18942297? ago

At first I thought you could be either Kurt or Sam but the 2 years off part does not match . You have to be someone who had roles as Military, Cowboy or Police or such to develop a friendship with Reagan.

18938824? ago

So? Get a job like the rest of us. Do something real. Acting is make-believe.

18936904? ago

Hitler did nothing wrong


You are a jewish whore


18936415? ago

pics or it didnt happen.

18935337? ago

Soap box is consider good tranny boy, @MtRussmore @xenoPsychologist they dindu nuffinz ! @0_--_0 @Trigglypuff @Caveman_in_a_suit

18936533? ago

yeah, but what about the hindu nuffins?

18934000? ago

Here your just a larp without an identity join the other 9 mil asshole.

18933266? ago

Well, I can take this op with a grain of salt. If this is shilling, as most anons indicate, then what purpose does it serve other than to attract attention? I can spot ideological subversion pretty easily, but I see none of that here. So, ok. I’ll wait and see. There are anons from just about every part of the US, so why not Hollywood?

18931674? ago

why stop there? drop everything you have on everyone. I mean...come on.

18930737? ago

Just pull Reagan's visitor logs and work from there anons

18929491? ago

I am considered a space ninja double agent. It's on the internet now, so you can Google and fact check it...

18929246? ago


18929054? ago

I, too am an A++ list actor (or I was.) Q is real and Hollywood is on edge. I was very famous until I suddenly and without reason stopped acting. Stephen Spielberg is a pedophile and does wear red shoes made out of the skin of Heather O'Rouke. Hollywood, movies, models... they are all actually advertisements for high end prostitution. Even the men must sell their bodies to make it. I would have had to rape and kill a child to continue my path to A+++ list. Jews are the vampires of all our legends... they retain more neanderthal DNA and are at prime performance when drinking human blood of homo-sapiens. Drinking human blood will change your brain and personality. They also are obsessed with sodomy. God is real. Pray.

18927749? ago

Fuck off back to Hollywood, Faggot.

18927723? ago

Guys I think we should believe this guy, he knows first names dude....seems legit.

18927646? ago

Q = Evidence = backed by POTUS = Non LARP!


18927161? ago

Today I learned the word "Glowfaggot"

The OP is a Glowfaggot.

18927056? ago

Do you know what happened to Avicii?

18926791? ago

I'm in the business as well. Believe me when I say half of Hollywood is completely unaware that there's more going on than just the casting couch, and 100% know of the casting couch. It's almost impossible to star in anything without having any star power without doing it. Nobody with a name would meet a producer/exec/director/actor in a hotel room and expect nothing less than the obvious. All the actresses who accused Harvey Weinstein slept with him willingly. That man made you into a superstar. You'd have to sleep with over 100 people in order to even get a chance to be "raped" by Harvey Weinstein. He most likely slept with Matt Damon just because he could (it's a power thing). You know why Mark Wahlburg hates african americans, specifically AA males? Take a guess. I went to a karaoke club with a police man who would later on become the chief of LAPD, along with some wealthy chinese business men. It was at one of the places where you get a score based on how well you sing. I wasn't going to win and neither was the police man. This was set up for our business associates from the far east. the winner got a special prize that was written in a greeting card. The person who ended up winning opened the card which said in Chinese "singer for your use". The police man (slash crimelord, slash pimp) told the winner all he had to do was name a singer, any singer and he could have her for the night. I don't want to name the singer who was named by the winner, but she was famous for a time and had a few hit singles before quitting the business. She was at his hotel room within a couple of hours.

18926593? ago

Nice larp.

18926312? ago

I hope you're using VPN.

You're making the same mistake that Breitbart made. He announced he was going to release dirt on Obama. He ends up with a "heart attack" soon after.

It's best to just come out and publicly make the announcement with a trustworthy lawyer in tow.

Anyway, Reagan is also my favorite president. Trump is my second favorite, but if he continues to keep his promises, he'll end up being my number one.

18926042? ago

GTFO man. If you are who you say u are, go ahead drop some info. shed some light into the darkness. Is there anything you can do to help the the Q research then do so, if not stop wasting the goddamn space. we gotta war to win faggot. we ain't got no time for " oh i am a bid deal somewhere and i like what you guys are doing good job".

18926040? ago

Sounds like you're a Pied Piper going fishing to lead a group away and DIVIDE.

18925747? ago

Good luck, you're going to need it.

18925545? ago

Any knowledge regarding the shit Steven Spielberg has done?

When is he going down?

18925431? ago

you are a coward. plenty of people in entertainment have spoken up for their beliefs and convictions, regardless of the consequences, because they have a spine. you chose to hide behind an anon number. grow some balls or shut the fuck up. .......@sweatingbullets

18925419? ago

Same larp as the “superstar” musician

18925387? ago

Name the Jew!

18925313? ago

My great aunt was a very famous child actress ... in fact, she was "the" original child actress. I was a film maker and contacted her to see if she would open any doors (about 20 years ago) ... and she refused and never said why, gave me the impression I should stay away from Hollywood and stay where I was. She passed a few years ago, and the stories and rumors began. No one from the family has ever denied them. Since POTUS and Qanon, I now know they were probably true.

18925998? ago

Shirley Temple

18932725? ago


18925192? ago

Anyone talking shit to you is likely a leftist shill so dont pay any attention to them. Hopefully this ends the way we want it and the criminals do end up at Gitmo. Welcome to voat.

18925105? ago

Bless you for standing up to these vile people. Bless you for turning them in to the very people they depend on for their publicity. Ironic it will be their downfall.

I'll be watching. Hopefully it's not BS. We shall see

18924650? ago

Are you Chuck Norris!?

18924416? ago

I bet it’s Fabio

18925597? ago


18924269? ago

May God bless you and protect you & your family as you fight the very real dark forces in your professional community. Regardless of which "Hollywood elite" you are, as a grandma who loves my Creator and Savior, the God of the Bible, my family, and my country, I'm proud of you regardless of what your name may be. To me, you are a friend who is able to distinguish between Good vs Evil, God vs Satan, a fellow lover of Truth, Righteousness, and Standing Up for the Vulnerable. Thank you!
--A Grandma praying fervently for her new friend, a Brave Patriot fighting the good fight in a dangerous neighborhood. Godspeed.

18924215? ago

O yeah? You gonna wear orange socks at the golden globes too faggot? Stfu

18924502? ago

fuck off dick sucker

18924214? ago


18924138? ago

Bit of advice, OP: If you see anyone with a red scarf, run like hell!

18924191? ago

Or shoes

18923999? ago

You're cruising to get Breitbarted, dude!

18923690? ago

John Voight?

18923606? ago

Well I have the same story. Lived and worked deep in Hollywood film/tv culture for a very long time. I have stories to tell also. And as a woman I have an interesting inside track. But seriously, where can we take our information? Honest question.

18925237? ago

CDAN. We'll figure it out from there.

18923273? ago

You need to go to 8 chan. That is the place to be not on voat.

18922798? ago

I've had a bit of experience talking to a couple well known actors. Anyone who is "Hollywood Elite" could care less about anyone beneath their "Elite" status. It is and will always be human nature to look down on the vermin beneath your wealth, status and/or fame. Why the hell would you give two shits what any of us think or care about? Look at all the replies you get just because of what you claim to be. Oh please oh higher powerful one, save us from evil!!! In my lowly non elite opinion you and all of Hollywood need to be annihilated. Cheers!

18922696? ago

t. Randy Quaid

18924438? ago


18922661? ago

Mel? Is that you?

18925190? ago

I'm convinced Mel is Q.

18922436? ago

Remember... DO. A. FLIP.

18922285? ago

Zionism is cancer

18922155? ago

Thinking this is a LARP. No reason not to name the names here unless your journo contact is offering money for the story. If that is the reason you’re holding back on telling it here then you’ve failed to learn that Q and followers share info for the good of our country, we don’t sell it. In addition, throwing out the ‘sex scandal’ bread crumb about anyone in Hollywood is redundant. Who in Hollywood is not sleeping with everyone and everything? It’s like predicting a sunrise. Lastly, I do apologize if I am wrong in regard to your claims and hope that you have the courage to just walk away from the cesspool that California has become.

18922955? ago

If real and named too many names, the id of him/her could be deduced via association. He/She will not want that before they are ready.

18922587? ago

Actually, I hope he or she stays and fights the good fight. We'll need great wholesome actors when all the others get taken out. There are some out there but you don't hear about them often.

18922541? ago

Well since Q is a "LARP", what is wrong with having a Larp, Larp, Larps?

18921916? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @PuttitoutIsGone.

Posted automatically (#44332) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18921828? ago

Well, Hillary must not be too worried about going to prison. She and her stupid kid are starting a Hollywood production company.

18921687? ago

James "Mr Universe Himself" Woods.

18921475? ago

I am not so fast to discount anyone, it's much easier for me to trust and take you on your word and pray for your safety. May God protect you and keep you safe. It's never wrong to do what's right and you can be assured God is above watching over you. God speed hollywood elite anon patriot. God speed.

18921380? ago

God speed, hope you have the fortitude to actually do it.

18921367? ago

nice try Wesley Snipes

18922256? ago

Christopher Walkens was my guess...lol

18921358? ago

We ARE the news now. But don't post in QRV. They're a laughingstock. Post all revelations in /v/SoapboxBanhammer.

18922610? ago

QRV was requested to be set up by Q. When did Q endorse SoapboxBanhammer? Never.

18922970? ago

QRV is the entrypoint to get your feet wet. Q knew you would disperse into the greater Voat ecosystem eventually. That's why QRV is now being torn down (with Q's blessing).

18930133? ago

That's why QRV is now being torn down (with Q's blessing).

Exactly when did that happen?

18934262? ago

In process.

18921356? ago

Kushner and Pompeo attend Illuminati meetings known as the Bilderberg meetings.

Kushner Pompeo Trump Qanon and many others are all larps working for the deep state Illuminati cabal.

2019 Bilderberg Meetings Underway...


18921303? ago

Tell us the plot of one film you were in. We'll do the rest. Specifically, non-specific.

18921261? ago

If you're legit, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, I will pray for you. We need brave people throughout our country to come forward and tell the truth. Please don't get down by some of the negativity on this board. Some are just more cynical than others. We all pray for you and will do whatever is in our power to help you,and Godspeed.

18921248? ago

Who is Tom cruise?

18922202? ago

Absolutely no way Tommy wasn’t involved in some sick shit. He was married to Kidman and likely she was his handler.

18922580? ago

I wonder if he really fucked Katie Homes or got some straight Normie to do it for him.

18925274? ago

She hasn't has a decent job since she left him. Her daughter is kept away from spotlight. Katie knows.

18921010? ago


18929087? ago

Both Shia and Mel will star in Rothschild

18945525? ago

Actually it's just gonna be called "Rothchild"....seems like they're leaving the S out for reasons I don't know.

18927772? ago

I don't think there's enough red pills in the world for that.

18920998? ago


18920903? ago

Thank you!!!

18920888? ago

Then you are totally ignorant.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

Fake News

Fake Journalism

Fake Entertainment

Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Fake Medicine

Fake Scientific Research

Fake Acquired Immunity

Fake Food

Fake Water

Fake Choice

Fake Money

Fake Economy

Fake Free Markets

Fake Free Trade Agreements

Fake Accounting

Fake Welfare

Fake Government

Fake Republic

Fake Democracy

Fake Elections

Fake National Security

Fake Defense

Fake Education

Fake Law

Fake Rights

Fake Consent

Fake Spirituality

Fake Clouds

Fake War on Terror

Fake Lone Nutter Killers

Fake Boogeymen

Fake False Flag Events

Fake Indictments

Fake Science

Fake Freedom

Fake Q Plan to save the world.

It is called Political Theater for a reason.

Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 3300+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

Must I really go through all 3300+ posts before your blinded eyes are opened?

IMHO you're not too Elite after all.

18921502? ago

Fake Q plan to save the world.

That's exactly what the cabal Qpsyop is all about.

You nailed it.

18920881? ago

Well, we can think of tons that it is NOT. Its none of the Gang of 8, it is none of the folks associated with Adam Shit and/or Hillary. Its not Jim Carrey. Its not Speilberg or Tom Hanks. Why they are all Satanists and either eat or fuck children.

18920837? ago

Hello Mr. Reeves.

18920766? ago


18920748? ago

Hmmmmmmm..... me thinks it's definitely the older generation of actors if s/he knew the Gipper aka Reagan.

For sure it's not Bobby Duuuuh Niro. But someone from that era.

I pray this is legit, no offense when more sauce is related directly to the ' big name ' I 'll fully support you.

If they have dirt on you as you say, you better drop that as well. If it's drugs, etc not an issue these days.

All the best to you

18920670? ago

Hey Clint - welcome aboard!

18920336? ago

I’m an ex Mormon and I believe in Q.

18923605? ago

Most ex-Mo’s are too jaded to get sucked into another bullshit scam, but sounds like you’re the type who goes back for sloppy seconds. Enjoy.

18920707? ago

Here are some ExMormons. Aaron Eckhart (Actor) Amy Adams (Actor) Paul Walker (Actor - Deceased) Ryan Gosling (Actor) Eliza Dushku (Actor) Brendon Urie (Musician) Warren Zevon (Musician - Deceased) Jessica Holmes (Comedian) Butch Cassidy (Outlaw) Marco Rubio (US Politician) BTW Ted Bundy was an exMormon, but its probably not him. ...... I love momons btw. I am just not on the BOM, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price Train. I just take my Jesus unfiltered.

18925178? ago

Straight from the Bible.

18920332? ago

Hollywood, Movie/TV, or music business makes no difference unless you can go hardcore Anon. We have seen too many of you claim and never prove. Many Anons are in the business(s) and no one cares. So, Expose the truth and stay Anonymous or get a gig and leave. Anything less is just the same shit on a different day.

18925202? ago

We watched what happened to Kappy. Even Feldman won't name names. None of them will. Harvey was a fall guy - perfect for the role, he had the most money.

No one will talk.

18925466? ago

Your u are right. No ne talks. Kappy should have been bold. Feldman should be bold. Someone has to speak clearly and stop with the hints. Put up or shut up.

18925774? ago

Why is CDAN the only person dropping any real evidence? Anonymously, still. There is but a single person in Hollywood who will come forward and say, I was raped by/...ect

18920298? ago

RDJr or Mel Gibson?

18920249? ago

You can go to 8Chan Q board and find out how to get a tripcode to post there anonymously—that wil give you the equivelient of a “username” so you can talk more openly. If you do, come back here and tell us where to find you and give us the tripcode so we can find you.

18920233? ago

The "Hollywood Elite". What a shit show! I am so sick of the Hollywood elite. They know so much but always wait to release those big names. I'm calling BS. Just one deplorables opinion.

18920166? ago

Hmmm. Stepping forward and smelling the posting. ................................ This Could be real. But then again it could be "bait". I is going with "bait", until I see otherwise. These childeaters will lie to you. Yes, they will. They will lie to you. This reminds me of Blazing Saddles...................# (holding a gun to his own neck) “SHERIFF BART:” (in a deep voice) Hold it. That next man makes a move, the N gets it. “OLSON JOHNSON:” Hold it men. He’s NOT bluffing. “DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON:” Listen to him men. He’s just crazy enough to do it. “SHERIFF BART:” (in a deep voice) Drop it or I swear ‘ll blow this N’s head all over this town. “SHERIFF BART:” (in a high voice) Oh lordy lord! He’s desperate. Do what he say! Do what he say! Blazing Saddles, Warner Brothers (1974).

18920146? ago

Reagan was a puppet to Rockefeller/Bush/Don Regan. The exact opposite of what he preached happened in real life.

18920684? ago

Reagan was legit and they poisoned him into senility

19026511? ago

But no, he wasn't legit. He was funded by the Rockefellers, he knew about the Iranian hostages plot. As Governor he denied extradition of witnesses for Garrison's trial. In the 50s he testified for Hoover in the Red Scare as president of the SAG.

19026719? ago

I did not know of the connection to the Rockefellers.

Does Trump have any similar connections you are aware of?

19035503? ago

I am not aware of who is funding him, but I do know that rich people never spend their own money, unless he truly is what he says.

19026467? ago

There is also a theory it was a prion disease that mimics alzheimer's on the "flechette" he was shot with.

18922562? ago

With what?

18923150? ago

Heavy metals: Mercury, arsenic, lead, toluene and lithium, even in small doses, can have a long-term damaging effect on the brain, leading to both encephalopathy and dementia.


Reagan had GHWB forced into his ticket. They force illness on Reagan. They steer via proxy the administration and enthrone VP Bush in 1988 as POTUS so he can bring in Bill and then his son etc

18920096? ago

Yea, sure, sort of like the renegade from Hollywood that was going to "expose" the elite...going to wear green socks so we'd know....I'll believe it when I read/see it. For now...this is spam.

18920032? ago

OP, to us you will always be a true Goat Bro, a faggot, but also a true Goat Bro. We name you genuine kikeniggerfaggot. On Voat that is the highest life accolade you can receive that we will ever care about. Well done and keep up the good work.

18920028? ago

My God I hope this is true! Stay with us you can talk here with anonymity. Don’t mind the shit-talkers.

God Bless You for helping the cause, this shit is OUT OF CONTROL, and we (meaning humans on earth) are very close to losing this battle. We need you desperately.

Do you know any others in your industry that feel as you do? Tell us about the “climate” and the “weather” you see in regards to what is going on.

I assume your journalist is The same kid that exposed Weinstein?

18920005? ago

I know Saltine the Cracker.

18919992? ago

Mel Gibson?

18920926? ago

Mel would have been too young and still in AUS at that time

18919723? ago

Wrong place to talk. The people in this subvoat are retards.

18920747? ago

Hey, Retarded here. What who you are talking about.

18921388? ago

QRV is for retards like us. Celebrities are supposed to post in /v/SoapboxBanhammer.

18919511? ago

How much, in your professional life are you probed, proded, quizzed about your political/social views, presumably with an eye towards finding, outing and blacklisting, non liberal people? Liberals = (pro fag, feminist, nigger, illegals, retards (parasites), professional victims)

18919419? ago

You're a nobody if you dont speak out in truth! If you are an elite, then you have the means to walk away and expose Hollywood ( and political ties) for what it is .

18919389? ago

Glad to have you here Patriot. We all need to do our part. Whatever that is. I'm certainly not in your shoes, but I'm sure many of us here have work to do if we are all to have a better world, free of the corruption and evil that had taken root and plagued good men with evil deeds.

God Bless you! WWG1WGA Lets do This!

18919282? ago

yuh huh... sure. Spill it now with proof or gtfo.

18919258? ago

pay no attention to the shills behind the curtain. I pray you're not a larp, but a brave entertainer of the likes of woods and voight. My take on entertainers is just that, we all have gifts, you're job is to entertain us. It's a connection, we all connect to each other, you bring out our emotions - we embrace you. We are ultimately in a battle, our spirit and the world. Good and evil, rally the good guy wins in all facets of life. I guage a person by their need to uplift others. I'm a 30 plus yr healthcare provider, and have seen the human condition under every imaginable scenario. I am not a worldly person of influence, but a personal one. Make your influence count.

18999140? ago

Just reading this comment now, thanks for your service to humanity and the inspiring last two sentences.

18919221? ago

Hi, my name just so happens to be Mel Gibson. I won't tell you which Mel Gibson I am, but I am one of them.

Please come forward with what you have, and don't forget, it has always been the jews at the core of all this.

18925215? ago

They're not Jews. They're Canaanites.

18919846? ago

"it has always been the jews at the core of all this."

No, it isn't, and hasn't been, Mel, that is all an outrageous and STUPID lie.

Those at fault, those behind every single bad thing that has ever happened in this world, those at the core of evil, has always been the fault of the "play actors", which today, means "Hollywood".

18919923? ago

Not 'Hollywood'. Sin.

18919177? ago

Arm yourself and your loved ones. God speed.

18919144? ago

Time for the sleaze and crime to be cleaned up and that site a crazy gossip website was just 'gossip'? https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/10/todays-blind-items-deal-old.html when you read the rumors on wtitter on blogs etc nothing seems to shock

18919080? ago

Thanks OP, we are ready for the truth. Wishing you lots of love and protection!

18919036? ago

Best to reveal quickly so you don't get 187. Would hate to have something happen to you.

18919023? ago

Give us your honest opinion on Madonna's performance at the Eurovision song contest

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3230760 Click the title and watch it without and with autotune. Sick stuff. To what degree does this translate to Hollywood?

18925220? ago

Madonna once said, "I'm not the Illuminati, but I know who they are".

18926091? ago

Well the satan worshipping is right there, in your face, brazenly obvious. I mean, it is hard for me to think of a way to make it any clearer.

18918996? ago

Come out of the Conservative Closet... Don’t be bullied to stay in the closet. Acceptance starts with the brave.

18918847? ago

Well I'M Morgan Freeman, and I say Q is legit, so stay tuned, you'll see whassup.

18920327? ago

Well, it could be. Dr. Freeman was definately active and around many parites (including very high level ones) during the year Reagan was in office. Lean On Me (Movie) Joe Clark 1989 Clean And Sober (Movie) Craig 1988 Street Smart (Movie) Fast Black 1987 The Twilight Zone (TV Show) Dealer's Choice — 1985 Tony 1985 Marie (Movie) Charles Traughber 1985 That Was Then...This Is Now (Movie) Charlie Woods 1985 Teachers (Movie) Lewis 1984 Harry And Son (Movie) Siemanowski 1984 Eyewitness (Movie) Lt. Black 1981 Palmerstown, U.S.A. (TV Show) The Black Travelers — 1980 1980 Not too sure what was going on in Clarkesdale, MS then though.

18920065? ago

Glad you climbed off your step-granddaughter long enough to post that Morgan.

18918831? ago

Give us a clue, is the big name an actor, director, producer...?

18918809? ago

If you are speaking the truth, Vaya Con Dios! ❤️

18918805? ago

Bring it OP! I'd love to watch Hollyweird burn!

18918785? ago

Welcome Kelsey

18918782? ago

make an accout on a fake email, post there. when youre comfortable you can verify that account is you. otherwise, youre a faggot. Actually youre Hollywood Elite, you say your cool but no way your not alittle faggy being in that field

18918690? ago

I'm guessing Bill Paxton!

18920092? ago

Didn't he die?

18921857? ago

Oh yeah! On a pool table, I think...

18918657? ago

The unwritten rules of "The Hollywood Code"

Whats this?

18918567? ago

Put on the full armor of God.

God bless you!

18920803? ago

Eph 6. Important stuff to know.

18918502? ago

fuck off owen benjamin we know its you

18920938? ago


18918525? ago


18918457? ago

Thanks, I gave an upvote (upvoat) because I want to encourage more like you to come forward. If you mean what you say, just know that a vast majority of Americans have your back. Let make Hollywood great again! Film is a powerful medium if done right.

18918453? ago

you'll get away better reception on "theawakening"

18918427? ago

Heard this before

OP is a faggot

Put up or shut up bitch

18918352? ago

tom hanks

18920182? ago

Pedo, sex dungeon, Luciferian Hanks? Bahahahaha!

18921409? ago

or child prostitute deniro

18918346? ago

Please comment on the possibility that Hollywood, TV and the whole media cabal could be shut down if the 150,000 member strong IATSE union went on strike. Could it be that simple and powerful?

More on that notion --> https://www.neonrevolt.com/2019/02/24/iatse-enough-is-enough-time-to-shutdownhollywood-support-the-iatsewalkout/

18918341? ago

Back up and make copies of everything you have and hide them somewhere only you know about.

Don't name names here, you'll get doxxed. If you do it on the chans, it's not only safer but if you do it in the right place, you'll have any army of supporters.

Insure your defense is strong before you go on the offence. Sound military strategy there.

18920599? ago

USB keys w data and instructions.

Younwould be surprised how easy it is to print and shitpost on a crontab

18920081? ago

Listen to this anon.

18918242? ago

Prove it faggot.

18918171? ago

If he's that old he woould not give a fuck.

18918134? ago

was a full-time union extra for a few years. stopped in January this year or so. looking for any good work.

18927534? ago

I hear several big west coast cities are looking for people to shovle up human shit from their sidewalks.

18918087? ago


18920831? ago

Shh. Glow-N**ers at work here.

18920729? ago

That would be OP = Cindi Lauper

18920885? ago

You mean the one with the pedo logos in her videos back in the days?

18921415? ago


18917996? ago

The shit you "elite" do in public and at the top of your lungs, yet when it comes to coming out for whats right you want to be all anonymous. Piss off. Seriously.

18922933? ago

You obviously have not tried to exist economically in an industry dominated by vicious communists. Anonymity is key until the benefits of it outweigh the negatives.

18917983? ago

OP was the daughter of Clown from Slipknot murdered?

18917923? ago

Stop being such a fucking pussy. If you were truly hollywood elite you would have 'fuck you' money and be able to do whatever the fuck you want. If you are who you say you are, you have a fucking platform, fucking use it. If not you're just a fucking cuck loser no matter your hollywood status

18919111? ago

Is what someone who wants you to clumsily out yourself would say.

18917811? ago

Waiting for Tom Hanks to get busted. Or Streep. Maher too.

18921440? ago


18917806? ago

Got to the Chan. This place is ripe for you to get doxxed before you're ready. Not perfect on the chan either, but better than here. Be careful if this isn't a LARP.

18920147? ago

I think he/she is safe as long as he/she does not post elsewhere at Voat. ONLY on the Anon sub QRV..

18921981? ago

You must not realize how easy it is to find out who someone is here. At least it's semi difficult there.

18925270? ago

I do actually. I dox people in my day job. I have doxxed many people that don’t know how to avoid people like me, that’s why I suggested he move it to 8Ch with a tripcode.

18937661? ago

That was me that suggested that. Why try to take credit for something like that hahahaha

18938129? ago

Long thread, lots of posts. Should read the whole thing before accusing me/anyone of ”taking credit” — here’s my post:


18938223? ago

Yeah, thing is you didn't comment on your post, sooooooooooo....

18938404? ago

My feelings were not hurt, I thought yours were —whining about your content being stolen and all, and actually taking the time to post about it.

Whatever, go back ti your miserable life little snowflake

18938448? ago

No, i just thought it was super weird for someone to claim they were the original comment poster in an anonymous board. easily doable, but weird nonetheless. You go back to lying about what you actually do and trying to intimidate randos on the internet. Thanks for playing along, though.

18924978? ago

Really? I got the strangest letter in the mail. No return address. Something about 5g and targeted individuals...I wonder if I somehow got doxxed here

18920340? ago

They must have, to be able to to submit things here. So long as they don't do themselves somewhere on Voat I think they're be alright.

18925303? ago

The anonymity here is superficial. It’s okay as long as you dont come under the microscope of someone skilled. Considering what OP is talking about, he would be better protected at 8Chan with a tripcode.

18918934? ago

The chans are comped...at least 4chan

18922002? ago

Talking about 8. And they both technically are. Sucks, but it's the truth.

18917797? ago

Are you buddies with Green Socks guy?

18919348? ago

Never dipped back in on that. I'm guessing there were no green socks on display?

18920739? ago


18917651? ago

This is an anonymous board.

Either post your disclosure here or GTFO

Enough of the ‘I know stuff but can’t tell you yet’ LARPY horseshit

18919727? ago

Is anything on the internet really anonymous?

18953185? ago


18917645? ago

Oh, how shocking, a Hollywood big name embroiled in sex scandal? Are you talking about the one from you his week, or last week, or the one from last month, or maybe the 40+ other “sex scandals” last year.

18917620? ago

LARP FAKE go away.

18917603? ago

Hollywood is satanic and sells very low quality trash. I'm happy people are waking up and see how fake and dumb this celebrity culture is.

18917553? ago

Keep a full list of everything you know and have someone dump it all if they come after you. Can be your insurance policy.

18917552? ago

Kudos, and thanks, to you! Disregard the shills here trying to discourage you, by feigning skepticism, and mind your OPSEC.

18917539? ago

Good luck, man. At least you’re doing the right thing. And please stay safe, I read they use mossad agents as goons over there.


18917504? ago

If you are for real then good luck, and stay safe if you can...

18917431? ago

Hollywood is shit

18917408? ago

Thank you sir! If you need any help with your message you can contact me on r/freeworldnews. I know I and thousands of other patriots are on your side. Thank you so much.

18917401? ago

May I ask, do other Hollywood elite openly mock "us" like we're sheep? Are they in on the plot to destroy all of us? Do they know they're part is to keep us sheep distracted?

18925227? ago


18917390? ago

Hollywood needs to be burned to the fucking ground, I hope you brought some matches.


18917373? ago

Fuck off faggot name the names now

18917353? ago

Please write a book or at least a series of articles disclosing this to the brainwashed public.

18917339? ago

The people here are very prone to LARPs, good choice for your fiction writing.

18917207? ago

Hi James Woods

18928174? ago

Maybe Ashton Kutcher?

18925176? ago

Or Jim Caviezel?

18917915? ago

That's a good guess...

18919663? ago

I can't see it being the amazing James Woods. No offense to the OP (if you are reading this to some small town joe blow up north and far away from the entertainment desert.....)

James was in open verbal warfare with commies and leftists for a long while.

Growing up watching his 80s .. esoteric movies it seems fitting for Mr Woods to be doing this in middle age :)

For what it's worth, I most likely have seen and appreciated OPs work as well

but yeah, Hollyweird is hell

18917184? ago

I enjoyed doing videography for AFN in the military overseas. (Behind the scene, I'd never get in front of the camera.) When I returned to the states, I got a degree in it. Then I started looking for a job. The people I met were awful and experienced some unpleasant things. I got out pretty quick and didn't pursue that career. I loved doing the job for the military, more than anything, it wasn't the same in the civilian world. Still can't find a job I enjoy that much. It's just the people you have to deal with. It would be nice if it were all to change. I might try again.

18921171? ago

Had a friend from college from the East Coast move out to the West Coast to write in HWood. He came back soon after, suicidal. He's okay now, 10 years later, but for a while there it was bad.

18921650? ago

If you are a Q follower, you are probably a good friend to him. It's good that he has you.

18917175? ago

You’re also considered a faggot, and a kike.

18917155? ago

I hope this is James Woods.

18917807? ago

Nah James has balls and would just come out and say it was him. He said he invested wisely and doesn't need the work that's why hes so up front.

18918290? ago

Yes. Has balls. But he’s also has brains. Which is why he wouldn’t tell you HERE he’s going to do what the OP said he’s gonna do.

18917123? ago

without significant proof or a hint for Anons to dig on your just a faceless, baseless claim, Q had to prove himself, FBIanon had to prove himself. Either give us something to work with or GTFO.

18928770? ago

Yeah, drop us a 'candid' pic or few of a few big shots when they think they're off camera, place-able and date-able.

18922289? ago

Are you so jaded you have no faith in anyone? What does this person have to gain by sharing this information? It would seem they have more to lose.

18923475? ago

Has OP shared any real info?

18922887? ago

Don't bother, he's a shill trying to draw out a mistep. Either it's a LARP or it's not, only time will tell.

18919392? ago

Time should tell.

18921726? ago

tick TALK

18925186? ago

Tell it to CDAN

18918190? ago

how about a pic of something "Hollywood" with QRV/3250648 written on a piece of paper? got any awards on the mantle? nope this is just a LARP... expect to see it referenced elsewhere saying QTARDS will believe anything hence Q is disproved...

18917116? ago

are u playing Q game? So go and disclose, no need for the "wait couple of weeks" games. Smells of LARP here quite badly.

18917063? ago

It is utterly mind numbing that I can't speak openly about my opinions or I risk getting blacklisted and shunned.

Oh no, not that.

18921682? ago

the first three words sound like what a potted plant would say, if it materialized over magrathea

18917014? ago

Fuck hollywood. You couldn't pay me to go to a movie or watch that shit on tv. Read books. The fuckin satanists get the rights to a great book or story and totally ruin it. They warp the story to fit into their propaganda. Get the fuck out of hollyweird. Go live an honest life.

18918974? ago

Gotta be pretty choosy with your books too. No freedom of propaganda in that department.

18919599? ago

Yeah, that is true. Digging into publishers could be interesting.

18922537? ago

There's definitely a lot of pozzed publishers, but there's never been a better time to compete with establishment publishers. Even if you get dropped by Amazon it's pretty easy to independently sell books digitally.

18923415? ago

Its literally jew york city for publishing. it may be the worst of the media industries but they are all compromised.

18917159? ago

This here lies the dilemma. I don't need to be here. I can live the rest of my life fairly comfortably without working again. I've thought about selling my shit, taking my two dogs, cat and fishy friends and moving to some random middle American town and run their local community theatre or teach drama at a high school or college.

18942543? ago

Move to a smaller town in Norcal, we need help taking back our state and need a new center to create entertainment once LA and Atlanta crash and burn. Chaplin started a small studio in Niles , there a more like you that will need jobs after the crash.

18927424? ago

sounds like a good idea. where ever you ended up the community would embrace you....grew up in small town America and we love watching our kids in plays and appreciate the adults that step in to give the kids this type of experience

18924863? ago

There is internet fan fiction, or independent stuff you could do too. If you don't need the money, I don't see why anyone needs Hollywood these days. But if you do that, DON'T do it on cucked YouTube, please.

18923394? ago

We need spies and subversives in the industry. I work close to Ariana Grande's crew and its NOTHING but sex drug orgies and rituals. I choose to stay in even though I could retire as well. Please hang in there and fight that spirit.

18922559? ago

Fort Wayne, Indiana. A fairly large city that does not appear to be run by leftist nutcases. You could kick back in a place like this, then stay or move in once you've decided what to do next.

18922494? ago

I'm looking forward to the tide turning and the center of gravity of the entertainment industry moving away from cabal country. We need more content that tells our truth instead of programming us.

18921429? ago

What is holding you back, family? That should be the only reason not to do what you are thinking. God obviously put this idea in your heart and you need to pray and seek His will. There are people out here who will have your back and protect you if you choose to do it.

18922398? ago

The Anon probably really loves what he/she does. I'd hate to have to make that choice. It really sucks that these people are ruining Hollywood.

18924904? ago

That is true. There is a lot of great artistic talent and imagination to be enjoyed. Satan took what was good and turned it upside down.

18922781? ago

That rang true for me. Growing up, I found out a that some kids that I was friends with (all siblings), their dad had been an officer in the Cambodian army and fought against the Khmer Rouge. At that time, they weren’t able to return home, because if they did, they would all be in danger because of what their father had done...simply fought for what he believed was right, defending his home, his family, his neighbors, his country.

There are a whole lot of steps between this anon’s situation, and my old neighbor...but there are people that face these situations all the time, all over the world. Give up what you love. What you grew up dreaming about doing one day. Give up your life or livelihood...or else suffer some consequence. It would be super easy for me to sit and armchair quarterback and fire off my thoughts and knee jerk reactions to this, but it’s not so easy, or so cut and dry, as we would like to think.

Anon, I feel for you, and hope for the best for you and yours. Do right, do well, trust the Lord...seek good and justice and mercy, and be safe.

For others sorta armchair quarterbacking this situation or others...trust me, no judgment is coming from me...I do it all the time myself...I’m just saying that the older I get, the more I know my mom was right about being slow to judge and quick to listen. I think that as more Americans (and people worldwide) are redpilled, we will need that care, patience, and understanding as we seek to help them along rather than brow beating them for being slow to wake up. Better late than never.

18924327? ago

Beautifully stated!

18926356? ago

Thanks. Every once in a while, I seem to string some words together and not sound like a damned moron. I better watch out, I already hit my quota for the week, and don’t wanna use up next week’s already!

18939555? ago

Lol! Your comment was worth it!

18921402? ago

That's a really good idea, I think you would enjoy it. The high school kids need you the most.

18921263? ago

Maybe after the shit storm, there will actually be a creative film industry again -- with real people being talented -- not just adrenechrome and perversion.

18921453? ago

A new industry will have to emerge to rewrite all the false history that's been portrayed in film.

18921645? ago

"here there be dragons" seems to be enough, i don't want to read filth

18920506? ago

I am midwest, let me write your story?

18919981? ago

Please do that. I'm a theater person with theater-y kids in one of those middle-America towns. We need people like you to help our children develop their talents and create an entertainment industry of their own. God bless.

18919873? ago

Who doesn't have a Corky St. Clair fantasy?

18919788? ago

I'm betting they don't just let you take your bank and walk away and hide......

18918747? ago

I know it’s going to be cliche here brother - but I’ll reiterate:

God could and would if he were sought.

You have a chance to make a major impact, but it could be a fools errand. Only you and God know the truth. You deserve serenity. If you can walk away and be at peace, you should consider it.



18919851? ago

That’s never cliche among real people.

God is good. Wear his armor.

Be with us, Lord.

18918392? ago

Plenty of opportunity in Colorado Springs. With 5 military bases, we're about as red as it gets.

18923532? ago

Isn’t Dobson and his merry band of repressed Jesus faggots from them there parts?

18927567? ago

Dunno. Never heard of him.

18919985? ago

There is unfortunately also a Satan-worship contingency in COS, too, and Denver and Boulder are absolutely infested as is Aspen and Telluride. There is a spiritual battle for Colorado going on right now, but I believe much evil will be purged with the upcoming reveals (DECLAS, FISA) and indictments. I want God back in Colorado!!

18921490? ago

The Satan worshippers may come from the military bases. I know it's hard to hear.

18933311? ago

I know... man I fucking hate Satan...

18922606? ago

Some for sure, many more are educators or on school boards

18919408? ago

I heard in another forum context that blue scourge was creeping in...

18918960? ago


18918497? ago

colorado springs

red as fuck

Lol are you serious?


18918583? ago

From where I'm sitting, it's about as red as you're gonna get in a city this size at this point in time.

Places like Manitou are kinda contained and the loonies we've got don't leave their comfort zones. Haven't seen a single incident of a TDS attacking anyone yet.

18918237? ago

Where's the dilemma?

18919755? ago

OP is literally in the ground 7 of the seven circles of hell itself

worked in the industry for most of their working life, id imagine. even with knowing what they know, its STILL hard to up and just walk the fuck away and never look back. the same could be said for any blue collar working in a long term job that they KNOW is on the outs at some point due to bad management but.. its still hard to take that first step

this is all speculation, but we're all human after all

18920403? ago

Yep. You've got that right! I've got an okay job. Not exactly what I want to do but it's good honest work. But the company I work for.... They've never been good but lately they're heading down a dark and evil path. I know I have to get out but I want to have something to go to before I go! I've walked from jobs before with nothing waiting. Finally find a new job but it's always a low paying hard labor job and the family suffers! Don't want to put them through that again.

18917482? ago

Pray and ask for guidance. I will pray too.

18919841? ago

I do. All day. I ask GOD to be with me. I can feel the demons all around now. I almost miss being ignorant of them.

18924860? ago

Only the name of Jesus has the power to make them flee.

18922605? ago

So, why stay? Get the hell(no pun intended) out of there. Look how many people on this post are advising you to walk away. Maybe that’s God’s way of letting you know what is best for your spiritual, physical and emotional health. Find a small to mid size town in the reddest county in the reddest state and you will find ‘community’ like you have never experienced. Entire Florida panhandle(avoid Tallahassee) is red, climate similar to Southern California, many wonderful seaside small towns all very close to larger towns. Go! Get out of there!

18924582? ago

Yes that’s a great idea. Maybe go to Jackson or Gadsden county where Hurricane Michael is still being cleaned up and just start a new life. Helping others helps to heal yourself. You’d be welcomed

18921420? ago

The knowing sucks.

18921495? ago

Agreed. I know there is so much worse and I am shielded and I’m ok w that for now. It’s like Q said right? “Those who know don’t sleep”

18920026? ago

I prayed for you too. I will add you to my list. Protection and guidance.

18919937? ago

Just prayed for you, too. You can never have enough prayer over you.

18916958? ago

Lol. Nice LARPing faggot!!

18916948? ago

When isn't one bigtime hollywood name or another not embroiled in a sex scandal. Tease more please OP. What is going to be your handle so we know ?

18921352? ago

conathan jewsack? hmm...

18916871? ago

My son is a Hollywood movie composer. He was here last weekend, talking about a friend of his that had died. He said he thought that "he was sacrificed by the illuminati." That peeked my interest, and I asked who his friend was. He said, "probably someone you don't know... Isaak Cappy"!!! My jaw dropped.

18928047? ago

can't take anyone seriously when they spell Piqued as peeked. and enough with this glowfaggot.

18926762? ago

Piqued. That piqued your interest.

18924619? ago

Has anyone seen the YT channel Phoenix Enigma video(s) on regarding IK? The dude drove that road that morning and has some interesting thoughts and info.

18924267? ago


18924701? ago

To be TRULY WOKE is to know, they are NOT Jewish! They call themselves that. The tribes of Israel are not our enemy. Fear the Edomites, they own it all and America is their greatest conquest.

They almost won.

18925064? ago

You fucking misguided idiot

18925346? ago

Joshua, Saul, David, Solomon never completely destroyed the cities of Giants and moloch worshippers. After Solomon the Edomites (ect) took over Judah and they are the bloodline of Cain. They only call themselves Jews. Change my mind fag.

18929555? ago

Anyone that's goes to fucking SYNOGOUGES needs a bullet fag.

18923334? ago

“Sacrificed” in broad daylight on an interstate overpass in front of multiple witnesses.

Looks like the retard apple didn’t fall far from your tree.

18924803? ago

Pushed. There were 20 people on the bridge. Kappy was covered by a card board box and left on the road to die. The mayor is a huge contributor to the DNC and has CF ties. He died at 7:22 am - he also out pedo wood players on 7/22/18. It was an Illuminati hit, and he knew it was coming.

Who was with him in the car?

18930261? ago

How can Bellemont have a mayor? It's unincorporated.

If you're talking about Flagstaff... well no fucking shit. It's a semi-large, left-leaning college town. The mayor has fuck-all to do with a police investigation into his death.

That "7:22" shit is the stupidest thing I've ever read. Tighten up your tin-foil cap, tard. I think some MKUltra radiation is leaking in.

Kappy, by all accounts, was a shitbag junkie who fucked over literally anyone and everyone he came into contact with. No loss.

18922846? ago

First look at image results: Wow, this guy looks a little jewish... Still quite a few to go, though.

18917305? ago

You see the ending to ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ movie? Out of nowhere they say at very end, ‘The Illuminati are real!’

18925126? ago

Don't forget artists and writers also love to riff on that shit without believing an ounce of it.

18922332? ago

I have that DVD, but I've never noticed that. is that in the credits?

18928036? ago

Very last scene before credits.

18928258? ago

Thanks. I'll look for it next time I watch it.

18923463? ago

Gross that you would admit that, but you do you.

18928283? ago

I'm typically an action/sci fi guy, but I do like that movie.

18928040? ago

My daughter had it on. I watched the last half of the movie.

18919826? ago

You sat through that? Lol

18919824? ago

I couldn't make it past the half hour mark of that piece of shit movie.

18917021? ago

I’m in the music business. The Illuminati is absolutely real. I’ve seen and heard some very dark shit.

18930969? ago

Just ask Ralph Rieckermann. LINK

18928066? ago

this ^^^^^^ replies like this "oh ya i am insider, oh ya i am a member of illuminati,bal bla bla. glowfaggots have filled this board. No actual research going on except shitposting i am this i am that. fuck off.

18925107? ago

I heard that clip recently of Billy Corgan on Howard Stern hesitantly alluding to once seeing someone change shape in his presence, like shape shift? Don't know what to make of that one.

18927398? ago

put that one up to real good drugs

18927071? ago

LSD or shrooms.

18927752? ago

Done a shitload of good drugs in my life and aint no motherfucker ever shapeshifted bro. Drugs do not enable shapeshifting nor the ability to detect shapeshifters. The shapeshifters reveal themselves to you. Duh. They do it while you're on drugs so that you can't understand whats up and will question what you saw the rest of your life.

18918713? ago

Name it anon fag

18919449? ago

KISS worships SATAN

18924207? ago

Knights In Satan's Service, what tipped you off? 😐

18934958? ago

Lucky guess ? lols. The Seventies sucked the first time around !

18924729? ago

Knights In Satan's Service,.

Ok, grandpa.

18923810? ago

Gene Simmons was one of Trumps initial supporters, as well as the man who discovered and promoted Van Halen, so some strong positives here.

18934972? ago

I did not know that. Will dig !

18919918? ago

well, they are jews, so...we already knew thay

18920638? ago

You ain't got to be woke to know Gene Simmons is a piece of shit

18921998? ago

He visits my town a couple times a year for business and my friends who work at the hotel he stays in say he is a gross piece of shit masochist fuck, and they arent super liberal friends so would take some douchey shit for them to call someone masochist.

18923442? ago

Masochist? So he likes to be subjected to physical pain?

I’m struggling to understand how some minimum wage front desk zero would know Simmons is a masochist. Did he ask your friends to beat him or piss on him or something?

18928132? ago

One is GM other is chef, not sure where u got front desk from. Both people interact mainly with the VIP guests. The chef got treated like shit for not having cottage cheese for example, even though it isnt something they normally carry nor was requested ahead of time... apparently gene Simmons likes cottage cheese a lot?

And my bad on masochist, typing before bed and meant to say chauvinist ... due to the way he was treating women wait staff and the ones he interacted with in the bar.

Maybe hed a cool dude and his visits here are never good or something... but interviews and other stories I've read all seem to point to him being a douche.

18923663? ago

Good reply. Simmons has always been a big supporter of our military and he is a Trump supporter.

He was at the White House and the Pentagon this month: Gene Simmons Visits WH and Pentagon

18927090? ago

I have no doubt Gene Simmons is a fuck with however not as fucking stupid as posters

18923721? ago

Thanks. Sick of this crap that everyone famous is some kind of sick pervert.

I know it’s an unpopular opinion on this cesspool, but the majority of humans are good and decent... and that included the rich and famous, as well as the poor and unknown. Let’s focus on the ones we know are bad.

18918702? ago

There was a recent podcast from the edge of wonder guy (it’s good) and he was staying how Justin Bieber hated the music he’s forced to create, but if he doesn’t they’ll “ruin him”.

Satany for real.

18926558? ago

When you sell out to Satan, it is do his dance or die. [ But someone came to set the captives free. I wonder who that was ? ]

18924649? ago

My friend fucked Beibers mom. It's always the parents who are EVIL and sell their children in to this

18919776? ago

That’s never the truth.

The mafia doesn’t just target u they target someone else because of u.

Good people - that’s the Achilles’ tendon. You slice them that way and they can’t move. Their kids. Their wives. Their family.

Look at Flynn. They went after his kid.

I know for a fact that Ron Paul was threatened in 2012. They said if he went after Mitt in the debates they would take away medical licenses of his family. Think about that. That was their ability to help folks.

Ross Perot? Same shit

18925679? ago

That's what they were doing to Pres Trump: "A parent's love for his children." -Q No way around it..... evil is just plain evil. We either stand up to it or "politely" look the other way.... until we are compromised and eventually destroyed. I think this is one issue we can all unanimously say "WWG1WGA" and "Pray, Pray, Pray". Godspeed to those fighting the good fight.

18916960? ago

It's piqued.

18920086? ago

Thanks for that, I am soooo anal about spelling!!

18926859? ago

You are welcome.

18916931? ago

I didn't know him personally but was aware of him. Hearing the news of his death hit me hard. I try not to make friends with others in the business but I lost a friend who was a writer for a very popular comedy show a few years ago and that was the first time I stepped back. Now with the exposure of all the truly nasty stuff that goes on, I feel ashamed for not speaking out sooner.

18921903? ago

RIP Harris </3

18918924? ago

Kramer, this you?

18919145? ago

Cosmo hasn’t worked since that amazing night of stand up

18920282? ago

And he's a Freemason Luciferian asshat.

18926777? ago

Lucifer was the Bringer of Light. That’s what his name means.

18918860? ago

I, for one, hope you are legit. Throw us a bone that would loosely tie this together after the fact. A well chosen single word could work. If you are legit, good for you. If they kill you, you can die cleansed of burdens.

18918794? ago

Honor and pride are all well and good but you need to be strategic. They’re gonna come at you from all angles so you need to be ready on every single front. Make sure your defenses are solid before proceeding.

18917452? ago

Better late than never. Everyone of us has that moment when we realize it's time to speak up.

18928054? ago

stop feeding him goddamn it. tell what info has he provided in all these shitty post. and why is there 233 upvotes for glowfaggot. are anons here that stupid to not figure out this guys is a glowfaggot.

18946171? ago

Calm down. I like to encourage these fuckers until I see what I need.

18916831? ago

I have found over the last two years after much research that so many of my beloved actors and actresses are very bad people, hate our President Trump and do not understand the middle class struggles. It was a way for the "common man" to escape if even for a brief few hours. I now seek out the Christians actors/actresses and will only pay for their movies/shows. So thank you for taking a stand, it is great to be alive.

18916850? ago

Hallmark Channel. Good Christian people.

18925155? ago

that saccharine coated crap is just another form of entertainment as social engineering. like any Christians with a name for themselves in media and entertainment. no thanks

18924949? ago

Isn't there a Christian alternative to Netflix?

18922397? ago

Laurie Laughlin used to be on the hallmark channel. They wrote her out pdq after her little college bribery act.

18924965? ago

The Cosby show runs on Amazon. What a fucking joke. I knew from the beginning Roseanne would have trouble.

18918777? ago

Maybe the writers and producers are good Christian people. But that phony bitch actress who paid bribes so her spoiled brat kids could get into a fancy college can repent or go to hell. Don't see much remorse from her and her Target clothing designer husband.

18920593? ago


There! That's what you meant!

18921473? ago


18917084? ago

I like watching that channel-although a little cheesy. I get a lot of flack from my family but reading online about what’s really going on, makes it a good escape.

18922628? ago

This is the perfect time for based content to emerge given online video can bypass establishment channels. People would definitely watch a gritty serial drama about taking down an elite pedo ring or shows that highlight the corruption of cabal-infested industries.

18916901? ago


18916779? ago

When filmmakers / writers have output that clearly and loudly hint to the level of debauchery, occultism, corruption, and psy ops in Hollywood and culture at large, do they do this as participants flaunting their ways, or conscience stricken witnesses trying to awaken the public in their own symbolic ways without losing their place at the table? Or a mix of both?

18917160? ago

I used to think they were informing us but I’ve read that it’s part of their occult ritual that they have to tell us what is going on for their magic to work.

18922698? ago

Thus the occasional AMA thread

18922659? ago

By incorporating truth into fiction they can smear those who talk about the truth as fantasists.

18925078? ago

I hear that. I try to explain the mysterious goings-on from the book of Genesis, people think I'm being fantastical. Hollywood has stolen their material from the Bible (and perverted it).

18921272? ago

That's the law of Karma. If they tell you what they are doing, it cannot come back to them.

18926434? ago

If Karma is real, I do not think that is how it works. It may well be how 'they' believe it works.

18949497? ago

It is how they think it works....

18917946? ago

weird, isn't it ? i read it has to do with us giving permission by hearing what they reveal and not go against it. is this so called free will in their twisted minds?

18925041? ago

We have in fact, given them permission. Every time we watch, buy, listen. If course most of don't (anymore). But we did, for a long time. And with all that's coming out of Hollywood now, I suspect they are real close to summoning their father in the flesh.

18919306? ago

Kinda a spell, kinda the secret. You will thoughts into existence. We need to think of the future we want, not the future we don't want (which the focus brings into existence)

18916835? ago

I don't know how to answer that. The debauchery and corruption I guess I can talk about. That's complete brazen. The occultism and psy ops stuff. That's not really as prevalent as you may have been led to believe. I'm talking more about the use and abuse of those who want to succeed and what they must do in order to be accepted / trusted. Again, I haven't done anything illegal although plenty of people have dirt on me that could do some damage to me (personally and professionally)

18922619? ago

Are you talking about the casting couch? Can one get good work there without it?

18918559? ago

Did you happen to see the post by the gaffer anon?

18922830? ago

Thanks for the link

18920930? ago

great read, even if fiction - but looks likely not

18918491? ago

Do you own a pair of green socks?

18918804? ago

Good call, but I doubt same anon.

18918765? ago

Ya.. did we ever find out who that was??!

18918756? ago


18916990? ago

Ok. By the psyop angle I was referring to how it has been argued in various works that institutions such as CIA and Tavistock Institute engage in social engineering using media and entertainment as useful avenues to essentially engage in mass mind conditioning. The occult angle and its connection to the corrupt power elite seems evident in film-as-initiatory experience for the adept such as Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, various David Lynch and Roman Polanski, etc. Jay Dyer's "Esoteric Hollywood" (I and II) digs more into this. Just wondering if I'd ever come across insiders who personally know a bit more about this.

18919949? ago

Not gona lie Lynch in that new Twin Peaks w the evil homeless cats made my stomach go sideways. esp the scene w the a bomb....

That was saying a lot between the lines I felt deep and I kinda stopped watching tv and movies after that.

Ref: https://youtu.be/J7iujbjDEKo


18916769? ago

What is the Hollywood Code?

18919125? ago

It goes like this... if you are a Jew and you know anjew who is high up, you get in.

If you’re a goy and you suck their dick/know Jews well enough/benefit a Jew then you also get in

If you’re not any of the above you’re a worthless piece of shit that doesn’t exist in their eyes

18925136? ago

They are not Jews.

18922217? ago

Sounds like state government.

18916782? ago

Don't Ask, Don't Tell or Don't Work

18918408? ago

word to the wise.. dont pre announce just come out with it.. show proof..or you'll get roasted.. we arnt entertainment. we dont need trailers

18916845? ago

Ex Hollywood here. Behind camera. I can back this up. This is the code.

18916895? ago

Yeah. When I first started, all of it just seemed normal. Part of the culture. Now I see if for what it truly is. Sociopathic predators and opportunistic sycophants who live in a world so detached from reality and accountability. I can't continue being part of that system. It's been tearing me apart.

18917894? ago

I had to stay high. I felt trapped because making pictures was all I knew. More later...

18917104? ago

As a music business guy I have always said “this is a business that you spend your life wanting to become successful in, and when you do, you realize the people that run it all (mostly communist Jews) are literally the WORST people on the planet. And also the worst business ever. No normal business would last a week running with the incompetence of the brass in the entertainment business.

18922096? ago

All I want to say is they don't really care about us - Michael Jackson. A lost talent.

18917243? ago

Ex-music guy here too (2nd engineer in recording studio). I agree with everything you said. Not just the people running the show - most of the entertainers are pieces of shit too.

18920001? ago

Someone I used to work with was a radio station gofer back in the day. When bands toured the station would get an interview and he was tasked w/ fetching them. I only recall who was the worst (Kate Bush) and who was the best (2 members from Midnight Oil). Varying degrees of assholeness in-between from the rest such as abusive, mocking, or nasty. Tough on an 18YO kid.

18918011? ago

This kind of scares the shit out of me. I’m on the cusp of having a break out single, I’m confident in my representation and I oversee all the business aspects of my music career. Just, fuck, these threads always leave me speechless.

18918227? ago

If your goal in life is to write and share music that's one thing but going bigtime you become an entertainer. Dance monkey dance because you'll be used until you can't make them any more money.

18925112? ago

Britney Spears is probably next to get pushed off a bridge.

18919367? ago

I was in an up and coming band in the late 70's early 80's. We were on the verge of becoming hits, the corruption and graft and debauchery we refused to be a part of became our destruction. We could not get a major studio to record us again after it was clear we were not "on board" with them. We had two concert tours cancelled, one after we had started backing up a major group. The corruption and darkness in the entertainment industry is real, and has many victims.

18919753? ago

Glad to hear your were a "victim" and didn't create many more!

18920394? ago

I was merely a refugee and refused to partake in the evil. I got out and started a new and successful life. I would not let them make me a victim.

18921818? ago

"don't wanna live like a refugee"

glad to hear

by "victim" i meant you were cancelled and stuff; again, glad to hear your weren't savagely victimized

God bless

18922147? ago

So Tom Petty meant something by that?

18916894? ago

I'd bet you've got some stories, many many stories.

18916657? ago

When did you make your account here to post this?

18916527? ago


Disclose or GTFO

Notice how every bullshitter posts a ‘trailer’ but never any info.

18927383? ago


18926005? ago

Agreed. Also, doing awkward personal announcing thing, "I am Hollywood Elite" like trying just a little too hard...

There's a psychological concept around "announcing," and how types of announcing instantly means lying, bc it's an attempt to establish foundational credibility. I think BodyLanguageGhost has talked about it also...

18924254? ago


18924246? ago


18923757? ago

OP: Would like to be interviewed by Greg Hunter ?

18919030? ago

Well then, he should feel right at home here...Qalarp has nothing on him

18918704? ago

Complete faggot liar dropping first names, what is not to believe?

18918526? ago

There's no reason to attack this person.

Let's just wait and see.

18935473? ago


18927888? ago

Of course there is a reason to attack this "person".

This "person" is using all of the textbook glowfag syntax.

18927053? ago

"stick to the plan"

18923427? ago

There's no reason to give this person an ounce of confidence either. Shit like this is posted on anonymous message boards a hundred times a day. Tits or gtfo.

18935511? ago

yes there is a reason, because you don't know if it's true or false. You're projecting your negative attitude and discouraging others who may very be willing to come forward. You is not god........so just wait and see. If nothing happens then too bad.......if something happens then great. We should all encourage, that's what Q is all about.

18942483? ago

My angle is make boomers not fall for generic promissory bullshit like this that never pans out. Learn to anonymous online. The op needs to show tits or gtfo. This kind of garbage is posted a dozen times a day. But yeah. I'm a shill cause you're a fucking rube who takes anonymous trolling seriously. What's YOUR angle? Trying to push people on wild goose chases?

Spoiler: this anon will never pan out. Just like all the anons that broadcast future dates.

If you're such a Q follower you'd not be following rabbit holes from people that aren't Q.

18920061? ago

That's what leftist do! Attack Attack Attack! Out of one side of their mouths they say "acceptance" and "inclusive", out of the other side it's Attack!!!

18925778? ago

Leftists also rephrase criticism and scepticism as "attacks".

Believing every promise of some stranger without being sceptical is what retards do.

18928385? ago

Believing and attacking are different things. Don't believe him, fine, I don't either. But there's no reason to be jumping his shit about it, or mine.

18928681? ago

Are voicing skepticism and attacking someone the same?

18917845? ago

Anon sub, deal with it.

18925736? ago

As I type, this GLOWING piece of faggotry has has 287 upvotes. I cannot believe that one motherfucker believes this bullshit. It's fucking textbook carrot-dangling shill tactics. "I'M SPECIAL. I KNOW THINGS. I'M TELLING IT ALL. SOON."

Look how much time's been wasted here with this 400th comment. This shill succeeded. Hell, there's gonna be a bonus for this nobody!

I'm glad to see LARP is the highest upvoated comment.

If you didn't know that, please focus on prayer as your contribution to the cause.

18920706? ago

Watch for a big time Hollywood name about to become embroiled in a sex scandal over the next couple weeks.


18916604? ago

I'm in the process of disclosing on background to a journalist in NY who's handled similar cases recently. Guy has Hollywood connections too. That should be a good hint.

18927064? ago

Assuming this person is referring to Ronan Farrow.

18926506? ago

I hope you're giving your story & evidence to John Solomon at The Hill and/or to Sara A. Carter, as I wouldn't trust ANYONE else in the journalist world with your intel besides those 2 and they have people's ear and major credibility.

God bless you, patriot, for what you are about to do. May you be protected by the armor of God.

18926064? ago

Facepalm. This ^^^^ this is how you know a retard has just discovered QRV. You know nothing jon snow. go back to your drawing board and start over before start to make idiotic statements. come here when you ready to drop some shit or go to poll. this is more like kindergarten, pol is where shit happens.

18925899? ago

Also try some independent online media in that area like WeAreChange and Tim Pool. They’d be more than willing to hear you out and give you a fair shake.

18925264? ago


18925287? ago

Albany NY Ayla reporter for ABC?

18924330? ago

I can’t wait for the dirt to come out on all of these Hollywood scumbags.

They carry themselves like they’re something special, and I guess, in a warped way, they are “special,” but only because they’ve been used as a cum dumpster by every pig in town.

These gutless hoes believed that if they just serviced industry cock on the regular (or worse), all would be “right” and kept secret.

People with morals and souls weren’t “serious” about success or weren’t ready to “pay the price” to succeed.

Money, isolation from civilians, and power, makes this mindset and the shitty behavior that goes along with it, seem normal.

I’m sure plenty of artists who’s work I respect will be exposed, jailed, or possibly worse, and I can’t wait for it to happen.

I used to really struggle with the question: Can you separate the artist from their art?

Now it’s very clear for me: FUCK NO.


18924183? ago

Rolin Farrow? Tell him he's got some pretty blue eyes. ;)

18923982? ago

Nearly every journalist is compromised.

So this seems like a good idea.. sarcasm

You might as well post anonymously in an internet cafe to 4chan if you want to protect yourself otherwise just name names on reddit or here and post a video like cappy and boom your now on a hit list.

18923929? ago

Don't mind the shills... they are loud but stupid and we have gotten used to their presence at this point. In case you haven't yet, these are just shills trying to disrupt the great awakening. I obviously don't have any proof of whether or not this is legit either, but I hope it is and at the very least this isn't a common shill tactic so I doubt you are one. We'll see I suppose! Good luck and stay safe and brave!

18923320? ago

I am in "the industry" too. I want to know how you go about doing this as I have tried my best to encourage everyone here but not sure how else I can help. I'll be watching.

18920736? ago

Going to real outlets like Joe Rogan Experience, or Adam Carolla Show, or do you mean "journalists" that barely anyone notices, and the few that do blindly believe it, or dismiss it, based on their prefered echo chamber narrative?

18922428? ago

Rogan is a kike operative

18929637? ago

100% this. Always talks about how evil white supremacy is but has a kike on every other day boasting about being the chosen people. And all these fags defend these actions b/c muh holocost

18922882? ago

You are!

18923519? ago

I know you are, but what am Oi... Vey!?

18923568? ago

So's your face!

18920203? ago

Well the journalist with Hollywood connections would be Ronan Farrow, no?

18926082? ago

what about Farrow?? like what, like he is a son of frank sinatra and not woody allen. already known shit.

18928165? ago

He said the reporter that was going to break the story had Hollywood connections. I was guessing it was Farrow. Time will tell.

18919891? ago

A journo you say? Kek

18919136? ago

Please consider reaching out to Tiffany FitzHenry - she is/was a hollywood writer who is filming hollywood dark side now


18918790? ago


18918520? ago

is he jewish?

18926546? ago

Of course. They are all joooish

18918475? ago

thats the dumbest idea ever.. WE ARE THE NEWS NOW...

18919983? ago

Listen to this guy HollywoodFag. Post your names here and on 8chan.

18916902? ago

They'll either spike the story, 187 you, or both. You can't trust the media, even if you trust a particular journalist. Name the names, or fuck off. This is Voat, not FaceBerg.

18918089? ago


[-] 18916604? [S] 5 points (+7|-2) 1.2 hours ago

OK OK I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger. Come try it punks!

18921217? ago

Someone should kick you in the back.

18919321? ago

Help me! I need a Lamborghini!

18919633? ago


18918225? ago


18917855? ago

They’ll send em to rehab for more MK Ultra.

18919051? ago

Is catholicism MK ultra?

18919829? ago

Catholics require ovening, not a psychologist.

18919866? ago

They just need time to think

18917562? ago

They didn't save Weinstein, a pretty big fish.

18917736? ago

He settled the case for 40 million which is nothing to him, and now most of the public has forgotten about it.

18917992? ago

Thats civil cases, not criminal.

18926735? ago

Get your information to Enty Lawyer (the author of CDAN).

18920874? ago

Wake me up when that actually happens. The victims have literally been paid off by him, what's left for a criminal trial

18916699? ago

Not much of a hint tbh. LARP

18916767? ago

Not a LARP but I understand why you'd be skeptical. If Im being honest, this is a selfish thing for me to do. While I do care about the victims, I'm doing this because I want to feel like I did something and still justify working in the corrupt system.

18918292? ago

MHGA = Make Hollywood Great Again!

18918450? ago

Make Hollywood a crater

18918730? ago

Oh I agree.. just want to give a little inspiration to OP if they're not a LARP!

Bottom line.. we need to MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN!!!

18919861? ago

We may have to make a few craters to MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN!

18917433? ago

Nothing is truly selfless. Only Jesus was. Every good intention we ever have, we have because it ultimately serves ourselves. Even if only by avoiding guilt.

18916909? ago

It may seem Selfish, but if it ultimately serves Justice up on a platter with greater ease, it gets marked down as a good deed in the Big Book at the end of the day anyway :) Just so you know.

18916669? ago


18916475? ago

We each have our own ways to help win this war against evil, more power to you!

18916471? ago

Hollywood has bigger problems than sex scandals. You might have to go outside the LA area and ask for help from elsewhere.

18916451? ago

Well I'll play along even though you are prob a larp.

Did you rape children for blackmail or do only the A-List do that? Is that how they further your career?

18916516? ago

I've never raped, blackmailed or harmed anyone. I'm a Christian. I know of several people who have been both the victim and the perp.

18925160? ago

The abused become the abusers.

18924539? ago

"haven't done anything illegal although plenty of people have dirt on me that could do some damage" Never done anything illegal, never harmed anyone... but plenty of people have dirt on you? Interesting circle to square if these belong to the same poster...

18925175? ago

Probably drugs and extra-marital affairs. Not all perversion involves children.

18925719? ago

Drugs are illegal, so I ruled them out. Consenual affairs wouldn't ruin anybody but a loud mouth hypocrite, that's why I wondered if both posts were the same poster, or somebody f'd up their script.

18918754? ago

Well if you are for REAL, and really are a Christian then the time is NOW for you to come clean.THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR HARMING CHILDREN, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY.

18916599? ago

Be courageous. We need all the patriots we can get. Thank you for posting.

18916685? ago

I second this!