Surprise press conference. TRUMP TELLS THE WORLD LOOK AND SEE WHO WENT TO EPSTIEN ISLAND! flames omar "she shouldnt even be in congress" , and destroys Cortez (
submitted 5.4 years ago by 3330724?
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19706041? 5.4 years ago
And clowns Paul Ryan.
That was a good presser.
19706416? 5.4 years ago
How the Fuck does one guy do,all this? There is a bigger picture here and they are pinning it on the front man.
19708403? 5.4 years ago
Epstein is just Mossad's honeypot manager. He takes care of the eastern pot, hugh Hefner took care of the west coast one.
20612258? 5.3 years ago
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19706041? ago
And clowns Paul Ryan.
That was a good presser.
19706416? ago
How the Fuck does one guy do,all this? There is a bigger picture here and they are pinning it on the front man.
19708403? ago
Epstein is just Mossad's honeypot manager. He takes care of the eastern pot, hugh Hefner took care of the west coast one.
20612258? ago
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