19951385? ago

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19849857? ago

Wow! I didn't really understand idol worship and who practice that until now!

19853195? ago

They have tried to push it to the mainstream, Hollywood, the MTV awards, Persona video games series also known as Shin Megami Tensei, Agony developed by Madmind Studio and published by PlayWay. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7094154/ the Darksiders III game, Daemonica a tedious and adventure computer video game. Bayonetta 2 another one, the Madonna ritual for the Euro vision song contest shows more of the crap.

19849634? ago

The Jews often turned to worshiping Molech. Even Solomon, who built the Great Temple succumbed: “Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab, on the mountain which is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon. Thus also he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods” (1 Kings 11:7–8 NASB). In fact, it seems the Jews worshiped a number of gods: “because they have forsaken Me, and have worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of Moab, and Milcom the god of the sons of Ammon; and they have not walked in My ways, doing what is right in My sight and observing My statutes and My ordinances, as his father David did” (1 Kings 11:33).

Many Jews are Jews by ethnicity only. Yet, some are Jews by ethnicity and faith.

19911889? ago

In Commiefornia a club? http://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/a49636/snctm-sex-club-founder/ animal heads like something out of the Shinning or Eyes Wide Shut ... Snctm

19912819? ago

Unfortunately, evil is rampant everywhere. It knows no bounds. The Lord said, “I tell you that He [God] will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8 NASB).

19849208? ago

Amun Ra /Marduk Son of (Ea)rth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6DHXO05cmc Inanna/Ishtar/Easter! wife of Nimrod (sun god - Nimrod was worshiped as the Sun God. He was worshiped in numerous cultures and countries under a variety of names: Samas, Attis, Uti, Merodach/Marduk, Ninus, Bel/Baal, Moloch, Tammuz - the list is virtually endless) she was the great grand daugther of Enhil - She was a manipulative whore who seduced men of power to get what she wanted (Ghislaine Maxwell?) Inanna is also an important figure in todays BDSM culture!?

The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children

Every year, the priests of Ishtar (Easter) would impregnate young virgins on an altar dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas (!!!), and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter's Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar's eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.

*Inanna's husband was none other that the infamous god Moloch or Melekh, to whom children were - and still are - sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices were/are part of the rituals.

The cult of Inanna-Ishtar, which may have been associated with a variety of sexual rites, was continued by the East Semitic-speaking people who succeeded the Sumerians in the region. She was especially beloved by the Assyrians, who elevated her to become the highest deity in their pantheon, ranking above their own national god Ashur. Inanna-Ishtar is alluded to in the Hebrew Bible and she greatly influenced the Phoenician goddess Astoreth, who later influenced the development of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

So maybe this is the reason we see bunnies in arts, in perverted positions, as it all comes down to Ishtar/Inanna/Easter/Marduk/Moloch and the sacrifices of children. It's so sick

19849923? ago

There was a music art festival and a long tunnel underneath, same people at the Faggot Bohemia gathering? Who is sending the message on MTV, the movies and shows....The Jewish connection and Mossad involved, movement to Arabia and the House of Saudi? question is more accurately: which came first, Freemasonry or Jewry ... Red Shoes, French human trafficking networks and a New Orleans House? Masonic Lodges, what are they hiding ? British Intelligence Agency MI5 Did Not Tell Police Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys',

This is what caught my attention:

“The Greek Masonic Temple was built with 12 different types of marble, all from Italy.”

With Masons and the occult in general it’s always about symbolism. Twelve different types of marble representative of the twelve apostles of Christ, but quarried from Italy alone it betrays a connection to the Roman Catholics. The twelve are chosen in malleable stone in reference to the Bible, as the twelve apostles are the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem, each described in the Scriptures as being of a different type of precious stone. The Greek architecture combined with Biblical subtexts betrays a core of gnostic doctrine; combined with the Italian connection it’s a furthering of the old pagan system of Rome which traces back to Nimrod and the city/Tower of Babel. All pagan systems tracing back from the Masons of today to Nimrod have been facades, or illusions, as described in the provided Twitter thread.

Control of the masses has always been the goal. It’s no surprise that this was hidden in a mental hospital, as there would have been no shortage of test subjects for new manipulation methods and “magic”. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313/19264516 Interesting feed, I think the author posted it without understanding the full implications of what they found. This is an astounding insight into the modus operandi of the Masonic cult.

19848953? ago

marduk is the son of lucifer/enki. he appears in all religions, i.e., as satan, moloch, ba'al, pan, shiva. he also shares the role of yahwe with his father lucifer; in the old testament, whenever you see an angry vengeful god, its marduk, while lucifer plays the 'lighter', more loving parts.

lucifer left our plane a few thousand years ago, busy in other parts of the universe, and [they] expect his return. marduk has always been here, he is earth-bound and has taken on the role as ruler of this planet.

19849762? ago

More demonic Freemason crap, they also pray to this modern thing called 'Ja Baal On' it connects to maltheism and a collection of stone mason gods from babylon. The whole religion is very stupid but unfortunately some people believe this occult crap, the Shriners and Jesters are part of the human trafficking, pedo, blackmail crap, their arrests sometimes feature in the news.

19848742? ago

I remember a video game for the PC which had a "Marduk" character. Just looked it up, the game's name was "Sacrifice" (of course!).

There's a large cartoon dog with one more syllable: "Marmaduke".

19859705? ago

there was also a game called " Septerra Core " where Marduk was some sort of god.. it was a really strange world with different tiered caste of people living in " different worlds " layered on top of eachother.

19853079? ago

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19848947? ago

The French, the Arab world & Mossad connects ? The criminal Maxwell woman? 'a sense of identity ...giving ...digital TerraMar passports' https://twitter.com/Joestradamus91/status/1153157145413771264 , Britbong bbc news https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26352378 How did the pro-paedophile group PIE exist openly for 10 years? ...Florida police to internally investigate itself?

19848364? ago

fuckin Babylonians

19848670? ago

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19848326? ago

I’m no expert, but Marduk is the god of the Old Testament- Yahweh. A jealous and angry god , that is not the Father.

19848990? ago

marduk and lucifer share the yahwe role, marduk is the jealous and angry god while lucifer plays more 'nicely'.

19848571? ago

I think with some research you would find that the Enlil side of that family were the jealous and angry ones. The Enki line, mostly, were responsible for our recreation and survival of the great flood. All that is according to Sitchen.

19859362? ago

If you subscribe to Robert Stanley’s testimony, Sitchen is a shill for Enki. And Enki is mostly aligned with the character of Satan.

19933843? ago

I do not. According to Sitchen, Enki stated that there was a real universal God who would one day come to judge us all, humanity and Anunnaki alike. That hardly seems to jive with Stanley's portrayal of Enki as Lucifer.

Regardless of which one you believe, the overriding point is that we are just playthings of these beings and at least one faction has no problem with killing all of us if we annoy them. I never had and will not ever suggest that any of them should be worshipped or called God.

19848981? ago

sitchin got it all wrong, intentionally, he was a secret society member, preparing the field for disclosure, putting things upside-down as it is their usual pattern. actually, enki is lucifer, and he is the master geneticist show shattered our DNA and made us slaves.

19933936? ago

Okay, suppose you are correct. Does that Make Anu or Enlil a real god that you worship? If you take anything away from Sitchen it is that, regardless of who is the good guy and who is the bad, they are not really gods at all.

19937380? ago

why should i worship an ET who smashed my DNA down to 2 strands and 96% DNA 'junk'?

i wouldnt even worship one who could repair it again, lol - the good guys dont want to be worshipped, they want to be friends, its only the bad guys who like to be called Lord and play out power over us.

for me, there is ONE source which is All That Is in existence. the omniverse. This is what i perceive as God.

the creatrix of humanity is, from my pov, one aspect of the creator of this universe which is one aspect of the creator of this multiverse which is one aspect of source.

enki didn't create humanity. he captured the original human, experimented with our very special DNA - we have a god spark, a divine soul flame directly from our creatrix, a master geneticist who is enkis and enlils mother -, tried to extract our god spark, and eventually mixed our DNA with humanoids that had developed from the apes.


enki and marduk created the bloodlines. he had captured isis/ishtar, enlils daughter, and used her for his breading experiments. marduk is their son.

enlil couldnt free his daughter but in a fight, he cut off enkis dick. from that moment onwards, marduk proceeded the breeding with isis.

thus, these were two different bloodlines, enki - isis and marduk - isis.

enki also created a warrior race, a mix with the draco. the 3rd major bloodline.

the story goes that isis could escape at some time and went back to eden which is supposed to be in siberia (not a cold zone back then) where she gathered the remaining namlu, the original humans, and created a fourth bloodline, isis - human. their line is said to be mostly found in females, esp. those with red hair. magdalene, yeshuas consort, is alleged to have been from that bloodline.

would i worship any of them, good or bad? no way!

we are all from the same source. just because my DNA is not yet repaired so i dont have my innate psychic abilities available, and they have more psychic powers and tech than me doesnt mean they are above me. there is nobody above me but source and universal law. period.

excuse the sermon, lol, just got into the flow^^...

19848130? ago

Marduk....iconic black metal band...check them out