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19598772? ago

On a smaller note but still important 2 more deputies in Broward county have been fired bringing it to 4 deputies fired as well as the evil sheriff Israel. The investigation continues and i love our new governor De Santis!

19604280? ago

Former Britbongistan Police Officer says all News stations got letter saying to not investigate Paki Rape Gangs ...MI5 Did Not Tell Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys' ... No real company or business... yet makes a ton of money? Jeffrey Edward Epstein? Strange how he got so many bargains and legal deals? Eastern Europe? Haiti, India, NZ? Philippines? Honduras? Who is Rachel Chandler ? .... Humanity is Controlled by a Satanic Cult ' Was ' ... A house in New Orleans........ It's been the ruin of many a poor girl ... Great God, and I for one .... Who is Rachel Chandler? ... The Mystery Babylonian Religion? 'Once woke there is no going back.' Ex-police officer Dionne Miller: "The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations."

19605645? ago

Pure evil running the world. Those poor children.