20911541? ago

This thread is designed to get you to look at islam as the enemy, not the real enemy: jews

classic idf tractics

20909088? ago

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20881087? ago

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20411847? ago

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19886209? ago

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19778341? ago

Certain design motifs were ubiquitous in the ancient world. If you look at ancient greek and crete geometric designs you see similar patterns. They also look like early babylonian cuneform writing.


19774027? ago

As Q says, you have more than you know. I think this is quite significant.

19771952? ago

Mouna Halabi is the designer.

19771861? ago

I spent an hour yesterday looking at language symbols and came up with nothing even close.

19770758? ago

The bottom left picture is from a private house, not a mosque. Or maybe it's a mosque inside a private house, is it a thing?


If you want to dig, cue the architect designer.

The bottom right picture is the Umayyad mosque.



From afar, it could look alike the Epstein temple tiles, but when you see larger pictures and observe the details, it's not a match. It's basic geometric shapes that can look alike from afar or in small pictures.

19772633? ago

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19770475? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall

19770142? ago

Well, not totally surprised, they're both evil.

19769793? ago

Name which Mosques in Aleppo, please? Just so we can check ourselves.

19770816? ago

The Great Mosque of Aleppo had similar symbols in the courtyard, but has been damaged by bombings and deliberate removal.

19769309? ago

Revelation 2:9

The blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

19768920? ago

Anyone find any info on what those symbols mean?

19768825? ago

Bettca wont find any pictures of JESUS in that temple.

19767497? ago

At least the nazifags can't say it's an "evil Jooo" temple anymore...

19767259? ago

Common denominator in all this is very dark religion of Humanism. These people believe they are Gods. They hide behind their created world religions & ideologies. Whether it be Talmud, Islam, Freemasonry, Zionism, Communism, Socialism. Blame the Jews. Blame the whites. Blame the rich. Look here, look there. Don't look at who/what they REALLY are. Humanists in the strictest sense. In God We Trust. What God? The perfected, Illuminated MAN.

19767153? ago

Would not evil always hide behind another yet symbols will be their downfall. I agree moleck, Babylon , satanism , nephillem . Evil !

19767025? ago

Does anyone know which specific mosque? Or are many like this?

19767002? ago

That some pedo insignia

19766464? ago

Oh my. That’s interesting

19766298? ago

Mohamed married a 6yo. Just saying

19765969? ago

It sure looks like the floor of the pedo temple could be raised, like a hatch or plainly elevated. I saw other images of two circular carvings earlier that could be hydraulics.

19765884? ago

And now you know. Islam has it's roots in ancient Satan worship. Moloch, child sacrifice, blood rituals. It's all there. Islam is just a rehashing of a very old religion. The more you look into this the more you will see. Islam is totally against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Ismail left Abraham and went back to the deserts to rejoin his people in opposition to the Children of Israel. The Egyptians were demon worshipers who had been given four chances to break free. Once under the rule of Job when he built the Great Pyramid, then under the rule of Joseph who united the people into one nation, and then later after the exodus of the slaves and the start of Christianity when many of the Native Egyptians were converted. Now, those people are still under attack from Muslims to this day as Egypt descends for the last time to Satanic forces. I think every nation which has been at the turning point in history is given chance after chance to break free of demonic influence and reject the trickery of Satanism. Now, here in USA we are being presented with a turning point in our history. Either we throw off Satanic influences or we condemn our children and our children's children to a thousand years of darkness.

19766924? ago

Please expand on this topic in more detail anon!

Awesome stuff here for us to consider and research in more detail.

19785110? ago

You aren't specific and I did cover a large theme, so, I can safely assume you wish some evidence that Allah is actually Satan?

I have no evidence other than the words of The Messiah and Mohammed concerning that as well as pointed scriptures that make it more plain. "By their fruits you shall know them" In every nation where Islam is supreme and has control there is little or no freedom of religion. The government is the arbiter of morality and conscience. Brutal punishments are meted out and applied unjustly, often for politics. This much is plain to anyone who cares to open their eyes and be aware.

Allah is a liar, the best deceiver and has been from the beginning. I don't need a bible or a Christian source, for it's right in the Koran. https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Allah_the_Best_Deceiver

The Messiah of Israel agrees with this: John 8:44 English Standard Version (ESV) 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Now, I should address two perspectives that though seemingly opposed, may indeed be but two sides of an evil coin in our world.

First, the Catholic Church. https://youtu.be/XSodZ87CaG8

I only find a couple of major errors in this video. One, Hitler was not a devout Catholic but more accurately, a Pagan. It may even be, that he was using Christianity as a front for his ideology to lure the masses into supporting him. At any rate, the Catholic Church cooperated with the Nazi regime save for a few who secretly opposed Hitler's ethnic cleansing agenda.

The other major error I find is the claim that the Catholic Church has murdered more people than any other organization. I think that's false but it's a good second to Islam and secular Marxists regimes.

Babylon the Mystery Religion: https://youtu.be/WhLTT85Ite8

I think for a better understanding, a person should watch both of these videos I've posted. The second one can be checked against a bible, preferably the KJV of the bible and carefully considered.

In spite of the corruption of the Catholic church with Pagan concepts, I tend to give more weight to the second video's assertions that it's actually Islam that more closely resembles Babylon, the mystery religion.

Here's a stunning thing I realized, Islam adopted many concepts of the ancient pagan religions. You can see this when you look at the temple in Epstein's Island. These child sacrificing blood rituals are still with us to this day. Should it be any mystery to us today looking back at history how the Catholic church adopted many aspects of this Satanic Cult when they literally invited pagans into the early church and adopted the concepts and idolatry of the pagans to encourage them to convert. So the pagans converted to Catholicism but the Catholics converted their religion to paganism to embrace the pagans. Should we then be surprised that the pope now welcomes Muslims to Europe? The media loses their minds if you critique Islam but for some strange reason it's now perfectly ok to mock Christianity. Is the Pope offended by those who mock Christianity and believers? Nope. Not at all. The Catholic Church and Islam seem to be merging in goals and acceptance of each other. I think maybe the Christians don't realize they are welcoming a deadly snake into their midst. The early Christians perhaps never imagined how the pagans would instead convert their church to paganism and now modern people don't realize that the followers of Islam will not be converted to tolerance but will instead enforce their ideology on America. Ilhan Omar is merely the tip of the spear. The first blood as it were.

19787546? ago

Really enlightening. This resonates with a lot of what I have been finding in my own research. Thank you anon.

To really maximize the positive impact of your knowledge and research, I would suggest you consider making a full post to expand on this whole set of ideas you have brought up.

19791237? ago

I think much of this is already out there in books and videos and much better stated than I am able. I mean, that's where I get my ideas from. Reading, observing and thinking. I think my big mistake from the point of the clergy was reading scripture on my own. That's when I started challenging preachers and other people at church.

I grew up in an SDA church family for the most part, except when I was with my own parents who were Jehovah's Witnesses. I can tell you, from 4 years old I hated the JW Kingdom hall and everything about that group. I was so happy when my dad split with my mom and dumped me back at my Grandparents. At least the SDA church for the most part lets a kid be a kid. Their propaganda only starts really kicking in at the early teenager level. All those Ellen G. White books are just depressing. My disillusionment with the SDA church was gradual but I tried hard to be a believer. So, in my late teens I began to see the cracks in their dogma. Starting at 20 years old I set out with a goal of reading the bible on my own cover to cover just to let it all sink in. Then I began to see how over and over the church was "Interpreting" things and it disturbed me but I didn't understand why. The why of it was many layered like an onion. First, Ellen G. White was a complete fraud, but I didn't find that out until internet came along and I could research her work over the internet. Comparing books and reading stuff by people who had done in depth research on her. She was a sick mentally disturbed person who basically lied her ass off to support the church. She covered her false prophesies with lies telling people that God allowed the prophesies to fail because the people weren't ready, or they were being tested and on and on. She eventually gave up prophesy because the failures of her predictions were damaging the church. So after her death the church began to "Interpret" her writings as well. If you want to go down that rabbit hole, be warned, it's stomach churning in a very disturbing way.

So, how can an entire church leadership get involved in such dishonesty? For one, the SDA church takes it's ideology and tactics from the Catholic Church, rewraps it in a shiny new coat of paint and markets it to the naive public. To support it's positions it must once more adopt Catholic tactics of taking verses out of context and explaining things to the people.

The SDA church discourages their people from bible study on their own. I know from personal experience when I attempted to comment on scripture and went off topic during bible study classes. The study leaders ALWAYS steer the group back to the lesson plan they have for the week. The first time that happened I was a bit uneasy so I tried again and once more got silenced. After about the third try in as many weeks I realized, it's a tactic that's planned. You can demonstrate this tactic in almost every church, I'm sure they all do the same thing. The rapture? Bullshit. Lot's wife turning to salt? Bullshit. Are the two topics related? Absolutely and the Messiah knew this and knew where the error came from. "Thou shalt not kill"? Bullshit. Go back to the original Hebrew and this becomes clear. Did God tell Adam and Eve that they would die the very day they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Nope. Not at all. In Hebrew it's clear as day. He told them they would begin dying on that day and it would end in death. There would be no physical recovery. What ever poison was in that tree's fruit damaged their DNA and changed them to mortality. I'm simplifying things here but the gist of what I am trying to get across is that the Churches don't give it straight. Right in the bible is the verse stating plainly, no scripture is open to private interpretation. So, how to interpret scripture? The answer is simple. Don't. Let scripture explain itself.

To those who are bible thumpers, I have another warning: Your bible is basically a chronology of events mostly concerning the nation of Israel both ethnically and spiritually. As for the physical descendants of Israel, Romans 11 should explain that in plain language. The Messiah also warned us that there would be Jews who are basically evil, who call themselves Jews but are of the Synagogue of Satan. Those were the pharisees of his time with their Traditions of Man that they held above scripture. This Traditions of Man became the Talmud when it was written down. Yes, most of Jewry in modern times uses the Talmud as it's guide.

Q states that Israel is last on the agenda. Perhaps we are seeing that start to play out with Epstein now. I hope so. But, if you read Revelations, God says he will clean his own house first.

I can't tell you the future but I believe this Great Awakening is heaven sent. I believe Trump is heaven sent. How it will play out in the world is not for me to say but my impression is that this is the beginning of an epic world wide struggle against evil which will lay bare for the world and the universe to see the reality of evil and expose the secret world of an ancient religion of death and destruction that has plagued humanity for generation after generation and nation after nation. Now the struggle is world wide. WWG1WGA! Q used that expression repeatedly and WW to describe the Awakening. We are polarizing into two camps world wide. Scary, huh? The democrats are being forced to either abandon their depravity or embrace it which is why we have the #WalkAway movement. Many are waking up and just walking away from the evil that is being revealed. I think, at this point, yes, America is being allowed to make that choice but the Whole Wide World is watching and learning and the WWW is waking up and being forced to choose a side in this epic struggle. The choice to know is yours.

19789341? ago

Oh man dude, I'm not a writer or a scholar. I'm just a working class structural welder who thinks to much while I'm working. It's a huge subject. I can expand a bit on things though.

First, I quit churches and religions as I heard too many lies and misconceptions coming from the pulpit. From preachers who loved the sound of their own voices while they avoided the plain truth of scripture ans "interpreted" things to suit their feelings and ingratiate themselves with an audience that prefers to think well of themselves than see reality.

So, I studied scripture without a human guide to explain away what I read. What I see in the world's history are universal object lessons the entire universe can observe as the struggle over humanity has raged on through the centuries.

I think of it this way, each man is responsible for his own soul, whether he will do right or wrong, and seek justification of his actions by his own reasoning or will he seek out his integrity from a source greater than himself. Each man must face judgement for his own actions.According to scripture, we have no inherited righteousness. Everyone is condemned to death and either accepts the free gift of salvation and redemption through the Messiah's crucifixion or failing that acceptance, is condemned to eternal death. That's as plain as I can make it from what I read. You either believe or not. That choice is entirely an individual one.

However, nations are a different thing that has no soul but must sink or swim collectively on it's own merits. So, how does God deal with a nation that has no soul and can't be assured of salvation in the hereafter? Very simply, a nation is either punished or rewarded here and now. The kingdom of Israel suffered invasions and it's people were slaughtered and driven out or enslaved by surrounding nations. Babylonians, then Assyrians who destroyed the Northern Kingdom, then the Romans who crushed the Southern Kingdom of Judea. Warnings were given and ignored each time by those in power. Those who were innocent were warned to flee. Good decent people in Arabian countries are also being warned. Some will listen, most will not. The citizens of the city state of Tyre were warned, disregarded the warning and were slaughtered with their city leveled and thrown into the sea by wave after wave of attacks just as prophesied.

Now, here in the USA we have had repeated warnings. I believe Trump is our chance to not just Make America Great Again but to Make America Godly Again. A nation is made great not by wealth but by Godliness. Whether it respects rule of law or not. You can see this national debate waged across our nation among the people and in the house of Congress. Either we return to rule of law and justice for all, the same justice for the wealthy as for the poorest of our people. Either we replace our crooked judges and legislators or we sink forever into a thousand years of darkness and depravity. This is our moment to decide as a people which direction this nation will take. This pattern has played out over and over in nation after nation through out history. It's time for America to choose which God it will serve. The God of this world or the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This struggle will continue on an individual level in every person and on a national level with each nation receiving it's just reward.

Leonard Cohen realized this and put it to song, but you must listen carefully as he hinted at what was to come: https://youtu.be/ifwtWF485HU

19789953? ago

This is such awesome background and completely aligns and resonates with what I have been finding on my own.

Sometimes it takes an open and clear mind which not polluted by the "politically correct" educational system to help elucidate the truth for your own and others' benefit.

Never doubt or discredit yourself for having a sound, sharp mind, uncompromised from the lies and teaching of the cabal-controlled educational system.

I would encourage you to copy down everything you have aleady wrote here, which is awesome, and make a post that explains this overarching worldview and how you got there.

This sort of dig ties into so much of the struggle the white hats and Trump are engaged in and the battle that Q is providing us insight into.

19766829? ago

A little off topic but:

Anyone informed on the stories behind yazidi angel? I’ve been told it’s the main reason behind Daesh/ISIL attempted destruction of their people in Kurdistan.

(DIG SINJAR 06/2014)

Melek Taus (Kurmanji: Tawûsê Melek), also spelled Malik Tous, translated in English as Peacock Angel, is one of the central figures of Yazidi religion.

19765658? ago

A lot of the history of Islam is suppressed by modern Islam as heretical. In earlier times the worship of idols was widespread, most cities had an idol that represented the local beliefs. Muhammad forced the places he conquered militarily to consolidate the temples, eventually moving the idols to Mecca. The banning of images, praying facing Mecca, terror, all lead to a pragmatic monotheism. At the same time Islam adopted the beliefs of various pagan religions that were taken over.

The Great Mosque of Aleppo was built on the site of an early temple to Roman gods, which later was a garden area for the Cathedral of St. Helena. I think it's possible the stone patterns at Aleppo date to the Roman period, which matches the idol worship at St. James Island more closely than an Islamic theme. The gold dome is an obvious Islamic style element, the blue and white stripes feel Greek inspired... the NWO plans to do what Mohammad did and further consolidate religions worldwide into a single Luciferian sex/death cult, with elements from all religions.

20825592? ago

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19767117? ago

This wouldn’t surprise me. After all, they are merging or consolidating many things like gender and what is a family unit. What’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong.

19766774? ago

Interesting info wwg1wga

19766187? ago

Very interesting

19765467? ago

Does anyone know what those symbols represent? Fascinating to find out!

19764981? ago

Which mosques in Aleppo?

19764630? ago

Brennan is a devout Muslim. SB2 did his last episode delving into the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. The title talks about chemtrails but he also goes into the Snake story.


19767037? ago

SB2 is a fucking braindead dicklicker

19764286? ago

Now this is some high quality digging

19886180? ago

https://www.thedailybeast.com/we-found-red-flags-all-over-jeffrey-epsteins-jail-records?ref=home We Found Red Flags All Over Jeffrey Epstein’s Jail Records: A FOIA of the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office work-release and visitor logs for the financier turned up some troubling inconsistencies.

19764117? ago

The mosque on the bottom left is CGI it does not exist in real life it was created as a showcase. The artist might be worth looking at tho.

19765788? ago

What does CGI mean? Where is that particular mosque located?

19767489? ago

Computer Generated Image

19767575? ago

Thanks so much. Very patient of you! I knew it must mean manufactured in some way.

19766141? ago

It's a computer rendering of a proposed mosque not a real place.

19764113? ago

Wow great research, this could lead to something big...

19763905? ago

Wow. I was searching for info about them last night.

19763912? ago

WTF is going on

19763761? ago

Remember the photos of no name with ISIS and Al Bagdadi? In Allepo in front of tunnels? This was what was then asociated with the web?

19763644? ago

Something for the Arab oil tycoons and monarchy's

19763569? ago

Jews and Muslims worship the same god. He is not the father of Jesus.

19763596? ago

You got that right!

19763957? ago

You all worship YAHWEH, who also wasn't the father of Jesus. The Source, or The Progammer, The Original, The One, The ALL, doesn't really require worship.

God is a comedian playing to an audience that is terrified of laughing.

19770849? ago

Yep, a real god would never Sacrifice his Child for a bunch or retards on Planet Earth.....

19763489? ago

This interesting info could take this into a whole new direction

19771008? ago

Bible is just a story about some previous myths

Snakes are good, they are in nature

In medieval cat was bad, then hitter compares Jews to rats

Now what, why do you want to blame innocent animal as public enemy

19768957? ago

I’ve always said islam is the religion of satan

19767149? ago

There is a rattlesnake in do not tread on me.

The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Positioned below the rattlesnake are the words "Dont Tread On Me." The flag is named after American general and politician Christopher Gadsden, who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution.

19766771? ago

Perhaps that Palestinian passport shows the true identity of Epstein instead of being a fake..... Snake indeed.

19765977? ago

Allah is the greatest of deceivers: From their own source: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Allah_the_Best_Deceiver

Jesus called Satan the father of lies: "Ye are of the devil, as [your] father, and ye desire to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks falsehood, he speaks of what is his own; for he is a liar and its father"

For me this is proof that Allah is Satan, the fallen angel out to deceive the entire world and murder the innocents. Nothing could be more clear.

19765425? ago

Its been widely proven Islam is a Political tool. They use Islam and made it look like a religion, but it's a political tool.

Most religion is used for control. People don't think for themselves. They just believe without research, and get pushed as sheeps.

19764811? ago

well ill be a blue gophers pecker i probably posted this aleppo symbolism to 8ch fourteen times last year and it's finally made it's way into notables and voat.

the ultimate satanic cult is the jews btw...kosher slaughter and halal slaughter are identical. the original child/animal sacrificing caanonites became pharisees became phoenicians became khazars and eventually adopted a version of judaism outwardly while continuing the oral pagan talmudic traditions. it's a complicated story but to simplify everything: It's the fucking jews.

doing your own historical research will confirm everything. muslims weren't even around until waaay later in history. long nose tribe already mastered the art of torturing children to death for blood ritual. either group descends from canaan anyhow. Most of the people here exposing the satanic terrorist tribe are descendants of Shem.

19767017? ago

You're full of shit, you glow faggot shill. In the old testament God is at war against pagans. You can't blame the jews for being the pagans they were fighting against. Your bullshit claim is flagrantly dishonest.

The truth of the matter is that the pagans despise the jews for introducing monotheism; and destroying their wicked pagan religions. The pagans have been tormenting the jews for millennia because God (blame the jews) usurped their power. The pagan snakes have infiltrated, and framed the jews for centuries as revenge, and will mever reat as long as Jews and Christians exist.

19766940? ago

Thank you for giving that information. Where could I learn more about these symbols and what they mean? Symbolism will be their downfall and we should know what they are saying through it.

19766674? ago

I understand the jews are satanic piles but why does Jewsteins temple, built egytian style, also look like the muslim temple shit too? What is the connection between the 3, do you know?

19768934? ago

The short answer is they look similar because they were inspired by the same thing. Most people have heard that an architectural obelisk, like the Washington Monument, is a phallic symbol. The Epstein temple's dome (that was destroyed by a storm in 2017) is common in Greek and Islamic architecture and the meaning assigned depends a lot on how deeply either the designer or those who commissioned the design were into the occult. A dome may simply represent the sky, or... the topmost point may be an all-seeing eye in the vault of heaven, or... it's a womb.
For me, the research started out as fascinating but after a while seemed pretty pointless. Many think the original layout (1791) of Washington DC was the occult hidden in plan sight, but the National Mall Coalition says the McMillan plan (1901) was a cross. McMillan Plan Map

There's a guy named Derrick Gilbert who does a Five Topics in Ten Minutes newscast for Skywatch TV. He's written a couple books based on the premise that symbolism which matches across different ancient cultures might not be one people group influencing another; that it might not be related to global migration and travel as much as the anthropologists try to find evidence for. It could be that these seemingly unrelated people groups were seeing the same demonic entities. That would explain similarities in iconography. To me, that makes sense as to why pagan temples often look similar.

19772678? ago

Here a question for ya. Did Moses, (if he is a real person), know he was a Jew?

19851437? ago

What is your definition of "Jew?" I have to ask because I spend a chunk of time each week with a group that nitpicks exegesis and textual criticism. Some claim only the tribe of Judah counts as true Jews.   But the short answer to your question is that Moses found out that he was Hebrew from the tribe of Levi at about age 40.

19854868? ago

That is a good question. However, I am no scholar on the matter. From what I "have read", (outside the bible), is there were Hebrews and at some point there was some form of "revisionism" as it relates to the Jewish race/faith. I had just finished a lengthy article about who wrote the bible and it is pretty darn confusing.

19767781? ago

All conspiracies are satanic anon. Dont get too lost in the name game.

19765805? ago

Wait a minute...caananites became Isrealites following the destruction of Jericho, dont mix them with phoenicians.. Phoenicians only got a bad name due to the Punic wars because of Roman propaganda. All tales of child sacrifice came from roman sources. Aleppo used to be Ninevah, medical centre for the Sumerians. Might be why they used to have a world seed bank at Aleppo.. lots of genetic information used to be there before Isis turned it into their HQ...

19774710? ago

She has evidently suffered from sra, but she is the first and only time ive ever heard of hivites. She has been taught that they exist, but she remains one source. Disinformation comes from every direction. Be careful.

19776210? ago

Her family is big in this. She escaped. She the one who was a victim to many including Tom Hanks. She has the history right .

19779366? ago

Best way to make a psychopath work for you, is to make them think that they are important.

19766293? ago

No the entire reason the cabal hates the roman fascii so much is because of the romans sacking carthage. Hence you see them using it nowadays in antifa (mirror kikes), and calling everyone they want to discredit 'fascist'. The canaanites wanted hedonistic, do what thou wilt style religion to dominate the world so they could abuse/sacrifice children, be homosexual and cannibalize out in the open with no restriction. History is murky but even Eustace Mullins wrote about the connection between Canaanites and Phoenicians. The hollywood character Hannibal Lector is a shoutout from (((them)))

19767038? ago

That's why they all have to be eliminated. God gave Joshua the command to destroy everything in Canaan the promised land and he didn't and God said that those people would plague them for the rest of time

19766889? ago

Can you please make a separate post on QRV that breaks down this history of Islam and Judaism in more detail?

This sort of historical lesson is revelatory to what's happening now and ties together with a lot of the findings from the research I've been doing.

19772756? ago

I have been checking out this website Cassiopaean.org. It has a section on who wrote the bible. (a side bar on the left and bottom of it's home page). Very informative. I can't copy and paste right now.

19774623? ago

Very cool. Appreciate that information anon.

19767758? ago

Im kind of working on that now anon. Its a lot to sift through and fastjacks distraction didnt help my focus but im back to work.

19774719? ago

I can appreciate the massive amount of information you are sifting through in your research. It’s a certainly not an easy or straightforward process to get to the underlying truth.

Keep up the good work and keep sharing.

This is a side note, but I find the subconscious mind can be a big asset to my own process.

I find that when a new idea or concept I am reading about resonates strongly with me as having some element of truth, it ends up being beneficial to look into it in a lot more detail. And oftentimes that extra dig ends up being revelatory in other areas, and oftentimes in unexpected ways.

19774969? ago

Thanks anon

19764992? ago

OP here - Been lurking on 8ch for a few years now and every once in a while will post something I think the normies should see. This was one of those times. So if this is your doing, thanks, anon.

19767113? ago

I definitely remember seeing this on the chans too, good job OP for posting it at a great time and good job OOP for finding the connection

19765178? ago

I actually got it from someone else as well so I can hardly claim credit. It was being shared and overlooked for quite a while though. The temple seems to show a combination of islamic and jewish symbolism. Israel colors and gold dome, owl statues, the geometrical patterns seen on the ground matching the aleppo symbolism. The way the lines go up, around and down into the top of the doorway is also seen in a masonic shrine (cannot remember the name off of the top of my head right now)

Ofcourse we all know masonry is entirely based off of the Cabala (where we get the word cabal from) and is jewish through and through. Here again you will notice shriners wearing fez caps. The alternation and intertwining between muslim and judaic stuff happening, the higher in degrees you get the more talmudic it becomes.

Judeo-masonic is a good word for this imo. The parasite tribe will happily assume any name or label. The nose behind the curtain.

19766863? ago

Can you please make a separate post on QRV that breaks this history down in more detail?

This sort of historical lesson is revelatory to what's happening now and ties together with a lot of the findings from the research I've been doing.

19765893? ago

I never knew those hats the shriners wear was called a fez cap. But Steely Dan has a song “the fez” and the lyrics go;

No I'm never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no No I'm never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no That's what I am Please understand I want to be your holy man No I'm never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no Ain't never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no That's what I am

19774306? ago

Steely Dan have some pretty interesting lyrics....The Royal Scam album is one of my all time favourites, and pretty much all the songs resonate with the clown world we have found ourselves in 40 odd years later.....Becker/Fagan are obviously tribe....I'm not sure if they are warning us, or taking the piss....

Kid Charlemagne - About Owsley Stanley (who probably got his LSD from the clowns, though supposedly made it himself) Caves of Altamira - To me this seems to be about buried history and learning from the preflood ancients Don't take me Alive - pretty much the only song I know that get's into the head of a MK Ultra shooter, who of course is a bookkeepers son! Sign in Stranger - about changing identities to escape a dodgy past, interesting how many of the zombies we look at have no proper backstory (Obama being one of many) The Fez - As you described Haitian Divorce - Sex Tourism in Haiti! The Royal Scam - Puerto Ricans being sold the dream of the United States, but being fucked over once here

19774314? ago

excuse bad formatting!

19766373? ago

Didn't know about the steely dan song! thanks for posting.

19764065? ago

Of course Islam is the ultimate satanic religion; it’s one of the reasons TPTB have aligned themselves with it.

19765846? ago

Islam was created by Christianity to get the jews out of Jerusalem. Then Mohammed being a arab, stabbed his paymasters in the back and installed jihad and built a dome on a rock. Lol jews. Lol christians.

19765367? ago

Don't fall for them dividing us by religion! We're supposed to accept people who believe in cutting out little childrens' vulva lips, sewing them shut and then splashing them with acid. Accept everything, even socialism, Islam, human sacrifice etc - that is obviously what Q is trying to teach us.

20911459? ago

yet you do the same with little boy penis and don't even bat an eye because of the jews

19764627? ago

Epstein is Muslim?

19766002? ago

He's part of a Satanic cult religion. Same thing Islam comes from.

19765863? ago

As much as he is jewish.

19765082? ago

He had a residence in Saudi Arabia. Sounds like a sandnigger to me.

19765366? ago

i like dune coon

19765351? ago

They found an old expired Saudi passport, with his photo and a different name, in his safe.

19767142? ago

They never said it was a Saudi passport, did they? Just that it's a "foreign" passport with a Saudi address.

19771252? ago

Ah. I guess so. I heard "Saudi Arabia" and "passport" and made that assumption subconsciously.

19765124? ago

Do Jews count as sandniggers?

19767123? ago

shapeshifting sandniggers

19763928? ago

Satan came as a snake into the garden of eden.

Is it Satan or has it always been sasumed to be him?

19763775? ago

Talmudism as well.

19769331? ago

Revelation 2:9

19792330? ago

and 3:9!

19765896? ago

Many Jews reject the Talmud. I think you should know this.

19768467? ago

Many Jews reject the Talmud.

Over 90% of all Judaism is Phariseeic, that is to say they learn from the Talmud.

The "many Jews" you speak of are actually a very small minority in Judaism. Judaic scholars have repeatedly admitted that Judaism is Phariseeic.

So don't obfuscate and inflate words to hide the truth.

19783891? ago

Right now in Jerusalem the Jews that reject the Talmud and accept Christ as their savior are around 16000 and fighting for their rights. I call 15000 many.

19769342? ago

This doesn't refute OP's statement that most Jews reject the Talmud, moishe

19767185? ago

And they still probably support their fellow jews in a myriad of ways. Literally shielding satanists.

19769321? ago

No, that's what you are doing by attacking the Jews instead of the Satanists

19777156? ago

Telling the truth isn't an attack. You braindead meatsack.

19766384? ago

They have a once in a millennium chance to start rejecting it proper. Would hate to see them get caught up with the satanic cabal for keeping mum.

19766103? ago

Yet extremely over-represented when it comes to the conscious labor of deconstructing and dismantle the western civilization and population.

19766064? ago

...He didn't say Judaism, rabbi.