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18769280? ago

Baker from 8ch here. I've worked my fucking hands raw on that forum the past year trying to help out, bake and battle shills every way that I can. I had FJ's back yesterday when this went down, but this whole POAL thing with its non randomized user names and without Q's permission is where I am drawing the line. Trying to ask questions about it on 8ch right now and I'm getting labeled a fucking concernfag, of all things.

Q we need you man... I honestly just want to do what is right, but it's getting real difficult to discern who is on our side right now.

18770372? ago

I saw right thru FJ's tactics yesterday. Been arguing with some of my mates who also had his back WRT Putt. I'm not surprised about this. It was very calculated and clever, but totally transparent move.

18770756? ago

I dont know what the truth is man. I had FJs back 100% yesterday. At this point im going back to my original stance that i came here to support our president and Q. Im not here to worship the staff at qresearch like a dog. Im willing to talk about it like an adult, but so far i cant seem to make that happen with them.

18770891? ago

thanks for all your work, baker.

this shit stinks for putt. he's in a damned if you/damned if you don't position. this latest fuckery by fastjack isn't cool. no word from him when he got pinged about the sub getting spammed. yesterday he posted the screencaps and all of a sudden he's now interacting with anons on this thread. something ain't right with this glownigger.

18771209? ago

Thanks for the kind words...if i have been being used by the wrong team i will have to own up to that. Sucks ass. All i wanted to do was help my country and fellow anons. Will have to wait until Q speaks on the matter. Feel rather betrayed right now tbh unsure who to trust.

18771676? ago

This response was not me in the previous 2 posts, baker. Someone else jumped in on this thread before I could reply to you.

I don't trust FastJack. Putt had this to say today about the current mods.