19342935? ago

Three families combined form the NWO (House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros). Through many generations, their bloodlines have accumulated mass wealth and power. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3135857

19252334? ago

then something about jabalon

19310139? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3138523 Royal Family Salutes? Nathaniel Victor 3rd Baron Rothschild was aganist Jewish immigration. There was a "Fifth Column" operation, Harry the Nazi? 'One finger attached to a hand? Q 1941'

19229426? ago

sheeeit tyrone @CognitiveDissident5

19229663? ago

@Stonenchizel Some of the old Native Chief had wisdom, modern world becoming a cluster fuck and now to censor meme? @LakotaPride @CluelessInTheDark @Himfirst @USAMatters No ban!

19231999? ago

Brother, I am against censoring, we are old enough to ignore what we chose to ignore, and it should be that way for all of us to decide, Free speech did not protect only favorite speech, but also speech which people may not find favorable.

19258680? ago

I agree with My Native Brother .....


19258914? ago

WWG1WGA , Brother.

19228311? ago

Because normies clog the chans.

19228674? ago

Cartels and Dynasty, the French had a revolution but never really got rid of them, they turn up then inside Haiti, Washington, London, New Orelans, there are perhaps Jews and even Occultists, what family names? the DuPont, Rothschild and Rockefeller family, the Randolph family, the Astor family as what do the Aristocracy class pray to?

19228861? ago

Which side is for the Pajeet Street shitters? Remember Superpower by 2020? @antiliberalsociety @Merchant_Menace ? @Broc_Lia @Granite_Pill ? btw They-Live is a documentary

19233286? ago

The jews are ALWAYS the ones in charge. Any interpretation that has some goyish organization pulling their strings is just a bullshit narrative that jews themselves made up to confuse you.

19230889? ago

Why was I pinged?

19227654? ago

Because Q is not in control.

19252317? ago

soap box no like @In_Cog_Nito @beefartist Merkel seems fucked now @PuttitoutIsGone @mralexson @420ninja

19227678? ago

Pepe and Kek take the lead for a while? /v/Kekistan

19227623? ago

Notice the drama queens, the Soapbox tarnnie fags.... So whats with the Space Force bitches? @MtRussmore @Aridartifact ! @hafen @Conspirologist @TREDDITFIRST Are Angels Demons supposed to be Aliens or something??

19235887? ago

stop @'ing me you qweer

19229706? ago

you be junkies! @WhiteRonin @totes_magotes @Caveman_in_a_suit and jew negro trannies

19228470? ago

SBBH are probably junkies. Or they are real MK Ultra slaves.

19227612? ago

fuggin normies

I like to imagine the communities if Atlas shrugged. I’d live on the corner of Autism and REEEEEEEE Street.

19228988? ago

19229348? ago


19582075? ago

someone wanted open borders for the USA and to destroy the traditional family ... a conspiracy they said, something about Africa, JEws, Arabs, Europe royalty @Hippie_Housewife @AO28-1 @Swallowmybreath are they Atheist or Cold blooded, something about Masonics? @veteran88 @Master_Foo

19589845? ago

Sorry, it’s just a new profile. I drop and change them every few months. Nothing so exciting here. I mainly stick to Tradwives.

19227660? ago

the Global Jew and Gloabl Masonic, is there a connection?

19227538? ago

Why did Q send us to the most antisemitic, free speech platform in existence?

Because he wanted us to be red-pilled about the (((Jew problem))).

all this chaos

If you're not capable of ignoring shills then free speech isn't for you. Fuck off back to your Reddit cry-closet safe-space.

19229458? ago

... Detective Thorn: Soylent Green is People!!!!

19227547? ago
