18911507? ago

Another libtard who doesn't understand Qanon but is stupid enough to attack and shill.

18920000? ago

Hurrr Durrr.... I like TRUMP he's our guy.... we just have to eat popcorn, trust the plan, and do nothing.....

18924678? ago

Like you are doing something, you fucking little cunt. You don't give a fuck about anything other than sitting in your parents basement fucking with people. Sad little bitch.

18909569? ago

Still smarter than your dumb ass!

18905614? ago

Freedom and Democracy, man, Freedom and Democracy.

18905241? ago

And that’s why you guys are losing. You’re too full of yourselves. You have been and still are drastically underestimating your enemy. Carry on shill.

18905152? ago

Yet your meme is boomer-tier.

18905103? ago

@crensch needs to get @shizy on a diet!

Stop buying her Diet Coke!

18905121? ago

Speaking of coke, did you hear GothamGirl stretched her cootch out so much from fisting that she can fit a two liter of coke up that?

18905131? ago

@crensch why did you do that to @shizy?

18905143? ago

Can't read whore?

18905242? ago

Why are you calling @shizy a whore @crensch?

18905301? ago

Wrong again, that was zyklon_b calling his whore a whore.

18905985? ago

Damnnnn, u stupider than my nigga neighbors.

18904860? ago

kek...closer to home with this one.

18904702? ago

I actually got a laugh from this one.

18905626? ago

It is funny, but a lot of us opposed all those wars. It would have been worse with Hillary, but the international bankers are responsible for all.

18905646? ago

Oh, no shit and completely agree. But that post had me in tears, because it's true. And with all the crap that's been posted in this sub lately, that one was genuinely funny.

18905666? ago

Agreed. If we can’t laugh at ourselves...

Boomers saving the world!