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19675987? ago

I have a feeling it has more to do with emulating a Greek design. Greeks were historically notorious pedophiles. The word pedophilia is Greek in origin. In gay culture, being “Greek-friendly” means you like it in the pooper. If you do an image search for “Greek stripes,” you’ll see pretty much nothing but this kind of angular, interlocking striping.

A temple dedicated to pedophilia, I can see having Greek stripes. You also see that shade of cerulean blue a lot in Greece. I haven’t done a color analysis, but glancing at their flag, it’s got blue stripes on it.

19679418? ago

This is what caught my attention:

“The Greek Masonic Temple was built with 12 different types of marble, all from Italy.”

With Masons and the occult in general it’s always about symbolism. Twelve different types of marble representative of the twelve apostles of Christ, but quarried from Italy alone it betrays a connection to the Roman Catholics. The twelve are chosen in malleable stone in reference to the Bible, as the twelve apostles are the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem, each described in the Scriptures as being of a different type of precious stone. The Greek architecture combined with Biblical subtexts betrays a core of gnostic doctrine; combined with the Italian connection it’s a furthering of the old pagan system of Rome which traces back to Nimrod and the city/Tower of Babel. All pagan systems tracing back from the Masons of today to Nimrod have been facades, or illusions, as described in the provided Twitter thread.

Control of the masses has always been the goal. It’s no surprise that this was hidden in a mental hospital, as there would have been no shortage of test subjects for new manipulation methods and “magic”.

Interesting feed, I think the author posted it without understanding the full implications of what they found. This is an astounding insight into the modus operandi of the Masonic cult.