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18774234? ago Anyone who still watches TV is an idiot. I've seen people say stuff like: "I know it's propaganda, so it doesn't effect me...". Bullshit. There is a lot of subliminal stuff hidden that you can't see. Your subconscious is absorbing all of the programming whether you are aware of it or not.

18775310? ago

Agreed. If I need that sort of entertainment I tend to watch old black and whites etc.

The quick edit design is made to fracture brains and it works

18774671? ago

i rarely watch anything on TV - life stream, that is - except for one daily news show because i want to know what they feed my neighbors but i did watch the ESC.

youre partly right and partly wrong - if you keep your personal frequency high - no fear-based thoughts and emotions - and watch the entire thing with a stance of 'I Do NOT Consent', its actually countering [their] broadcasts.

listening to madonnas terrible performance - she hardly ever hit the right tune, it terribly hurt in my absolute ears that freak with every wrong tune -, i concluded that too many awake people watching and listening actually disturbed the lucifer connection and the purpose of this ritual. it failed.