19692041? ago

Do I need to dl this to keep it safe. Good GOD. It's become....

19670540? ago

ANYTHING based in Screw York is EVIL. Level THIS shithole and the world will be better off for it

19667611? ago

Webpage broken. If you're going to make claims, you need to back them up, else we can just say anything we want.

19665652? ago

Rice Crispies and Jesus

19664072? ago

My bet is that Epstein had a vasectomy. One girl said he didn't use protection.

19662043? ago

Your link is gone OP

19659726? ago

In other words, he's a Mossad honey pot operative.

19659571? ago

The mean IQ in Israel is 94! So much for the myth that Jews are Geniuses. Actually mean 94 is fairly Stupid; 43rd in the world so Average IQ. There lots of places with a '70!' US was 100 before 1964 when we opened the immigration to non-Europeans! Thanks (((LBJ))).

19692117? ago

Turn it in to a glass parking lot if you can stand it!

19885538? ago

American Globalist Wing! Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member.

He never actually studied science or math but CNN tells us he is a GENIUS at Math and Science. (Which science ?? probably a global warming expert)

19659480? ago

The world is currently a rotten place - let's fix it Q! WWG1WGA

19659472? ago

That is bizarre considering he was a two time college drop out with no skills. No wonder our world is so screwed up. These corrupt people prevent the competent people from assuming positions of power.

19659336? ago

It is Good to be Juden! All Perks!

19658487? ago

Not to mention a JEW. A giant hook-nosed, Heebie, shekel-grubbing, kike.

19657630? ago

David Rockefeller was amazed that Aaron Russo could turn down their "Get Out Of Jail FREE" card, but Aaron did. Epstein did not.

19662518? ago

RIP Aaron Russo -- "Trading Places" was his, and later "America: From Freedom to Fascism" (which did him in)

19657465? ago

Birds of a feather flock together.

19657462? ago

How reliable is this source? It just seems like a blog that anyone could have made at some point.

19656969? ago

New York Academy of Science and Rockefeller University Board Member too! Pretty good for a college drop out. I wonder what really set him apart from other qualified candidates to be chosen for these leadership roles?

19657044? ago

Blackmail is powerful

19657694? ago

But if he is blackmailing all these really powerful people then how has no one just simply had him killed by now?

19659491? ago

He works for Mossad. THEY are blackmailing our powerful. Epstein is just a minion. He still needs to hang, however! We need equity in religious distribution, e.g., No more than 1% Juden in Government or Corporations. Else, It IS Racist!

19662495? ago

awesome use of final word, patriot!

19658491? ago

My guess would be he's protected by people much higher.

19661506? ago

Exactly This^

19656858? ago

Is there a backup? It appears to have already been taken down.

19657884? ago

It IS Jeffrey's blog...shows he was the one who posted. Archived copy of http://www.jeffreyepsteinblog.com/ .....says so at top of page.

19656733? ago

Wow. Amazing find. I am floored. Really? Really?!?! It really is a movie set town (a potemkin village) with no substance. A giant circle jerk. He's a college drop out who somehow got a gig teaching calculus. I think those are his educational and academic credentials.

19656677? ago

Good catch OP!!

19656441? ago

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton the President candidate and the President of the US. Obama is President of the US. imaging how crooked the country has been.

19656438? ago

Bring them DOWN!!!!

19656182? ago

Wow why dont we have anyone in leadership roles in this stupid country that are just normal people?

19664101? ago

Most of the most powerful people in our very corrupt government only got into those positions because they are dirty/blackmailed and therefore can be controlled. That's the game. When good, honest people manage to get into office, they get pushed out via smears or rigged elections.

19661680? ago

Because a network of assholes have managed to set things up so that only their own kind can advance to higher levels of political authority.

It's high time we take down that network of assholes.

19657218? ago

Jeffrey Epstein, Les Wexner and Tom Steyer. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323772

19656529? ago

all leadership roles are basically puppet positions anyways for the ruling class. none of them really have done anything THEY want to do is all masterminded by them. any sense of normalcy or a soul and you would get shot. this is the world we live in. government is fake, entertainment is fake, education is fake, media is fake even violence and war is manufactured.. school shootings/world wars/etc.. just a bunch of satanic occultist pedophiles nothing to see here..

19658550? ago

"Philanthropist heavily involved in charity" has a lot nicer ring to it scumbag, thief, pedophile, occultist etc..

19662465? ago

"i run a privately funded think tank" -- line i stole from tv show "john doe"

19658636? ago

funny thing is it wasn't even his money it was given to him. yeah.. you notice that with almost EVERY 'philanthropist'. then you see the charities they donate to. they just cycle money. got money from Les Wexner prob donated to Victoria's Secret Charity lol.

19657485? ago

Completely accurate!