19716444? ago

This is such absolute bullshit.

Trump has ZERO to do with bringing him to justice, in fact it would it would staggeringly corrupt of Trump to try and influence prosecutions.

The one thing Trump did do was pick Alexander Acosta for his Adminstration, Acosta was, of course, most famous for giving Epstein a very bizarre non prosecution agreement.

This got the Miami Herald wondering why the hell did they pick him and and what did he do with Epstein and they started investigating. And they located dozens of Epstein's victims who were previously named as Jane Doe in court documents and they got 8 of them to go on the record.

This allowed SDNY to have witnesses they could interview about possible crimes in NYC.

That's what got this case going.

19706316? ago

https://youtu.be/Gi9kvg1Ta7o A few details for clarity purposes

19704044? ago

Nothing can stop what is coming. NOTHING! https://www.qmap.pub/read/3426

19709365? ago

can you do a chart?

Belief, The Cult, Group Who they are
British Mason Prince Andrew
Shriner Freemason Brit pedophile Jimmy Savile
Corrupt US business men & politicians Too many to name
Models Human Trafficking Les Wexner
Human Smugglers Rodriguez, and Marcinkova, TeenVogue Magazine
British Occult Jewish Ghislaine Maxwell
Israeli Zionists Hollywoodland & money laundering in general
Israel Ehud Barak
Dumb Fucking Perverts Cyrus Vance
Canada Bronfman mob family
Red Commie Nadia Marcinkova
Saudi Arab a Saudi Arabia King and Prince
Other Moslem Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalty.
Corrupt filthy American degenerate Kevin Spacey
A traitor to the USA? Lesley Groff, Woody Allen, Henry Jarecki, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Sports world scum The Nascar woman
Fashion Model world scum ..Naomi Campbell
Frogistani Degenerate Abuser Criminal Lean-Luc Brunei
Fashionista Frog That French/Russia asshole connected to dating sites, possibly communist or jew extremist
Commiefornia Hollyweird Tv Scum Geraldine Laybourne, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Hollywerido movie Tv scum ....Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, tv studio connections, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Latino / Christian ay caramba horde President Andres Pastrana
Filth person but not sure if legally defined as a criminal Alan Dershowitz
Pop music MTV filth Eminem, P Diddy, Courtney Love, Pete Townshend
Doomsday Brainwashing Blackmail cult NEXIVM people
Devil worshiping artists Bryan Singer, Waris Ahluwalia, the Marina Abramovic.
Babylon Satanist worships Lucifer & Baal George Aref Nader, Epstein himself

19704004? ago

Oblama. Osama. Obummer. Otransgender. Owhatever.

Man, fuck that guy.

19704000? ago

"Find out who went to that Island" POTUS

https://www.qmap.pub/read/3425 #Qanon #WeAreTheNewsNow #FactsMatter #WWG1WGA #WakeUpAmerica #UnitedNotDivided #SaveAmerica #GreatAwakening

19703906? ago

Oblama = LOL

19703093? ago

It is nearly certain W is already at GITMO. That occurred immediately following Sr's funeral back on 12/5/18. Pictures are out there with W hand-delivering some pizzas to his security detail and the same stocky, bald headed guy is there - the same guy that stood directly behind him at the funeral.

19709493? ago

a culture of Commiefornia Filth https://voat.co/v/QRV/3330307/19708546 Joe Francis is a pornography producer, also Girls Gone Wild.

19702714? ago

Epstein is a fake billionaire. He is nothing more than a Mossad operative, put there by the puppeteers. Very few real billionaires out there these days. Just like SOROS, he is just a front for the Rothschilds, whom are in control but also under the thumb of the Payseurs. Epstein's job was to get compromising pictures of politicians and powerful figures so they could be blackmailed and controlled by the MOB BOSSES (Payseurs, Rothschilds...). Oldest fucking trick in the book... and the dumbshits all, without exception fell for it. No wonder these Rothschilds are arrogant pricks. It is just like taking candy (or a lung, or a heart, or innocence) from a baby, and they do it. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! Now, one of the families is fighting back and that is when Trump came in. DARK TO LIGHT, PATRIOTS! NATURAL IS A BITCH! WWG1WGA MAGA

19711651? ago

Have a verbal upvote. Good insight, anon.

19705825? ago

'The Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770, one of Epstein’s past beneficiaries, received $50,000 from Gratitude America Ltd. in 2016. '

'The Bruce and Marsha Moskowitz Foundation received $100,000 in 2016 and $50,000 in 2017, Gratitude America Ltd.’s filings state. '

'But in its own 990 tax returns, Moskowitz’s nonprofit says it received money from Jeffrey Epstein, not Gratitude America. '

'The 2015 registration statement for Gratitude America lists Richard Kahn as president and Jeffrey Epstein as director. '

19704458? ago

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19702570? ago

How is Trump the one spearheading this exactly? As far as I'm concerned this process started last year when a group of prosecutors asked to reopen the files. Please stop treating this man like a God. No border yet, thousands of migrants, and a fucking race traitor. Fuck off. Where's the wall? Where's the executive order to build the wall?

19703098? ago

I get it..

You wanted Hillary.

19706085? ago

No, I want a wall and security for white people. Trump's on his knees for Bibi. I voted for Trump you fuck

19713300? ago

Hey, you fucking dipshit..

Bibi issued a death threat to Trump on the 4th of July.

You're so fucking stupid, I bet you missed it.

19720038? ago

how bout when you make a fucking claim you source it you fucking swiss cheese cunt. fuck off

19720203? ago

you're embarrassed, I get it...

or you don't know how to investigate for yourself

the absolute foundation of the QAnon movement

You sad faggots.

19721678? ago

go back to worshipping Q you massive fag nice try with the fake news you jew.

when kushner's your son in law, but bibi threatens you... mfw

suck a dick jew boy

19702679? ago

Shh you are interrupting the headcannon.

19702477? ago

Scares me is the powerful elite people that Epstein knows/blackmails, connections to C_A/FBI/mossad/DS/etc., his financials, Comey's daughter being one of the prosecutors, being prosecuted in anti-Trump NY.

All these accusations have been going on for decades and no one has done much to stop it. Our trust is in Barr and his team to end this disgusting activity with extreme prejudice. This case is just the tip of the iceberg. There are far worse and criminality things that have gone on that most do not know about yet. Those involved must be prosecuted and not just implicated.

19702523? ago

The comney connection for prosecution seems like the last ditch effort to save him.

There is a slight chance she is ethical and didn't know of daddy's dealings, but usually the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

19704548? ago

The comney connection for prosecution seems like the last ditch effort to save him.

This is disinfo according to Cates.

19704953? ago

What is, the comney daughter is the prosecuting atty info?

19704960? ago


19706187? ago

This person does some pretty damn good research. We have watched this channel for a while now

19702286? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc-uysS6Tlw deep dive into Epsteins' background

19702168? ago

So many shills. Must be ramping up efforts from the bot networks due to the news.

19702161? ago

Two terms of Clinton and another of Bush before that.

19702135? ago

No doubt that Epstein is the ' key ' that will start to unlock the decades of evil, dishonesty and lies from both parties that partake in / of the DS Cabals bidding.

More, and more people around the the globe will be locked up or uh hem... have ' accidents ' to thwart their so called images portrayed to the world.

Light at first shows the darkness, then extinguishes it from existence.

19705419? ago

Decades???? Lmfao try centuries.

19704473? ago

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19703153? ago

Trump is already talking Epstein Island and who went there...

Next is 'what happened there' and then the incriminating video evidence.

We're in the bottom of the 9th in the first game of a Double Header.


19701758? ago

Trump made the person who got Epstein off part of his cabinet.

Now hes being brought down by SDNY FBI the same people many here claim are part of a "witch hunt"

Trump is on record talking about grabbing women by tje pussy, and making super creepy comments about young girls. Look up what he said about 12 year old Paris Hilton or his own daughter.

The delusion here is unreal...

19701863? ago


You can't stop what is coming.

19702234? ago

Trump had "private parties" with Epatein at Mar A Lago. Epsteins island isnt the only place trafficking happened.

What you should ask is why is POTUS saying "look at the island" and not "find out all the crimes that happened" almost like a diversion...

19702667? ago

He banned the guy from his properties long before this broke. actions speak louder than words, and he isnt jerry steinfeld dating a 16 year old. Trump has a rep of dating exceptionally hot LEGAL women that do not look like teenagers.

19702797? ago

Yes actions speak poder than words. Look at the court case the info you're voting co!rd from.

Epstein got CAUGHT recruiting sex slaves at Mar A Lago, when this was found out Trump CLAIMeD he barred Epstein but that's just that: a claim with no evidence.

It's also pretty late and weak response. Why not do more? why did Epstein have 14 phone numbers for Trump? Why did Try!p have a !peeling agency for under aged w/o!English Epstein helped him with?

19704656? ago

Epstein got CAUGHT recruiting sex slaves at Mar A Lago (need sauce), when this was found out Trump CLAIMeD he barred Epstein but that's just that: a claim with no evidence (Except https://truepundit.com/trump-was-only-one-to-help-prosecutor-in-2009-epstein-case/ )

It's also pretty late and weak response. Why not do more? As a private citizen, other than calling the cops, what can you do?

why did Epstein have 14 phone numbers for Trump? In pre cell phone days with lots of properties, why WOULDN'T he have a ton of numbers? Hell, I have 15 numbers today.

Why did Trump have a modeling agency for under aged women that Epstein helped him with? You are going to have to provide more sauce for that. I see that ultra liberal mother jones has a headline of trump modeling agency abusing teenagers, then you read the story and it says that the abuse was that someone at the agency told the models when they travel to a foreign country to get a tourist visa rather than a work visa because it's easier, and stated that the girls shared an apartment. That is a really long way from sexual abuse the headline implies (the date is also when trump had announced he was running for pres), it doesn't say that president Trump was involved with that, nore does it say anything about Epstein other than someone was sueing Epstein and named Trump as a defendant in the case. They also imply, without quotes , references, or any corroborating evidence on everything they are writing in that piece. They mention general ny parties, and then somehow try to link President Trump to a general statement. What happened to the New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman formal investigation into the Trump modeling agency? If there was a problem they certainly would have lynched trump by now - inspite of the fact Eric resigned after it came out he abused 4 women.

Here is some excepts from the article. Edwards: The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.

opposition research firm Fusion GPS tried and failed to find evidence of a close relationship between then-candidate Donald Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein,

19701505? ago

Nah he will do a couple months at the taxpayer funded resorts for jewish criminals.

19701356? ago


Retard level 9000

The elites are pedo's and sexual predators.

19708033? ago

Yeah, I do to when I can. My guess is Trump has more women of a higher grade that he gets to grab. He was talking about women who let him do it, not being a rapist. Are you fucking dense?

19708061? ago

He's a billionaire New Yorker. An elite.

19702576? ago

Yea, can you quote the entire statement he said ... In its entirety.

19701622? ago

Trump probably said that because he knew that someone was leaking conversations to the press.. Say something outrageous, see if it gets out and trace it back through the chain of communication.

19700704? ago

Let’s see what happens at his bail hearing.

19700739? ago

I saw the $77 million bail offer from Epstein as a signal to 9/11 plotters.

Flight 77 allegedly hit the Pentagon where Rumsfeld's missing $2.3 Trillion was being investigated.

19700437? ago

He hasn't been convicted and sentenced yet, we won't know for sure until then.

19700264? ago

  1. Arrest Hillary
  2. GTFO

19700521? ago

Hillary lives 24/7 in your head. If her time comes it comes, until then i'll enjoy all the other pedos going down.

19700567? ago

IF her time comes?!?!

HOLY FUCK! You assholes have completely changed your tune.

Go back and read the posts in QRV from 9 months ago. It was all about Hillary receiving justice.

Down the memory hole, huh?

19701574? ago

Possibly we have a "learning curve", which I'm certain YOU are incapable of.

19700761? ago

Down the memory hole, huh?

Looks like it. I think people are beginning to see scope. Hillary was a meme and little more. One cunt's got a private email server, and one cunt is dealing in under-aged puss on a private island connected by underground tunnels. How is this a surprise?

19700787? ago

  1. Hang Hillary on National TV and tell the world about her crimes
  2. Go after all the other traitors with a vengeance.

19701244? ago

Word. Her execution streamed live on Pay Per View is the ONLY way I'd pay to enter a theater with a ticket. I will still bootleg the hi deff version (4K with a dedicated raid array) and in lower DVD compression. For the kids sex education material.

19700483? ago

The fact that you think Hillary is the top dog shows that you are not really part of this movement. Nice try, crybaby shill.

19701261? ago

The Clinton body count mocks your ignorance with malicious intent.

19700747? ago

Nobody said she was top dog you fkg cretin.

Crybaby shill? ... grow up!

19701298? ago

Projection and deflection by Clinton sucks up is why elitist Pedophilia is entrench in hero-worship.

19700528? ago

Precisely, anon

19700523? ago

9 months ago everyone in this forum was calling for Hillary's head on a platter.

Now, the goalposts have been moved, and a lot of you idiots no longer care about justice.

I still want to see her arrested and hanged for treason. Until that happens.... FUCK YOU and FUCK Q.

19702616? ago

I still want hillaries head on a platter, that hasnt changed at all.

If we prosocute the child molesters , rapists and traffickers first, that's ok.

19702014? ago

Lol, how long do you think it takes to build an airtight case of treason against ther most powerful people in intelligence, law enforcement, former sec. State and first lady? Fucking retard. Move on with your life then nobody will miss you

19700945? ago

Maybe because she's already dead.

19701072? ago

Boomer excuse #74: "She's probably already dead....we just don't know about it"

19700151? ago

I expect both of them to be implicated.

19702046? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3327998/19681874 .. Goyim! Oy Vey Barry Krischer.... Lots of names Michael Liffman California real estate, EB was friends with Epstein and Weinstien, Chris Tucker, Nada Marcinkova, Jean-Luc Brunel models, Ryan Dionne, Eva Andersson? GeraldineLaybourne Nickelodeon, Gwendolyn Beck, Peter Marino Leather guy? Tom Steyer? Kevin Spacey, Sarah Kellen and Nada Marcinkova they changed their names ...alan dershowitz

19701995? ago

Tonight on Ingraham Angle interview with Alan Dershowitz he says he was introduced to Epstein by LDR LDR= Lynn De Rothschild https://voat.co/v/QRV/3330104