamin C. I would keep serum up for extended period with ascorbic acid powder when doing high doses IVC and/or liposomes.
Liposomal C can be bought at e.g. amazon or iherb, I will not recommend brandnames here, in case anybody should think I was affiliated with these companies. But its important to get high quality liposomes. Google Thomas Levy he has a ton of information in Vitamin C and liposomes.
Do an internet search for the Riordan Clinic in US they use IVC for cancer and have good articles and videos on their website.
So why does vitamin C kill cancer cells? Cancer cells are high in iron, low in antioxidants, like the catalase enzyme (about 10% I think). Mixing ascorbic acid (vit c) with iron and hydrogen peroxide will through a process called the Fenton reaction produce free radicals that will destroy the cells from the inside. Healthy cells will not be harmed. Vitamin C also strengthens healthy cells, the immune system, collagen production and L-Carnitine synthesis - which by the way is important for fat metabolism.
To enhance the Fenton reaction even further you may consider supplementing with alpha-lipoc acid (ALA), I believe they do that at the Riordan Clinic, but check it out. ALA recycles the vitamin c in the fenton reaction and make the Vitamin C doses more potent.
High dosing of Iodine (Iodoral) would be a good option as well, you can google David Brownstein on that one. I might write more about that later, its quite interesting what iodine can do, and almost everybody is deficient. But think about this, Japanese get about a 100x more iodine from their diet than western countries. They have some of the lowest cancer rates and some of the highest live expectancies. They basically live long healthy lives. If your dad has prostate or thyroid cancer I would definitely look into Iodine as well.
Good luck to your father, I wish him the best!
19881125? ago
This comment is unbelievable my friend, thank you so much for the information packed, concise science and names of researchers. Will 100% be looking into all of this
19878660? ago
Watch the ted med (or is it tedx?) talk with Paul Stamets and turkey tail mushrooms. They enhance the immune system. He did research using the mushrooms as adjunct therapy to chemo. Meaning they used traditional cancer treatment (chemo) which destroys the immune system, PLUS turkey tail mushrooms, which simultaneously built/maintained the immune system faster than it could be destroyed.
TLDR: turkey tail mushrooms boost immune system, making recovery from chemo quicker and more successful
19878458? ago
In the Lab, cancer cells are cultured in a sugar solution. Make sure his body isn't one.
19878428? ago
Vitiam B-17 YouTube "A world without cancer" lots of fresh organic veggies (juiced)
19878337? ago
Cannabis Kills Cancer , please research. I personally know of three people who were sent home to DIE and are now Cancer Free.!! Look into Rick Simpson's Oil or if you want I can give you the name and number of someone here in Canada who makes his own CBD Oils. Peace Y
19878190? ago
Apparently raw cows milk has loads of benefits
19878151? ago
Healthy Keto diet + extra vitamins like C & D.
19878124? ago
The mom of GT Kombucha's founder credited her recovery from breast cancer in part to drinking her son's home-brewed kombucha daily, so adding GT's Kombucha to his diet on a daily basis may help. GT's is the only brand I've seen that uses kiwi juice rather than cane sugar to feed the SCOBY, and it has very unique probiotic strains so as far as I've seen it's the best available. Kombucha has a zillion health benefits, too many to list here, but plenty of good sourced info available on it if you search Bing :)
Another supplemental step he could take is eating lots of 'living' foods: anything grown from the ground in healthy soil and picked as recently as possible (this will ensure high nutrient content, eliminating the need to juice a bunch of produce to get the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals); raw grass fed organic dairy products, esp if he can get a cow or goat & milk it himself (yes I've done this, very possible & safe if you do it right. Drinking raw milk is not at all dangerous if you buy from a farmer who knows what she's doing); fermented foods.
If he takes any vitamins his body will absorb them so much better if they are made from whole foods rather than synthetically produced. People will advise extremely high doses of vitamin c but interestingly, the more vitamin c your body takes in, the less it actually absorbs/uses. And synthetic vitamin c can really damage your organs in high sustained doses. So it's most beneficial to take whole food vitamin c to bowel tolerance daily. Virtually all fruits & vegetables contain vitamin c, so it's even better to find a local source of any kind of produce who uses sustainable soil practices like wood chip mulching and amending with compost.
I hope he beats it!
19878098? ago
Google "Chris beat Cancer" and buy a water distiller. avoid cat scans I cat scan = 700-900 xrays worth of radiation... a known carcinogen.
19878050? ago
Take him to Mayo clinic.
19877945? ago
Nobody (yet) has mentioned artemisinin. Might be worth researching. But, if death is finally inevitable (and painful) the nicest way to go is by breathing nitrogen. This has been well researched and you can even buy "suicide kits". But all you need is a bottle of nitrogen, a plastic tube and a plastic bag.
19877924? ago
Hello. You didn't say what cancer it was.
NONE of the pieces of advice here have been tested. Some of them may be harmless but others are downright dangerous. Please do not recommend them unless you have seen published evidence of a benefit.
It's also OK for someone to allow their cancer to progress. Don't force the issue. It's an area where people want full autonomy as their last act, don't take it away from them
19881222? ago
That was the first thing I said bc the ladies of my family chimed in with something about it being selfish. I argued that I get it. He can't do the same things he used to, and if he loses his dock control, aka ability to pee and have sex I can understand why that cripples any man.
Id posted in other comments just not in the main post. Was prostate cancer last time. He got his prostate removed and couldn't finish the radiation/chemo treatment. His cancer is back and doctors believe it to be more localized to that region but he will get more information soon
19892978? ago
Usually prostate cancer is a very slow growing disease so it is likely to be years before somebody dies of it. It can be manipulated to grow slower with hormone blockers but of course these will reduce libido. In the present round of new anti-cancer agents I don't believe prostate cancer is one of the targets unfortunately. Because of its slow growth any non-medical treatment is possible to show evidence of "stabilising disease" which would happen naturally anyway (placebo effect).
19898904? ago
Is it still considered prostate cancer if the prostate was removed a couple years ago?
19920800? ago
Yep. Recurrent or metastatic. It's the origin that determines the treatment
19878964? ago
Do you mean tested by the medical field? Those who are paid by big pharma and others? The same individuals who want us to remain ill?
There are many things that have been passed down for centuries through healers that can benefit which have been proven to work time and again. While they may not work for every individual because of each person's genetic makeup is different, that doesn't mean that centuries-old non-mainstream medicine doesn't work just because the medical/pharm industries haven't deemed it "proven". These people make money based on people remaining ill.
Do some research on how modern medicine evolved in the U.S. It was all about money and power. It wasn't about healing. (And, it doesn't take much to find the information.) And, I stress the word HEALING. And, while you're at it, do a bit of research on what happened to the original midwives. They were the "doctors" before the moneygrubbers started the "medical" schools. There have been medicine men and women for centuries treating and healing all types of medical conditions.
Why do you think that people in the U.S. are vilified and even killed for alternative medicine practices? Where do you think medicine started? It was originally nature-based before all of the synthetics being produced now. And, natural medicine has significantly fewer (if any) side effects than the nasty crap advertised on television.
Mainstream doctors and media have attempted to turn natural and holistic medical practitioners into occultists, witches, and charlatans. Just like they've vilified the use of CBD oils. While not all western medicine is bad, not all of it is good either and a lot of it is unnecessary. It's time to wake up because their Hippocratic oath is in some cases the hypocritical oath. There are a lot of good doctors out there that have been misled and used. But, those who are embracing holistic medicine (treatment of the entire body) and natural/eastern medicine in with western medicine are some of the best around.
The biggest key is treating the entire system, not just the side effect of the problem. Our bodies are complex systems that work together. So if something within the body is manifesting it's not typically due to one thing but a combination. By treating the entire body, the chances of healing it increase exponentially.
19877918? ago
Vitamin C. Get your people on huge vitamin C on a huge degree. It is an antioxidant of the highest class. Vitamin C and plus turmeric. Cancer is a bullshit virus. Fight
19877904? ago
Info from clinical trials and science studies
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4545797/ (Moringa)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103729/ (platycodon aka balloon flower (English), doraji (Korean), kikyo (Japanese), jiegeng (Chinese)]) The extracts and pure saponins from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum are reported to have a wide range of health benefits. Biological effects of saponins include cytotoxic effects against cancer cells, neuroprotective activity, antiviral activity, and cholesterol lowering effects. - per National Center for Biotechnology Information web article.
19877876? ago
CHEAP - EFFECTIVE - PROBABLY NOT LISTED IN THIS THREAD: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/Shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective
A cancer researchers take on it - A Drug Made For Animals and Taken by Humans to Treat Cancer: Fenbendazole (by “Daniel” November 19, 2018) https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/
Since there is no known toxic dose, I researched and bought a large amount wholesale. If you want the info PM me.
19877664? ago
Budwig Protocol, black seed oil and Manuka honey, bitter almonds, hydrogenated alkaline water (add lemon after hydrogenation), alkaline diet, essiac tea.
Avoid sugar, use stevia to sweeten things instead. Avoid lactose and gluten intake..
19877521? ago
I agree with eliminating sugar and carbs from the diet (except vegetables), but remember doing this can be very hard on the body. Detox symptoms can be debilitating for a week or more. So prepare for some discomfort, but it does get better. Good Luck!
19877476? ago
I have heard that adding mushrooms to your diet is good for fighting cancer. Here are a couple of articles I found. God bless. I will add you to my prayers.
19877453? ago
I hope he dies.
19877348? ago
Food grade hydrogen peroxide. Plenty of videos on it shrinking cancer tumors. Lots of what you’re reading in this thread can be done in conjunction with each other. Fasting is good for the body, turmeric l, black seed and oregano oil are always healthy. Take a few minutes to look into food grade hydrogen peroxide therapy on you tube. Prayers.
19877398? ago
https://youtu.be/vXWXhp6aFuw Sample vid
I got mine below, it’s hard to get 35% food grade. FDA has made its sale hard to find.... I wonder why? http://www.purehealthdiscounts.com/thankyou.htm
19877276? ago
Have you heard of Gerson therapy? It’s coffee anemas and other things, but I know several people who completely healed using that and CBD.
Edit: spelling of therapy
19877265? ago
... smoke weed everyday. -dr dre.
19877219? ago
Great thread, Lots of good info.
I'd like to add... 1) clean pure water...6-8 glasses a day 2) sunshine...about an hour a day. 3) get your PH level right. Cancer thrives in an acidic state. 4) exercise...cardio is important to get oxygen to your cells..cqmcer doesn't like oxygen. 5) fresh foods...no pesticides... Preservativesves, etc. Wash your produce of toxins. 6) eliminate processed Sugar...thats are hard one but essential for fighting Cancer. 7) cut way back on complex carbs as well as Sugar. 8) avoid sodas, alcohol,and coffee... 9)cranberry juice, blueberries, etc..are great antioxidants. 10) vitamin C... At least 1000mg a day
Again, Lots of good info on this thread. A great reminder for myself as well to clean up my diet and lifestyle.
And don't forget Prayers everyday...
19877582? ago
Of all the things you mentioned, prayers are the least useful.
19878992? ago
You don't have to be religious to know that this is incorrect. I'm not religious (that does not mean I don't believe in God), but I know that there is power in prayer. It's scientifically proven. Research it and you will find what I have found easily.
19877170? ago
Here's one for you. Panicure, a veterinary deworming medication for dogs.
A family member who is a veterinarian of several decades and also has battled with cancer showed this to me: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/Shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective
To think, you can buy the cure for cancer over the counter at Walmart.
I have a good friend who is in dire straights financially and no health insurance, was diagnosed with testicular cancer which has spread.
I sent him the information. I hope he tried it since he doesn't have much of another option anyhow.
I'll report back on his progress if he tries it.
Feel free to share.
My aforementioned family member has been receiving high tech treatment at one of the best cancer centers in the nation, and it has worked. This person still has cancer, but so long as they stick with the treatment, it is in essentially permanent remission.
Even then, this family member will test the panicure and see how it works.
I guess we'll see, but I think there's something to it.
19877100? ago
No sugar diet.....weed
19877069? ago
Not specific but some healthy stuff off the top of my mind that has helped me over the years:
I take all these regularly and have never been healthier.
19876954? ago
Do not drink dmso. Whoever the dumbass is that wrote that obviously doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground and is baiting people with words he thinks shows intelligence. Point being: his vernacular shows hes beyond idiotic and harmful to himself and others, while grossly misleading to say the least.
19876853? ago
See's 152 comments smiles
19876890? ago
I know right?? This community is amazing.
19879031? ago
Welcome to the Great Awakening Patriot!
People are inherently good despite what MSM would have you believe. And, they are very resourceful. There are many who have done their research. Our purpose is to help each other. That is TRUE human nature. Discernment is our most powerful weapon next to that. Together, they are unstoppable.
19876778? ago
19876761? ago
I've personally seen this work. Research the man involved here and you'll see just how hard the law tried to bury him. This is the biggest single threat to Big Pharma. It's why it was outlawed. There's no money in cures! This works!!!!
19876600? ago
so sorry, my 62 year old dad died in january 4 months after being diagnosed with stage 2. he had no symptoms but got a chest xray while changing primary dr. he did the treatments and then they told us he was stage 4. they either made him worse or they missed alot in his stomach area. he died in pain and unable to eat 3 weeks after kemo ended. and 1 week into imunotherapy. I read a bunch of promising stuff about baking soda after my dad died. i wish i trusted the dr's less and read up right away
19876575? ago
Cancer is usually fungus invading a cell. That's why the cell consumes 20x more sugars than a non cancerous cell. It's not due to genetic mutation except in rare cases. So yes consuming sugar is a problem except try some regimins on "thecancertutor" where for example you can learn ways to attach a powerful anti-cancer agent to sugar to attack the cause of the cancer from inside the cell.
19876558? ago
Boron. It detoxes the body. Improves hormone levels and increases bone strength.
19876547? ago
Watch this great documentary called world without cancer. It's an oldie but a goodie lots of valuable information.
19876520? ago
Not having read any of the answers to your question (so forgive me if someone mentioned it), I would go with the Gerson Therapy. My father had malignant melanoma back in 1980 and now he's over 80. I've seen this therapy work miracles with other people as well.
19876519? ago
Go to a health food store and get alkaline greens. Drink it everyday. It does not get rid of cancer but it stops it from growing so it never gets to the danger point. They knew this way back in the 50s but hid the information. Cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment.
19877592? ago
smoking weed is very beneficial
19876510? ago
Take and eat lots of calcium - your body has to use so much energy to process calcium that it diverts it from the cancer. Also, all the vitamin C he can ingest. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, almost impossible to overdose on it. There is alkaline water you can buy, but be careful with this one, especially if he has any renal issues. Your body’s ph balance has very little room for error. If he does this, make sure he is getting bloodwork at least every two weeks. Lastly, omit ALL added sugars. I have done that with my kids and me. It’s not easy, but I have noticed that a lot of food labels have an “added sugar” section to it, but you still need to read the contents. Look for dextrose, maltodextrin, etc. Because they’re not “sugar” they don’t count as sugars in foods. It’s FDA bs semantics, so always read the contents.
19876477? ago
Many here are claiming cancer cells feed on sugar and thus to eliminate sugar/carbs to 'starve' cancer cells. This is a gross over simplification and gets some very key details wrong. It is much more complicated and you / your dad need to get up to speed on the biophysics and subatomic level of how life works in wellness to better know why life goes awry in disease.
This is as good a starting point as any, light from nature is needed to control where and how deuterium is present in our cells. It's the difference between normal cellular respiration and the cellular programs autophagy and apoptosis going haywire which leads to a cancerous state.
https://www dot linked in dot com/pulse/why-did-neo-choose-red-pill-jack-kruse/
some revelant sections:
The practical takeaways include making a religious ritual out of getting morning natural sunlight exposure on the eyes and skin (no glass or glasses, the less clothes the better), the diet needs to be centered on SEAFOOD for the DHA molecules to help facilitate light signalling to work properly for cell charge, the diet needs to be LOW in deuterium heavy foods, and HIGH in deuterium depleted water intake (expensive, but a worthy investment). CBD might be a good addition but results of EXOGENOUS CBD intake are going to vary wildly because it's spackle for a chronically broken endocannaboid system that needs one's circadian rhythms to be fixed to get to root cause (that's why people who are most active at night and avoid natural daylight lifestyles tend to be the ones who feel they need weed to feel well).
19877613? ago
So, does all the extra mercury in the seafood help?
19877314? ago
"Affect." It doesn't fill me with confidence that there's a mistake in the first sentence, followed by more mistakes. The whole paragraph reads like pseudoscientific bs.
19876449? ago
Try Joe's Mean Green Juice fast. My ex girlfriend had brain cancer, went through radiation and chemo and went into remission. Then it came back with a fury, 6 tumors and radiation treatment this time would leave her blind, due to the new location of the tumors. She said hell no, plus the chemo made her so violently ill the first time that death was almost preferable.
I researched and found the original documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead", in the documentory it showed people with severe diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. miraculously reversed by going on a simple juice fast. No sugars, no meat, no chips, no bread (which turns into sugar) but a simple 60 day fast of juicing made of kale, cucumber, ginger, lemon, apple and perhaps another ingredient or two.
My ex decided that anything was worth the try too not be deadly sick and vomiting all the time and go blind. So she bravely and diligently forsook all the deadly foods to avoid and fasted. Only drinking Joe's mean Green juicing recipe that had saved so many others. In 60 days she had lost over 50 lbs, had more energy than she had in years and when she went for blood tests and an MRI, the Doc said, "I do not want to know what you are doing but keep doing it". The six tumors had shrunk to barely even being able to be seen and her blood work came back showing that she was almost in the clear, after only 60 days. No meds, no chemo, no radiation just stop poisoning yourself and flood your body with micro nutrients.
I have seen it with my own eyes.
Look up the original documentary on youtube fat sick and nearly dead and find Joe's mean green recipe for juicing and put him on a juice fasting diet. It is hard to break old habits but life is worth living.
19876406? ago
Also look seriously into a Keto diet. That is the zero carb super high meat/fat diet. Also, get him some good quality cannabis. That means you MUST grow it your self or find another pure organic grower... Nothing from a dispensary will ever be that way. I screen a low grade hash and put it in honey then heat it on the element of a simple electric coffee maker for about 8 hours. Probably an ounce of low grade hash in maybe half a cup of honey... It will darken and thicken. Stir it regularly... then let it cool. Every batch is different so take it sparingly to start. It is the healtiest way to consume cannabis. Smoking sucks bad... Also exercise exercise exercise. Good luck. If nothing else your father lives on in YOU... that means you have to pass it along.
19876370? ago
Paul Stammets. Binge watch this guy. He is incredible.
Here is a short video explaining how turkey tail mushrooms helped cure his own Mum who had stage 4 breast cancer and was too old for surgery or chemo. He's not a snake oil salesmen. It's an adjunct therapy that boosts the immune system while you receive treatment.
I can't recommend him enough. This has helped my Aunt beat cancer and a friend's Aunt also. The best thing they said was that they didn't get sick from the chemo and it even helped them keep their hair.
19876325? ago
QHHT pioneered by Dolores Cannon. It's a form of hypnosis that appears to tap into a higher version of your soul that has the ability to heal you in various ways and provide life guidance. No promises it will work. But, it's what I would try if it were me.
19877629? ago
Sounds like pseudo science bullshit to me.
19876280? ago
Wim Hof's breathing techniques and cold exposure have helped with a lot of things. Not sure about cancer but it's worth a shot.
19876259? ago
Keto diet, organic cannabis. You need to find a clean organic grown cannabis, you wouldn't believe what some people use to kill pests. Read about Rick Simpson Oil.
19876246? ago
Heard of a black honey from indies i believe. Very exspensive. Jus sayin
19876221? ago
1/2 to 1 teaspoon baking soda in water twice daily until it's clear. This will alkalize the blood stream and kills off any toxins, bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Simplest cure all there is.
19876219? ago
look into alkaline water. Supposedly it changes your PH and cancer does not survive in low PH.
19876196? ago
Dr. Joe Dispenza, youtube
19876171? ago
to keep up blood counts, my mom drank Adele Davis pep up every day........it worked so well she made all of us drink it...prayers with you
19876134? ago
Not going to waste my time typing out a big post, because no one will listen. 5 grams taurine per day. Curcumin that has been dissolved in coconut oil that has been heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
19876123? ago
Get him to go off sugar and fast. I can't link the video because of my cp points, but search: "Fasting Kills Cancer dr darren schmidt" on youtube.
Also, look up Carbon 60 in Olive Oil - Specifically from SES Research. Stay away from Bob Greska's stuff.
19876116? ago
Shamanism, plant medicine specifically. The shamans in Peru are curing cancer. They can do it if it comes to them soon enough, and I've even talked to people who were diagnosed as terminal whose lives were saved.
This is not like going to a doctor. This is a guided process that takes time. You go very deep into the psyche to heal trauma at that level, and then the body starts to repair itself. You can do 10-12 day retreats but for something as serious as cancer you need to look for places that can take him for a month or more per visit.
And the other people here are right about cutting sugar, that is one of the things they will do for there for certain. Stay away from marijuana/thc if you want to work with Peruvian shamans.
19876077? ago
Fasting boosts the immune system into overdrive.
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvvh1PErwYc
19876047? ago
Baking Soda Treatment
2 tsp. Baking soda
1 tsp. Molasses
1 cup Water
Mix in pan and heat until the baking soda is dissolved. Drink one glass per day. Work up to twice per day. Gradually Increase Dose until your get your URINE PH to 7.5 to 8.5 Keep it there 5 days and Nights then drop back to 7.5 Until CURED, Keep URINE PH around 7.3.
PH level is the key.
Watch how "Vito" Johnson who cured his terminal cancer (prostate cancer that metastasized to his bones) in 5 days.
"BAKING SODA Kills CANCER" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grtrm8tk4d4
Here's some more info on "why" it works.
Many people are aware of PH level in regards to hygiene products such as shampoos or even as it relates to acids and base strengths. PH stands for Potential Hydrogen and basically is a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value.
An alkali solution has an excess of electrons to do work (available voltage). An acidic solution has a depletion of electrons and becomes an electron stealer (deficient voltage). Every cell in our body is designed to run at approximately -25 mV. Cells will repair themselves with increased voltage of -50mV and then will return to operating at -25mV once healed.
Voltage in the cell determines if you’re are healthy or not.
Cancer exists when the body is at +30 mV. That’s a very low voltage!
Normal voltage is about -25 mV (the more negative the voltage the better)
If you get to -15 mV you’re really tired
When you drop to -10 mV you’re sick!
This is why raising PH levels help the healing process.
Watch Dr Jerry Tennant - pH and Voltage - "Healing is Voltage" for a better understanding.
There are several CURES for CANCER. CHEMO has less than a 3% Success Rate.
An old long distance runners trick for extra energy was taking baking soda before a run.
19876775? ago
I have a friend who used this on her cat... cat had tumors all over, yet lived a long time with them. As I understand it, the vet thought it would be too much on the cat to remove all the tumors. So, my friend did the baking soda thing. It worked.
19875977? ago
weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed
or ya know... just ignore the cure.
19875754? ago
I think everyone here has provided some good solutions. My advice is to try them all.
Cannabis oil is great for killing cancer cells. The combination of CBD and THC work in harmony to kill the cells and relieve symptoms caused by cancer. I would include links but many other people have done that already. If you'd like to see more then let me know.
I think staying away from sugar in general is good except foods with natural sugars in them like fruit. However, I would go further and recommend staying away from any and all processed foods. Even if you don't have cancer I would recommend this. I don't think you're doing yourself justice by stripping away foods that help fuel your body. Carbs give your body energy but you just have to make sure you're doing things to burn off the energy or else it will get stored as fat.
Check out the model health show. The guy who runs that show knows what he's talking about when it comes to nutrition, mental health, and exercise. He has episodes where he specifically talks about cancer and how to naturally fight it off. I would recommend checking him out.
Prayers for you and your family!
19875658? ago
What kind of cancer? Maybe you've addressed it later. Turmeric with curcumin!! Research, you'll see. Ginger. Same.
19877252? ago
Combine the Turmeric with black pepper, which helps the body to absorb it more efficiently. You can sprinkle them on food or buy Turmeric (curcumin) & black pepper in capsules.
19875649? ago
Cannabis Oil! Not CBD. He needs the concentrated Cannabis Oil that contains THC. Watch the video Run from the Cure by Rick Simpson!
19875555? ago
CBD, mass doses of vitamin C.
19878735? ago
Tried to upvote this comment. 100% this.
19875553? ago
Keto diet and IV based vitamin C cocktail. No fruits. No bread. Eat meat. Broccoli, cheese. Get 25-50 G of iv a week. Good luck.
19875545? ago
Stanislaw Burzynski. He is located in Texas. Hes been beaten up and harrassed by the federal govt for years. He CAN help. At the least give him a look on the web. Full documentary on ewTube. Its called Burzynski: Cancer is serious business.
19875460? ago
Fasting combined with juicing/low carb/no sugar, especially fasting prior to chemo
19875459? ago
Keep the body in level PH. Healthy skin is around 5.5.
Baking soda plus citrus juice to balance PH -> research.
19877788? ago
But not mixed or you'll have a foaming mess!
19875458? ago
I know the people in this space will hate me for saying this but if the got a cute, I’d at least look into it: https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2019-01-29/israeli-scientists-say-theyll-have-cancer-cure-in-the-next-year-report
Q suggested that a cure would come.
19875444? ago
You can order B-17 tablets on the internet, B-17 comes from apricot seeds, peach seeds, apple seeds it's best to get the supplements or you won't take enough. But you can buy bags of seeds as well. There is a pharmaceutical version called laetrile but it was banned in the USA because it was very effective!!! Doctors South of the Border will prescribe laetrile and have had great success. If you live in the United States order bitter apricot kernel capsules. Cancer appears to be caused by a vitamin deficiency watch this video to better understand. I have had my mother on bitter apricot seeds for over 10 years now and her breast cancer has not come back. The government has tried to suppress vitamin B17 for over 70 years. It's like marijuana extremely hard if not impossible to overdose. I have personally taken 6000 mg or 12x 500-mg capsules in a day with zero negative side effects. I know everyone is shoving a lot of advice down your throat right now. But this is a good option I have done my research and seen it work. If you need any advice on where to find a decent deal let me know. Shop around they can be pricey but you can get very good deals. Also a bunch of grasses are high in nitrilosides or B-17 which is probably why people claim eating marijuana resin has cured their cancer, not smoking it you would have to eat it in order to ingest it's B-17 value. The video has a lot of information and you might want to go down a rabbit hole with related videos. God bless and good luck I hope this is what you need.
19876186? ago
Thank you so much for this info. Sharing with a friend.
19875917? ago
Yes I'm on information overload but I am SO thankful to have this problem. Thank you so much and god bless you.
19875403? ago
Top 2 most anti-cancer foods
19875382? ago
Rick Simpson Oil ... if I were to ever get the cancer, getting this would be the first thing I would do immediately
19876201? ago
This right here! 12 years ago I was younger and way less informed. I was given radioactive iodine for my cancer. Now, my chance of secondary cancers has increased by almost 34%. It now feels like not if I get cancer again, but when. When that does happen this will be the first thing I do! My father-in-law is growing some beautiful plants right now to make the oil for his Parkinson's. Can't wait to see the results!
19876788? ago
I have had two doses of the radioactive iodine, but not for cancer.... I had no idea that taking RI would increase your cancer risk!
19877185? ago
Found the link. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3155861/
It's scary stuff, salivary gland cancer risk is increased the most and seem inevitable. Hope this helps you stay informed. I know I will never do radiation again and will never take chemo.
19885599? ago
Thank you, I had NO idea this was even a thing! I had Graves disease, and had to go through two rounds of the radioactive iodine before it was all said and done. They never said a word about increased risk for cancer due to the RI.... I was not at all well-informed, and I wish I had researched more, and done something else (like diet changes!!) to help my thyroid, rather than kill part of it. Back then, I trusted doctors implicitly, why would they lie or hold back?? I can't believe how ignorant I was.... but no more! I have my current docs trained well, they ask me to check out whatever med, and I do. And I always tell them nope, not interested, let's find a different way. And we do.
19889132? ago
I was exactly the same and never really questioned until it was too late. But, I am informed now and will never have cancer treated the same again.
19877166? ago
I've had 2 doses as well. It's a study I found on pubmed. It's terrifying!
19885614? ago
Yes, that is terrifying! I had 2 doses of it, and they never said a word..... wonder why that is?! (as if I didn't really know!)
19889160? ago
It always comes down to money in my opinion. I have had an endocrinologist say it to me, he was astonished with the amount of radiation I received. I had to have a lot to make sure the cancer was killed.
19875647? ago
19875372? ago
RSO Lots of it
The THC and CBD together is what makes it so beneficial
19876020? ago
People hear of rSO but where is the proof? Y’all act like it’s a proven solution. But all you have is word of mouth for proof.
19877517? ago
19875367? ago
Anons are correct...you must sugar-starve the body
I would seek the Lord Jesus Christ for a miracle and cut out all sugar and carbs.
Just watched this Sid Roth video...FBI verified radical healings ....great to encourage faith! The man wasn't even a Christian and the Lord healed him. Thought the healings were fake and he was full of hate. God made him whole...replaced a lung and ribs.
Dr. Berg talks of tumors and Ketosis and what he would eat if he had cancer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rewf0MMhGg8&t=172s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwMrfBOIcBU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tTg_TeV6Hg
Also check out IHealthTube channel and pick out the videos addressing cancer. Other Dr.'s in other countries know that sugar is the cause and that cancer can be completely cured.
19875355? ago
Withdrawing one's judgment from the world is the ultimate healing. Love one, love all - no exceptions.
Fear and judgment are the cause of all hardship, suffering, decay, disease, and ultimately death
19876042? ago
Didnt know Marianne Williamson lurked here
19875317? ago
Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease: Implications for Novel Therapeutics by Thomas Seyfried Excellent presentation on Cancer.
Cancer feeds on glucose and glutamine. Seyfried has tested NAN for suppressing glutamine. No sugar can control on own.
19875278? ago
If the cancer is in one place, I would go for surgery first. Otherwise, I would go on a very strict keto diet.
Chemo is nothing more than high-priced medicine that the prescribers get huge kickbacks from, and it kills most of the patients.
19877803? ago
It's not "medicine" - it's poison. They just hope that it poisons more cancer cells than good cells. Unfortunately, it always poisons ALL cells so the side effects and after effects can be horrendous - assuming that it doesn't kill you.
19875270? ago
what about for kidney cancer?
19875265? ago
Snake diet - fasting
19875219? ago
You need to specify what kind of cancer. They are vastly different. People saying "eat better" are right that this is likely a preventative but it's not going to cure you once you've reached a diagnosis. Again the context matters here, was this discovered in a routine checkup or was he sick and they found it while diagnosing his illness? All of this helps indicate what is actually going on. No one can offer any real advice without this knowledge. What type, stage, etc?
19875956? ago
He had prostate cancer a couple years ago. They removed the prostate. My dad couldn't finish the chemo and radiation therapy. He's had routine checkups ever since. Doctor called a couple hours ago. My dad will go in Thursday.
19875996? ago
Should be fine then.
19875186? ago
YouTube Andreas Moritz amazing gall bladder clease ( liver is what cleans the blood and is regenerative )
Liferegenerator Dr. Bergman Dr. Jack Kruse Dr. Rhonda Patrick Wim hoff breathing Barbara O'Neil
Most importantly Water fasting water wasting water fasting
God bless
19875176? ago
Fasting: cancer cells can only metabolize glucose and starve when the body is in ketosis (burning fat or protein).
THC: kills cancer cells. Rick Simpson Protocol.
Iodine: boosts immune system
19876364? ago
Cancer cells are just normal cells that are dividing uncontrollably, they eat the exact same thing healthy cells eat. Ketosis doesn't kill cancer cells any faster than it would kill healthy cells, i.e. none at all. Cells, cancer cells included, can use ketones for fuel just as they can use glucose.
19877210? ago
he is 100% correct about Rick Simpson Oil !
19875168? ago
Stereotactic radio surgery. A very low sugar diet. get second opinions at major research universities with good medical colleges. Fight fight fight.
19875155? ago
See what diet changes he can make to get his body into a more alkaline state.
19875129? ago
CBD oil, apple seed powder, and turmeric with curcumine.
Take all three.
19875112? ago
What kind of cancer? A relative of mine cured his spleen cancer (very deadly) with chapparel leaf he harvested from the California desert. It had already been banned as a supplement of course. That was in the early 90s, he's still alive! 91 years old!! If it's any kind of glandular cancer, Iodine has been shown to reverse stage 4. Read the book on Iodine by Dr. David Brownstein. Get 5% Lugol's solution, 10 drops per day, you can't OD on it, any excess is excreted in the urine. Put it in juice to make it more palatable. Prayers for your dad :)
19875236? ago
3 years ago it was prostate. He had it removed. Right now doctors believe it's localized to that region.
19876463? ago
Can't believe I had to scroll 50 responses down to find this. Fucking hell. The type of cancer matters more than anything.
Prostate cancer responds highly to lugol's iodine, zinc, progesterone, and melatonin in high high doses (100mg per night). Cut out all xeno-estrogens like plastics, pthalates, and pesticides.
3-5 day fasting intervals. Organic vegetables and juices. No animal products or refined foods. Cancer will start shrinking immediately.
19877017? ago
Love how information dense this solution is. Quite a few angles to research. I have no clue what xeno-estrogens are even present in, but will look it up.
Your suggestion sounds more medically based which I am grateful for as well. I believe his doctor had suggested hormone therapy so this is likely what he means. OTC Zinc supplements taken orally? 3-5 days fasting because it starves out cancer cells?
Thank you so much for real.
19877338? ago
Yeah over the counter oral zinc, 50mg , doesnt matter what it's bound to.
Fasting 3-5 days at a time promotes autophagy (the eating of cancer cells) and detoxification (removing the causes of cancer)
19875246? ago
Lugol's solution!! ASAP
19875969? ago
Yo I fucking love you. Holy shit
19875183? ago
Also make sure to supplement B-2 and B-3 or just a general B-supplement, with the iodine, these are cofactors that help it work.
19875169? ago
Dr. Brownstein's lecture on Iodine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_I9PLUg0lM
19874994? ago
Basil and turmeric
19874987? ago
Doug Kaufman has been fighting cancer with natural cures for over 20 years.
19874981? ago
Research Dr. Max Gerson/the Gerson therapy and Ketogenics. Elimate sugars and carbohydrates from his diet. Cancer cells can only feed on glucose in the bloodstream
19877342? ago
that's great for healthy people to avoid cancer, very sick people have little time
19879502? ago
Sooooo, your opinion is marijuana extracts/concentrates are the miracle cure? Have you actually looked at the success rates of this type of treatment? It doesn't work for everyone like hippy snake oil salesmen would have you believe. Fasting, however, has an incredibly high rate of curing cancer. People have cured themselves of inoperable brain and bone cancers by not eating for 2 or 3 weeks and starving out the cancer. Dr. Gerson wrote 50 cases of cancer 75 years ago and testified before a congressional committee that was convinced he had cured cancer. Big Pharma shut it down and most likely assissinated the man. His method still has the highest success rate of curing what ails you because it allows the body to eliminate toxins and heal itself without surgery or chemicals/ drugs. I have experienced the process(long story but not cancer) and seen others save themselves this way who had cancer
19878749? ago
You have not researched and read about the Gerson Therapy.
19874974? ago
A common OTC dog worming medication fenbendazole. https://vitalityscience.com/fenbendazole-a-cancer-cure/
19875133? ago
This has helped my friend's mom a lot!!
19874970? ago
Nutrition Response Testing or Total Body Modification. Google it and find a practitioner near him. They are miracle workers!!
19874968? ago
Research Spooky2 It produces electrical frequencies that are applied to the body via TENS pads, remotely, or with a plasma tube.
19874891? ago
Believe it or not... fasting. You go into autophagy (destruction of damaged cells) at around 30 hours, and at something like 72 hours a fast reboots your immune system.
Not a cure - but a way of helping your body fight.
Do proper research, prepare for the fast and have a doctor involved. It sounds like witchcraft, but the science backs it up.
19875152? ago
Thank you so much. I appreciate the time it took to list several points of attack.
He's pretty straight edge and very anti-marijuana but he's rational enough where I can maybe persuade him with enough anecdotal (or scientific) evidence.
19875244? ago
No worries. Check these, for example:
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324169.php https://osher.ucsf.edu/patient-care/integrative-medicine-resources/cancer-and-nutrition/faq/cancer-and-fasting-calorie-restriction https://nationalpost.com/health/fasting-for-three-days-renews-entire-immune-system-protects-cancer-patients-remarkable-new-study-finds
Honestly, there is a ton of good science to support it. Our bodies are pretty remarkable - and they were designed to fight this stuff. We just have to stop poisoning them.
19877242? ago
You must be over the target considering the downvotes. With other anons posting about fasting as well I am very excited* about giving this a shot. I may be fast with him for support.
I will print all these articles for him, thank you again.
19874883? ago
My best friend's Mom has been managing breast cancer for a while now.... They told her she had 4 months to live, and that was several years ago! We researched chemo thoroughly and didn't like what we found, so she didn't do any of that. What has worked the best:.
Cannabis oil. Look up Rick Simpson Phoenix Tears. It's not legal where we are so my friend was ordering it via the dark web which has been having issues lately. You can make it yourself if you can get enough bud, though.
Fenbendazole. This is a dewormer the dogs. That's right. My friend orders this shit off of chewy.com and it has been very helpful .. her mom's cancer marker numbers went down by 120 when she first started taking it.
They've also done vitamin C injections.
Good luck dude. Prayers for you and your dad.
19875896? ago
+1 for Fenbendazole, it is sold as panacur c canine dewormer. Inexpensive. Some interesting articles on line.
19875159? ago
Iodine too... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_I9PLUg0lM
19874855? ago
Ketosis. Cancer can only eat sugar, which is your body's main food source, but you can switch to fat (ketone bodies) and survive quite nicely, while cancer starves to death.
This can also be accomplished easily though water fasting. Plenty of books and websites and youtube videos about water fasting and ketosis.
Simple concept though, it eat sugar, so you don't.
19876436? ago
Not entirely true, they can use ketones as well, just not as efficiently as healthy cells. However the liver will be producing glucose during a state of ketosis anyways since some cells, like brain cells, can only use glucose as fuel. So even though you aren't ingesting glucose, your body is still making it.
19875535? ago
Starve someone to death why cancer is killing them?
that will not work for active infections on weakened immune systems
19876756? ago
You can eat fatty foods. Fasting is also not the same thing at all as starvation. You eat your own fat, which is the purpose of fat. It's a backup fuel source. Instead of burning your big fat ass off on a treadmill (not saying don't exercise.. that's important) why not burn it for fuel?
If you're fat, it's because you've stored too much energy. Use it!
19875682? ago
19874984? ago
I basically said the same thing. It's amazing what happens to your body when you stop drowning it in sugars (carbs).
19874849? ago
Your first defense is Prayer.... whether you believe or not... just start praying and God will hear your prayer. I have seen miracles happen with prayer.
We have a friend with terminal renal cancer that is non-responsive to chemo treatment. He is being treated by immunotherapy.
Search for Clinical Trials and find one your Dad may qualify for.
There is a lot of research being done concerning gut health and cancer.... https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324865.php . If you're interested in that - look into bone broth, fermented foods, etc.
Lastly, I don't know your Dad's condition - but if you are fearful he won't be here in two years - perhaps you could get married now. It doesn't have to be a big fancy wedding - family and close friends.
My father was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 20+ years ago. He survived. He had bladder cancer and survived. He had male breast cancer and a mastectomy - and survived that. Type II Diabetes and kidney failure killed him.
I pray your Dad has a full recovery.
19877653? ago
If that is true, why doesn't God heal all the sick kids at St. Jude's Hospital? Do kids deserve to die?
19875404? ago
He has Parkinson's too. In my opinion, he is losing the things that gave him purpose and drive in life.
He can't exercise like he used to. He can't work (gave him immense professional satisfaction). He can't compete. With the cancer he could progress to a catheter + urine bag. He could lose sex with his wife. He's debating just letting the cancer progress.
He lived and breathed fitness and dreamed of retiring and skiing, traveling, competing in triathalons. His dreams were already taken away by Parkinson's and this is taking away the rest of his manhood.
As far as the marriage thing goes, I will consider heavily. It's not easy because my girlfriend and I are in different states for our professional residencies and had planned out our vision (I'm proposing soon wish me luck!). Again, I will be considering heavily. Thank you!
19876025? ago
Have you looked into marijuana for his Parkinsons? https://www.parkinson.org/Understanding-Parkinsons/Treatment/Medical-Marijuana
It sounds like your Dad is still a young man. If his health allows it - he can still travel and perhaps he can coach if he can't compete anymore. I am ever optimistic. Hope and faith are powerful medicines.
Having said that, the last time my Dad was in the hospital - a doctor suggested he read "How Doctors Die". I was upset that a doctor would suggest that. But I'm not so sure it's a bad thing anymore.
Congratulations on finding the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with! Have you told your Dad you're thinking of proposing soon? When our son told us he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him - I asked him if he'd like my original engagement ring diamond. It is so special sharing in the planning and secret of "popping the question". They have been married ten years now and my daughter-in-law is one of my best friends.
One more thing - your Dad is in a life crisis and the things that used to give him purpose and drive have changed. I am guessing that he wants to spend time with his family. The other passions will pale in comparison to the people he loves. God Bless you and your family. I will pray you get your miracle.
19877203? ago
Sorry if I made him sound young, he's in his 60s. He's fully against marijuana, but also open to scientific examples which marijuana has. I will try my best to persuade him. He's taking pills everyday out of necessity, his life is a rollercoaster of feeling fine to being barely able to move. He's warming up to the idea of the brain implant they have for Parkinson's patients.
He's told me that if it were just one health issue, he'd be okay, but the two (cancer and parkinson's) seems impossible. Chemo and radiation was hard on him last time and he couldn't complete treatment.
He knows I was getting more serious about the gf, but I don't think he explicitly knows I was thinking of it soon. That's a great idea with the engagement ring diamond and planning of the proposal.
It also resonates true that our family will be one of his larger assets / support with this struggle. I pray he can live to see his grandchildren. Thank you and god bless you as well.
19877245? ago
I'm 62 and my husband is 71. Haha. Young is relative. We are blessed with good health and will pray your Dad comes through this healthy and strong. 🙏
19874750? ago
Cancer cells feed on sugar, so you kill them by avoiding sugar. Excess carbs that you don't ttotally burn convert to glucose which is a form of sugar. So a clean low carb diet is ideal. Juicing vegetables is the best way to get the healing nutrients his body needs. The body heals itself if you equip it with healing foods God created. Invest in a masticating juicer.
19879256? ago
Came here to say this!!!
19878114? ago
cancer cells are invader fungus mycellial branches, has nothing to do with the human they infect, THOUGH some genetics are a bit more susceptible to the fungus, so what did big pharma do... they say it is our genetics.... We are being poisoned, killed and lied to by the very people you are taught to trust.
19877208? ago
I find your information contradictory. Avoiding sugar and excess carbs sound greats...juicing vegetables sounds like taking the fibre out of a sugary food and then drinking the sugar/vitamin water that remains. Eating fruit would be better and avoiding almost all fruit would be best
19876879? ago
He is correct in everything he said, but it works as in not getting cancer, not as much with eliminating the cancer you have. Another one is you want to alkaline your body. Organic apple cider vinegar, lemons, blueberries and basically things that fix your PH.
19877076? ago
But aren't they are all acidic, not alkaline?
19974430? ago
and that will only happen for the first couple days. A lot of people take multi vitamins on the regular and that just isn't the way to help us out. What we should really be doing is fixing our PH. If your PH is adjusted by one, so six instead of seven your mineral absorption is cut in half. So fix that then worry about what minerals you need to take.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask, but I can't message back for 24 hours and good luck patriot.
19878145? ago
yes, I am not that guy, but it's complicated, people say stomach acid defeats all alkaline input but that's not totally true, if you continually drink high pH water, your body pH will rise, regardless of your stomach jooses.
Everyone thinks they know, doctors have no clue even, question a doctor they stammer or get mad, they know NOTHING.
Big Pharma trained them to be nothing, some actually talk about eating healthy, but they know they have you in the end, everyone trusts the doctor, pastor, sheriff, post office worker .... DON'T
19876426? ago
I came here to say this ^ a friends uncle did this and beat cancer twice.
19877156? ago
it is always there, you never 'beat' it
19879223? ago
Different cancers faggot.
19875735? ago
I agree, cut out as much of the sugar and carbs as possible.
19875342? ago
not-eating-sugar and juicing will not save people that are dying of an active infection, their immune system is too weakened
cannabis oil action must be taken, along with a healthy change in diet
19876560? ago
endocannabinoid system isn't fixed at root cause by exogenous cannaboid intake. That's just putting temporary spackle on a deeper issue. It's not what you put or don't put in your body, it's more about what you put your body in (environment). The number one risk factor for a cancer state long term is chronically broken circadian rhythms, because humans are too 'smart' to live by nature's rules that provide the blueprint for wellness. You want to fix the endocannabinoid system, you use sunlight and darkness exposure at their naturally appointed times. CBD fine, results will vary, but moreso a seafood centric dietary template and deuterium depleted water sources will fastrack a reversal of the broken cellular pathway at Kreb's bicycle, and to change or leave the environment one got sick in.
If it were me, I'd move to the tropics for at least 3-6 months, eat fish and coconut oil every day, drink imported spring water, and lay out on the beach for hours at a time. and avoid LED light and technology at night. the doctors of the future will be prescribing "tropical sun" therapy again like in the old days, but we're not there yet.
19879584? ago
You’re half right.
-Sugar and processed foods are essentially toxins and should be avoided in general and especially if sick. Our body can only work with the building blocks (macro and micro nutrients) we give it.
-Seafood is almost universally high in heavy metals. Sadly fish bioaccumulate Mercury and other heavy metals. The higher they are in the food chain the higher concentrations they end up with.
-Agree with you that deuterium depleted water might be better, but it would have to be shipped in glass-lined or stainless steel containers or you will end up with some level of plastic contamination, which, in my view, negates its benefit.
19877009? ago
you're nuts, a beach will not fix disease
19876832? ago
CBD doesn't kill cancer cells. That's why it's allowed. THC kills cancer cells. It doesn't just get you high. FACT!
19876691? ago
Want to know something crazy? I tried kicking opiates a million times and every single time I had the worst withdrawal, except for once. The one time I went on a hot tropical vacation, I didn't feel a stitch of withdrawal, and that was after a conitunous year of heavy use with my receptors fried and tolerance through the roof.
There's definitely something to what you're saying.
19875924? ago
Yet... liberal states legalize pot? I thought they favored big pharma
19879278? ago
These “legalizations” are designed to make legal cartels like you would see for business in USSR w czars and people in positions to accumulate wealth and control by decree.
Colorado for example has a single person control who can advertise weed etc and they can legally be influenced by whatever means.
No liberal state has just said “let it be and regulate it like a jalapeño” which is why Soros is backing legalization efforts - he wants his cartels
19876898? ago
Smoking pot doesn't cure anything that I'm aware of. I live in Canada where it's legal to smoke pot but illegal to possess pot oil or hashish. It's all part of an illusion. Pot oil is highly concentrated and if it's pure, will cure so many different diseases that you're not supposed to know about. Big Pharma is a huge fucking fraud. They know all about it!!!!!
19877034? ago
THANK YOU! smart person!
19877123? ago
Legalizing pot in all it's forms would cripple Big Pharma and totally decimate the cancer industry! Trump should make that happen.
19877070? ago
CBD oil kills pain but cures nothing. It MUST include THC (illegal in most parts of the world). WHOLE cannabis oil from the flower is what's needed.
19876743? ago
Many states are trying to or have legalized medical marijuana...see Oklahoma
19877221? ago
OK has made the largest turn-around on cannabis , a few years ago, cannabis concentrates were prison for life!
now they have medical marijuana!
the okies are learning!
19876355? ago
pretty sure this is just so they can control the production, potency and how much bs can be sprayed on it.
19877151? ago
Trump is leaving it to the states and many states are allowing you to grow your own
19882631? ago
i'm not scaremongering but do you trust a liberal state like CA to have regulations that actually benefit the people?
19874741? ago
You NEED to watch this!!! : )
19874808? ago
(Dr Joe Dispenza is a neuroscientist... his story and what they’re just beginning to discover about the body’s natural ability to heal essentially all ailments [once tapped into] is incredible)
19874713? ago
Sorry about your Dad. Apricot seeds ( B17) or called laetrile saved my brother from glioblastoma. Read up on it we order them off Amazon. They taste bitter but you can grind up and put in capsules. And best of luck.
19874616? ago
This is something I would look in to if I were ever diagnosed with cancer. Laetrile / Vitiman B-17 is the active cancer fighter in Apricot seeds, and bitter almonds. It is also present in apple seeds. You might research it. There was an old youtube video about it too. Laetrile
19874985? ago
I'll be logging all these resources and looking into everything. Thank you so much.
19875823? ago
Avoid apple seeds, they contain arsenic.
19874954? ago
Thanks man. Not OP but my best friend's mom has cancer (see my reply on this thread). Just sent her this link
19875008? ago
She also needs to reduce blood sugar levels. Keto diet is the best way to achieve lowered blood sugar levels. Cancer cells grow faster in high blood sugar.
19875101? ago
I just sent her that! This thread is really full of good info.
19875181? ago
Best of luck to your best friend's mom. I hope my dad and her can get through this
19874573? ago
Check out https://www.cancertutor.com/, Rick Simpson "Running from the cure on YT, Essiac Tea, frankincense oil, baking soda protocol. Ihealthtube on YT is also an informative channel.
19876143? ago
One down VOAT. Is big pharma lurking on VOAT?
19874529? ago
Alkalinzation, apricot seeds, and Liposomal Vitamin C.
19874455? ago
Look into Gerson Therapy.
19874887? ago
The Beautiful Truth
19874447? ago
Check into alkalinity and pH balance. Cancer loves acid environments. I’ve been drinking high pH water daily for preventative.
19874803? ago
There is a video out there about a guy who beat a quick death sentence for about 4 years using food grade hydrogen peroxide. There's a lot of info out there on the web about it. I personally tried it for another condition for about 3 months with no ill effects.
19874543? ago
This might be helpful.
19874471? ago
these are very important. having a pro-biotic daily will help as well. pomegranate juice is also very good for its antioxidant properties.
19904616? ago
I recently started taking them again. Does wonders for keeping ya regular too.
19904963? ago
yeah, if you have digestive/stomach issues pro-biotics are especially helpful. I have chron's disease and am almost entirely symptom free after a couple years of daily use. My mother has Chron's and ulcerative colitis, which is a lot worse, and her doctors had her on prednisone for a long time, which is a steroid and thus has really bad side effects. After using only probiotics for a while all those issues cleared up and her doctors were shocked. Unfortunately she now has a form of leukemia (A.L.L.) which is why I know about the other stuff related to cancer treatments that were asked about.
19874424? ago
Rick Simpson Oil
19876157? ago
His documentary, Running From the Cure, is absolutely astonishing and eye opening
19877336? ago
19874973? ago
I will look into this thank you so much. God bless you and everyone on this board.
19874776? ago
19874419? ago
Decarboxylated cannabis oil destroys cancer (a fungus)
you can even find high THC (68%) oils for sale online, though if you make it yourself it would be over 80% THC
he needs to take a strong magnesium chloride suppliment, tons of vitamin C
he must quit eating sugar
19879485? ago
Ayahuasca treatment might be worth a try as well
19878705? ago
If your dad HAS cancer go to the fuckin doctors. Research the best cancer treatment places in your area or beyond if u have means. If any of these snake oil "cures" worked they would be rich as fuck and everyone would know - it's your dads life dont let tin foil hats convince you "well they wont LET everyone know ... but they know!"
Some of these new age holistic things help - with prevention or treatment recovery... they are not cures nor immunities.
If your dad actually has cancer now get him treatment. Weigh your options. Get multiple opinions from doctors if time permits. But medical tech is not bullshit - it can be a racket - but it isnt fake. The only bad thing is people who RELY SOLELY on medicines to fix things.... like getting on a buncha hesrt pills vs using heart pills with healthy eating and exercise and then getting off them like I've done.... medicine is meant for these extreme times.
Dont buy the snake oil.
19878160? ago
Drinking DMSO is save. There are no side effects except 2-3 days of stench. It can also hardly be overdosed. Buy yourself some DMSO reading for Christ's sake.
19877385? ago
Baking soda does not alkalize the body !!! I'm so tired of the alkaline myth!! The stomach is acidic and adding baking soda (a non food) to the stomach just creates gastro intestinal distress and slows down digestion since the stomach then has to work back up it's own acidity to properly break down nutrients... You know what's better than baking soda for "alkalizing the body?" LEMON JUICE... the most alkaline forming food you can eat next to watermelon...
19877532? ago
you're kinda right about the stomach acid defeating it, however I was able to lower my saliva pH by 1 point by eating the maximum amount of magnesium chloride I could handle.. on the verge of blowing up the toilet.
Eating magnesium chloride each day helps for relaxation, sleep and 300 body processes, almost every person is lacking in magnesium, especially cancer patients.
19908653? ago
i thought mag chloride was to be applied topically on the skin? because it is found naturally occurring in the ocean, and the ocean is the best source of magnesium. internally though i take mag taurate or basically anything except for oxide, and citrate is okay but not the greatest.
19876573? ago
Only clean water. Buy a good filter that gets rid of the flouride
19876969? ago
clean water is key, I have a reverse osmosis system, the reading is 15 parts per million, tap is 350 parts per million of "unknowns"
19879597? ago
distilled is even better, mine reads between 0 and 1 ppm
19876384? ago
hey, i wasn't aware CBD oil was legal nationwide. Is that relatively new?
19877922? ago
19882615? ago
cool beans. thanks.
19879207? ago
I buy this stuff to smoke and it seriously helps me focus and calm down my autistic tendencies ( ping multiple things at once / less focus )
It’s nice. I smoked pot for that when I was younger but once I got older I couldn’t handle the THC etc so this is all the positives and no negatives for me
19876854? ago
YES it is legal nationwide regardless of what people try to tell you.
Trump passed the "right to try bill" you have a right to try anything at this point how I interpret it. The ONLY group saying CBD is illegal is the DEA, and they have no standing on the "right to try" bill. Besides, CBD was never illegal, only THC was specified in our laws keeping us from the cure.
19882729? ago
I thought that right to try would definitely open the door for Cannabis as a cure but didn't know that the states wouldn't be having differing laws on CBD. Maybe highly regulated, maybe no even allowed some places.Very glad to hear its legal nationwide.
Yeah, i'm having my own battle with Lyme and i know it was a big government scam and possibly even created as a bioweapon. I've treated it naturally but i can't get away from ticks. This place is so infested that i almost believe it was purposely released here. So i get bit repeatedly and every bite results in months of symptoms until just as i start to feel better i get bit again. I have autoimmune reactions constantly. Really wish i could find a cure that worked in less than 3 to 6 months so i can stop feeling like shit.
19879191? ago
Yes CBD is legal. The biggest issue you will face currently is finding clean CBD. Find peer tested CBD brands and try to find them as local as possible
19878408? ago
CBD was made Scheduled 1 by Obama.
19876314? ago
People who see all the ridiculous ignorance in this thread and who see the immense harm doing many of these things can do.
19876104? ago
Cancer is a fungus? Lol where did this guy get his medical degree
19877194? ago
cancer is a fungus has been known since the 1930's
19876571? ago
Guess what, you are basically a fungus. Humans are essentially just great big walking and talking mushrooms.
Fungi cells and human cells are remarkably similar. We have a common ancestor.
19876285? ago
No joke. Cancer cells are just normal cells that are dividing out of countrol, not some foreign to the body fungus. And the cancer cells use the same materials normal cells use to grow. So much ignorance in this thread...
19877444? ago
Cancer tumors are actually your body's attemt to capture a fungus that has gone mycellial and branching, a piece breaks off, lands in another part of your body and cancer starts there too.. .why "surgery" rarely works. Cancer is a fungus
19876217? ago
I've heard it as well. Treatable with sodium bicarb. Essentially starve it by going alkaline. Keto diet does the trick. I literally drink baking soda Everytime I come down with something and didn't get sick for 8 years. No joke. Gerson miracle sounds legit also. Coffee enemas are no joke, "incredible". Dr. Sebi is also awesome. Follows the alkaline remind and drink naturally occurring spring water and natural alkaline foods. Seaweeds and missed are huge for that.
But ya. I've heard cancer is a fungus. If we all believe Q isn't a larp... Not such a stretch to believe cancer is a fungus. But the Earth ain't flat!!!!! Won't go down that psychotic thought process. It's where I draw the line! Hehe
19879560? ago
water always finds a level, even on six-mile stretches of straight canal, when astronomers say the curve should be 8 inches per (mile squared) -- so at six miles out, it should dip 8 inches * (6*6) = 288 inches, or 24 feet. yet the experiment ("Bedford Level Experiment") carried out with flags over 100 years ago, and more recently using lasers -- found that the flags were straight the entire way, all visible; and similarly the laser test found no curve either.
i understand getting started down this rabbit hole is difficult. don't start thinking "i want to believe" -- or at least, that wasn't how i started; i started wanting to debunk it, but as i learned more, found i was unable to.
the book Zetetic Astronomy is a good intro, and can be read for free online: http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za00.htm
19880264? ago
Here we go
19881014? ago
he brought it up, this is not sliding
19880657? ago
debunk it, i dares ya :)
19881101? ago
Plenty of debunks online. Just like the Democrats, you refuse to watch them.
19881128? ago
oh, i've watched plenty
you mean like the red bull jump? where when he opens the portal, the horizon is completely flat? then they switch to the exterior "fish eye lens" camera, and there's a huge curve?
and the curve changes! when the horizon goes above the middle of the camera, "the world curves upwards"! that's fake news...
19877324? ago
I like this person! hat tip, patriot!
19875935? ago
Wtf. Uh, no. You dont "drink" dmso. You dumb bro.
19877328? ago
drank plenty of it, you retarded brah
19875715? ago
Thank you so much, I appreciate your continued updates as well. God bless you my brother.
19879245? ago
Be blessed and live in The Light
19876029? ago
no problem, it works, I have dedicated my life to this, it was what first awakened me before Q
19875919? ago
Burzynski. He's in Texas. Right to try will enable your Dad to treat w/out interruptions. God bless you and your family. You're in my prayers.
19875604? ago
DO NOT DRINK DMSO! For the love of God, why in the hell would you tell someone that you fking moron!?? Im a farmer and have used dmso for decades. Yes it can be utilized as a vehicle to get substance into the body. You have to be extremely careful due to the fact it can make u an open source for any and ALL germs. They sell this in cream and liquid but to literally tell someone you drink it is fucking DUMB!
19878163? ago
your are missinformend!
There are no side effects except 2-3 days of stench. It can also hardly be overdosed. Buy yourself some DMSO reading for Christ's sake.
19879193? ago
Yeah, DMSO is safe! 10 drops in a glass of water with 3 drops activated MMS taken hourly in the morning is the perfect dosage!
Research MMS, John Humble is great!
19877600? ago
I'll go shot to shot with you, I'll take 99% DMSO and you take Bacardi 151 rum, we'll see who lasts and survives.
19881086? ago
And THC creates COMT in the brain. devastating. If so informed, why wouldn't he know this?
19875907? ago
drank plenty of it, you do not know what you're talking about, it is organic sulfur.
19876554? ago
RN-Anon here: one of the worst things I ever saw was about 15 yrs ago. This young male who had crushed up pills and then mixed with dmso- had applied it to the backnof his leg for application and introduction into his bloodstream. This chemical makes the area that it was applied to an open door for germs. One of the anons mentioned this and was exactly right. The youngman ended up going septic after introducing into his body, something that caused such an incredible infection in an unimaginable timeframe. He was dead in less than 3 days. The dmso will stay active in your body and can for years. Another case was a man who had spilled it outside a veterinarian clinic. Being around that environment with those germs, he aquired something that went straight to his brain. He has been in a vegetative state for 9 years. His wife divorced him and his daughter is now in college and doesnt have any relationship with him at all due to all the time lost. Look you may tell someone you're drinking dmso but I sincerely think you are lying due to the fact I've been in medicine for 28 years now. At no time was I ever told, read or heard of anyone advising someone to drink dmso. Anything that can be bought for farm animals as well as horses (arthritis) that has a clear warning label stating so, should indeed NOT be consumed by any means so far as human use. You ought to be ashamed to even say anything like what you've said. Either way you sound like a very misleading, dishonest and uneducated kid who needs to educate himself much further and learn first before speaking such insane and uneducated ramblings that do nothing but hurt people.
19876724? ago
RN anon, they store body organs in 65 degree DMSO for shipping to transplant locations for preservation, yet doesn't destroy cells
19876972? ago
19877376? ago
^^^extreme fool posting and scaremongering with no actual experience
19876966? ago
Im gonna go with Rn anon seeing how you cant even get basic english down lol
19877384? ago
you have not a clue what is going on, keep sleeping
19876960? ago
Dude you're straightup stupid telling people to drink that crap.
19877380? ago
dude, keep drinking that red bull
19876942? ago
You child are an idiot. Get your facts straight on rush dispenses (organ del) are embarrassing yourself.
19877387? ago
Honey chile, I have a list of people saying I saved their life, you mom is pissed you will not take out the trash.
19876031? ago
Maybe sulfuric not hcl
19876772? ago
I had sulfuric at first then thought I was wrong, regardless of the name of the acid, MSM turns into DMSO inside of the stomach.
Thanks for the correction, I was right off hand, shouldn't have changed it
19875905? ago
DO NOT DRINK DMSO!!!!!! Are you insane? Stop telling people something that could get them either killed or injured to a horrible degree internally.
19875676? ago
We used to use it on acne. Yeah, can't imagine drinking it tho..
19875881? ago
Ditto. I read that and was going to respond in the same manner as the above anon. Insane to even think about telling someone to drink it. Glad to hear someone else has braincells enough to speak up.
19875929? ago
Yes. Hopefully everybody will be discriminating about the info they receive. I dunno, cancer is tough.
19877295? ago
dumbass, cannabis oil could have cured your face cancer in 30 days without surgery! idiot!
19879241? ago
Lol, thirty days and I'd have no face.
19879233? ago
Very doubtful, this was extremely aggressive Squamous, large tumor, simply no time, and it was damn sure no time for research. Would have no face, or died.
19875949? ago
Indeed. Stay safe and have a good night brother.
19875970? ago
You too, I'm off to bed. (I edited my comment.) Take care.
19876004? ago
Thanks brother. God bless.
19874348? ago
Sorry, that's all there is that can work: anything else is a scam (ask Steve Jobs)..
19920165? ago
Steve Jobs? Who had pancreatic cancer and went on a fructose diet? Not a great example.
19932089? ago
Perfect example.
19875306? ago
chemo has a 3% success rate
cannabis oil is over 80%
19880626? ago
Where is your evidence?
There is none, so go fuck yourself.
19874572? ago
Not at all. 3 of my close relatives got cancer, two when the chemo route, and died within 3 months. The doctors however recorded their treatment as successful since they didn't die from cancer. They died from the chemo instead. The other one went with natural cures, and now almost 10 years later is still alive, and apparently cancer free.
19880667? ago
So please explain why pot smokers die from lung cancer?
The cancer killed.
19875023? ago
I agree. Chemo killed: My Dad, My sister in law, My best friend and my neighbor down the street. It's a wicked and sick treatment stemming from the chemicals developed during WWII. Designed to KILL the patient. Go Alternative health to stay alive. https://knowthecause.com/
19874527? ago
19880652? ago
Cunts like you hurt people.