19637361? ago

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19629944? ago

Not sure that's a dental chair. Estheticians are saying that's for facials, etc. Now, that doesn't rule out a different kind of torture, given Q's posting today that the face cut off video is real... just sayin'. These cucks have an unlimited imagination when it comes to ways to create adrenochrome. Also, think about it, if that table is set up for surgical procedures, there could be some plastic surgery to hide things, to hide people, to help create body doubles. All sorts of things come to mind. So, it may be far far worse than a dental chair

19635389? ago

Not sure that's a dental chair

The cops identified dental equipment. The cops that actually were physically present. I don't think we can sit here based on a picture and announce that the cops were wrong.

19639306? ago

ah - ok. I didn't see their report. But... well... cops have been wrong. Thanks

19628539? ago

So, how about that pediatric dental office that exploded next to the pizza place in broward county? Hmmm... didn't it explode hours after the epstein arrest was announced?

19635478? ago

I hadn't heard that. It would be a great way to pretend all the records were destroyed. Take them out and destroy them, then blow up the place and pretend the records must have burned up in the fire.

19628464? ago

It better be. The "child rape victims" were willing prostitutes. I want justice for the real children who have known nothing but rape for their tortured existence.

19636556? ago

13 and 14 year old children are pretty easy to groom. Does not mean consent.

19641292? ago

No, (presumably) they consented. You're twisting the meaning of consent to suit your agenda. Its still illegal regardless of their consent, would be a true statement. I don't doubt some of them probably were raped, but this indictment doesn't address that.

19648378? ago

You are twisting the meaning of consent.

19648434? ago

I'll give you $500 to suck my penis

OK, deal


Just because you don't like that they're having sex doesn't mean they weren't consenting to it.

19659482? ago

only dems have this attitude toward sex with children.

19659552? ago

Out used to just be the dems who twisted the meaning of the word "rape". But now the people on the right want to twist it up to. Rape is only when sex is forced or coerced.

Drunken sex? Not rape.

Regret the sex? Not rape.

Sex for money? Not rape.

Sex with your boss? Not rape.

Spreading your legs on the subway? Not rape.

Fart in a public area? Not rape.

Sex with a 17 year old? Not rape.

19660097? ago

It is being coerced. Kids are easy to manipulate and do not have the intellectual ability to make certain decisions. That is why 12 year olds are not allowed to drive. They do the tide pod challenge for 'fun' and a dare and end up hurt or dead. Did they consent to suicide? Their prefrontal lobes are not developed.

he Grooming Process

Grooming is a perversion of romantic courting—you find yourself interested in someone, find out everything you can about him, see how you might fit into each other's life, spend lots of time together and eventually become physically intimate. According to former FBI agent Kenneth Lanning, there are five stages in the grooming process:

1) Identify the possible victim; 2) Collect information about the intended victim; 3) Fill a need; 4) Lower inhibitions; and 5) Initiate abuse.

  1. Identifying the possible victim Children make ideal victims. They are naturally curious, easily led by adults, need lots of attention and affection, and are seeking to establish independence from their parents. Children from broken homes and troubled families are easy targets. The more unlovable the child feels and appears, the less likely the child is to tell on someone who displays love and the less likely anyone is to believe the child if the child ever tells. A child recently caught stealing or lying makes a particularly appealing victim.

  2. Collecting information about the intended victim The more a molester knows about his victim, the better able he is to build trust with the child and the child's parents. He learns how the child responds to attention and praise. He displays a superficial sympathy and charm whenever the child discusses her problems and concerns. He assesses her strengths and weaknesses, taking special note of how she interacts with her friends and the other adults in her life. All of this information will be used to control the child and manipulate the people around her.

  3. Filling a need The molester exploits the child's emotional needs by freely offering love, friendship and support. Parents may even feel relieved that the child has found a responsible friend, mentor or role model or that they have found a dependable babysitter, depending on the age of the child. Whatever the parent needs, the molester is pleased to help out. Whatever the child needs or wants, the molester is happy to provide, with or without the parents knowledge or consent. Some molesters will even instigate a sexual relationship with a single parent just to gain access to her children. The greater the family need and the molester's position of trust, the less ability a child has to say, “NO!”

  4. Lowering inhibitions Once trust is established and the victim is emotionally vested in the relationship, the molester may begin offering gifts or money to the child to see how well she can keep secrets from her parents and to make her feel special and loved. Loving gestures will begin invade her personal space and might include more “acceptable” kisses and hugs, increased touching of the child's hands, shoulders, arms and legs, and “accidentally” brushing up against private areas.

  5. Initiating abuse Gradually, the “accidental” touching to private areas may linger and include professions of love and hints of sexual desire. By the time the touching crosses clear boundaries, the child is too afraid she might lose the relationship to object, and too ashamed of her own perceived part in inviting the abuse to tell. And honestly, physical intimacy feels good. It's very natural for the child to want it and even enjoy it.

19660997? ago

Grooming is manipulative, and if its coercive (it sometimes is) then it is rape, but grooming does not have to be coercive. Making a poor decision does not have to be coerced. Eating a tide pod is not coerced. And having sex for money (in this case at least) is not coerced.

19662697? ago

the tide pod was an example of how easily led kids are and how they lack judgement and consequences for their actions. The now adult kids who are talking talk about being groomed and coerced.

19635533? ago

The "child rape victims" were willing prostitutes.

The whole idea of age of consent is that a 14yo doesn't have enough life experience to make informed choices.

If you ask a 3 year old if they want to be a prostitute, how many would say yes without knowing what a prostitute was? 50%?

19641424? ago

That doesn't mean consent wasn't given, just that it's still illegal even with consent. You've qualified your analogy with, "without knowing what a prostitute was". The girls in this indictment presumably knew exactly what they the deal was: money for sex. That's not rape, even if it is illegal. Epstein is basically a superpimp. What about the tied up 5 year olds in Comet Ping Pong? What about kidnapping victims? Sex slaves? Etc. I just hope that this indictment isn't the endgame, because that would mean that the "bad guys" get away with it.

19642763? ago

That doesn't mean consent wasn't given,

That's just word games. I believe the law defines the word consent differently than you, since by law they call it 'the age of consent'.

Keep in mind that they paid girls $200 or more to scout out other girls and bring them back. Do you think these scouts told prospects that they were going to have to strip, and be penetrated by toys and maybe raped by an old pervert? Probably not. They were told they were going to be giving a back rub.

What about the tied up 5 year olds in Comet Ping Pong?

There is no law against taping the hands of a child to a ping pong table. There is no prosecutable case there. Not to say there won't be in the future. But first things first. Need to get through to the normies that these rich elites are into children. Let's see about possible other elites panicking that they are going to be exposed.

19643125? ago

I believe the law defines the word consent differently than you, since by law they call it 'the age of consent'.

That's true, but its the law that's playing word games then. Consent is not an age-dependent concept.

Keep in mind that they paid girls $200 or more to scout out other girls and bring them back. Do you think these scouts told prospects that they were going to have to strip, and be penetrated by toys and maybe raped by an old pervert? Probably not. They were told they were going to be giving a back rub.

Its unclear. My guess is that they were pretty explicit with what the deal was. Sex for money. The indictment says nothing of unwilling participants. They might not have known the dude they were going to fuck was going to be a fat 60 year old, but none of them were raped (except in a legal sense).

There is no law against taping the hands of a child to a ping pong table. There is no prosecutable case there. Not to say there won't be in the future. But first things first.

This is what I'm hoping. But experience with getting my hopes up has told me that reality will prove this Epstein indictment to be the end of the line.

Need to get through to the normies that these rich elites are into children.

Illegal prostitutes are still a totally different thing from an infant being tortured. If you told any normie that DC is full of underaged prostitutes no one would be surprised. If you told them that an organized underaged prostitution ring was designed to control politicians through blackmail they'd respond about how they do to pizzagate. I just don't see this as being a first step to prosecuting the real crimes.

19644499? ago

I disagree with you that these girls were prostitutes. I think they were tricked into it for the most part. There is no reason to believe that the scouts were honest.

Epstein and Maxwell did this nearly every day; They must have gotten very good at manipulating the girls. In fact, Epstein probably didn't want prostitutes. He wanted to take the innocence without using force.

19626874? ago

while it is possible this is a torture chair or whatever else is being speculated.


it is also possible this dude is fuckin rich as fuck and has a setup for his own private dentist he hires away from their office a coulpe times a year. i know if i were that rich, even 1% as rich, i would pay professionals at the top of their game to give me better care in private than anyone else...

inb4 shill.. because it must be impossible to be objective and STILL be against epstein and DS and pro-Qanon ... eye roll smh

19635613? ago

even 1% as rich, i would pay professionals at the top of their game to give me better care in private than anyone else...

In your bathroom? Next to the toilet?

Wouldn't a profession want to use the equipment of their choice? Wouldn't a professional want to have every dental tool they might need at the their fingertips instead of a kludegy little setup in a bathroom.

This theory doesn't really hold up. I don't know exactly why the equipment is there, but I think it is highly unlikely that it is because Epstein wanted his dental work done in his bathroom.

19637399? ago

I'm guessing he had multiple bathrooms... ur either gonna wanna do some medical work in a bathroom or room built just for it (which this may be)

What is missing fromthat dental setup that it is "kludgey"?

Also, not shilling or whatev, it's just wise to remain unbias and look at every angle aspect possibility of a situation... jumping to conclusions is how things go sloppy and sideways and eventually potentially let's people off the hook....as much as we wanna assume the worst about every detail in order yo pin it to him, sometimes odd buy innocent things help build thebase to bigger accusations being substantiated.

19625929? ago

there was some reporting about the significance of dental chair, but i cannot recall what it was now.

19625877? ago

... so they can't bit his dick.

19625332? ago

I use a dental chair to give tattoo's.

19624903? ago

Sick POS. I hope they FRY his ass.

19624776? ago

some of the comments from the site say that the cart is for facials, any aestheticians among us that can verify??🤔

19624690? ago

Could be, or could be where they do brain surgery. Extract those pineal glands for rituals, you dig? All sorts of crazy things this could have been used for

19624625? ago

Films like "hostel" were inspired by this sick pedos like Epstein, they are psychopaths, perverted to the point that normal, healthy human being cannot even imagine.

19624609? ago

Making face fucking and blow jobs more save for the clients.

19623814? ago

What if he implanted the victims with GPS/or RFID dental implants to track and monitor them, and or even hurt them from a distance if they didn't comply?

19626039? ago

19625590? ago

This is entirely possible given capabilities the CIA has for mind control and targeted individuals

19625888? ago

Just saw a movie from 2018-19 covered the topic to a T.

19623797? ago

Hate to point this out, but one of the worst tortures is to drill a tooth with no anaesthetic. Q mentioned torture rooms. If people were subjected to dental torture, I would advocate execution for the perpetrators.

19629524? ago

Stephan Molyneux was just mentioning this creepy young female singer Billy Eilash(sp?)...all kinds of MKUltra and satanic imagery and lyrics as well as a dental drill being sampled on a song.

19624742? ago

i get my fillings with no anaesthetic... i'd much rather have them grind my tooth down than get that freaky needle...

19626703? ago

Haha I nearly faint at the thought of needles

19624334? ago

What better way to get a victim to produce adrenochrome?

19626058? ago

I had a root canal and the anesthetic would not take at all, so I could feel them doing everything. I was 39 and when I left my whole body was covered in sweat and I was exhausted from being tensed up for 2 hours. If I was a kid I would have passed out from the pain.

19629412? ago

Happened exactly like that for me once too - I had to stop the dentist in the middle of the procedure with threats of imminent death upon his person. That stopped him:)

19623776? ago

Good teeth are a sign of health. He probably had the girl's teeth cleaned and fixed up before offering them to clients.

19626196? ago

Ah. Refreshingly simple boomer logic.

19625241? ago

I think you are probably right.

19627182? ago

Great minds think alike...

19630639? ago

simplest explanation the best . most people over think things

19623758? ago

A groomer. Getting them warmed up, seeing who's amenable to further activities (with clients). The real stuff is saved for lolita isle (immunity).

I think the dental chair was for himself.

19635646? ago

I think the dental chair was for himself.

So he wanted his dental work done in his bathroom, next to the toilet. He wanted his dentist to only use a few tools, no x-ray equipment, no proper setup.


Much more likely he had it in the bathroom because the tile floor is easy to clean.

19623744? ago

Take note of the descriptions of the other photos in the article.

Here you can see Epstein and "Someone else" meeting the pope.

Here you can see Epstein and "Two other people" sitting on a grassy knoll.

really? We don't want to out his handlers eh? We can cut him loose, but not his handlers.

19623554? ago

https://archive.ph/KdaYv :

2016-07-14 | Shocking VIDEO from inside Florida mansion of Bill Clinton's friend Jeffrey Epstein | Daily Mail Online

"A fully equipped dentist's chair, close-up photographs of young girls' backsides and a snap of a pedophile meeting a pope.", "Maxwell, now 54, has been accused of procuring young girls for Epstein's pleasure."

'He is believed to have used the cameras to tape his famous friends in sex acts with underage girls for blackmail purposes. ', "Those pictures and others — many focusing on Epstein's fixation with young girls' derrieres — are upstairs in and around his bedroom or in the pool house."

'Often the massages progressed to sexual touching as Epstein, now 63, used vibrators on the girls and masturbated. '

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