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19183910? ago

Yeah! If your political view don't align with Burger King or Miley Cyrus, you're stupid!

19184008? ago

I tried to have a nice conversation earlier.

19187369? ago

You would think you can have a reasonable conversation on VOAT, especially QRV but that's not going to happen. What was supposed to be "Q Research" has turned into racism and "look at this news headline". Try having a back-and-forth with anybody, or posting anything actually related to Q and it either goes ignored, or you get the "Arrests or GTFO" comments. I bet you it was this board itself that made Q stop posting. Q said "where we go one we go all" and we responded "fuck niggers and jews and faggots!" and Q went, "these are the people we thought were worth saving?".

19187755? ago

I'd like to hear your thoughts on what I said. Even if we end up in the ole cliche agree to disagree land.