18805779? ago

DD's Video: GCHQ Chief Hannigan, Resigned Because He Helped A PAEDOPHILE Priest. Theresa May Connection. at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3239985/

18710924? ago

Anyone think as I do that the Hammer that Santa was holding last Christmas was all about this?

18744457? ago

now i do!

18702684? ago

Well, if Barry throws all of his minions under the bus and rides off into the sunset, like a lot of people are saying here, then he won’t have anymore friends. There will be more than a shit stain when this is over, if it ever does end. The minions are turning on each other. When Durham is through with them, there’s only the higher ups. Maybe then, the Obumfucks and the Clintons will start ratting each other out. A funny thing though. We’re not hearing a single peep from or about the Bushes since poppy croaked. What gives?

18701432? ago

I guess there's a bright side to having my worst moments already part of the public record. No one can blackmail me.

18701014? ago

This is the only thing that matters now...


18701585? ago

your wish will be granted soon

18700940? ago

"Well, you know, I don’t know. And I think some people are missing something here. The president has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before."

Mad Maxine DID in fact say that, though I bet she got an earful from Bareback afterwards. She's really that fucking stupid...just the way she phrased it gives credibility to Trump's nickname for her, "Low IQ Maxine". If this sheboon hadn't gotten into politics she'd be chambermaiding at Mar-a-Lago.

18744433? ago

upvote so close, then the final sentence

18700729? ago

Bareback and his minions are shitting their pants right now, especially now that Durham is involved. Eric Holder stated this morning that Barr was unfit for his position, I think that's because he knows he's likely to be one of the stooges to take the rap for Obama's misdeeds if the shit hits the fan. Obama will never go to prison, he will throw his minions under the bus and escape justice.

18700630? ago

Mad Maxine told everyone public ally that obummer has a database on everyone...

18700114? ago

Give source material not YouTube clickbait.

18699873? ago

FLASHBACK: Maxine Waters Brags About Obama's Database With Info On 'Every Individual'

"That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before." https://www.dailywire.com/news/28439/flashback-maxine-waters-brags-about-obamas-james-barrett

18699299? ago

The thing I can’t understand is that people can still justify this as a progression of America. Patriot A t, NSA leaks, and now honed political surveillance.

People know they’re being spied on and sadly really don’t care.

18699656? ago

I care, but I really don't know what to do about it, to be honest.

18699021? ago

Excellent video, I've seen so many with these ye-haws foaming at the mouth and spewing all sorts of crazy shit, this guy seems level-headed and fact-based. Now we're seeing the REAL reason they spazzed out when Trump won, and why they've spent every single day since then trying to remove him...they knew he was going to knock over the old apple cart. I often worry about them pulling a JFK on Trump, because if they could find a way to do it there's no doubt they would. Pray for our president's safety.

18698870? ago


18698706? ago

As the say on the chans...big, if true. It sounds promising, if this turns out to be true it will totally destroy the "legacy" of the jug-eared chimp; our first black president who's always boasted of his scandal-free administration. Being realistic about it, this piece of shit will never go to prison for his crimes, he's most likely insulated by a half-dozen underlings who will take the rap for him, but he'll still have the stink on him until the day he dies and he'll have a smear on his name in the history books. His "legacy" was the most important thing in the world to him, a recent book discloses that he was furious over Hillary's defeat, he knew Trump was going to expose him and all the dirty shit he did while in office.

Oh, and as a side note, it's interesting that no one is picking up on the Obama/Jussie connection. You probably know that that old Jussie was real good friends with the Obamas, and that the charges were dropped because of a phone call from ape-woman's former chief of staff and lawyer, Tina Tchen. This is fact, there are phone and text records that prove it, and while not nearly as big as the story above, it's still pretty damaging. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure the Obama's deliberately OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE by influencing a state prosecutor. Per Wikipedia...

* Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a process crime, consisting of obstructing prosecutors or other (usually government) officials. Common law jurisdictions other than the United States tend to use the wider offense of perverting the course of justice.

Obstruction also applies to overt coercion of court or government officials via the means of threats or actual physical harm, and also applying to deliberate sedition against a court official to undermine the appearance of legitimate authority. *

18700131? ago

Attention all patriotic Blacks: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you





Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Divide_them_by_race.exe" shill (see Sidebar) trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-black or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "divide_them_by_race.exe" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18702988? ago

This 100x. Was definitely a shill post. Designed to be an attractive argument for Q followers... but sprinkled with hate speech.

Both Trump and Q are pretty clear about this. Patriots don’t have a skin color.

Anyone saying N this N that, and using clear racial slurs, does not represent the Q movement, which has come out against that crap.

Clearly a shill tactic to frame the board as “white supremacists”

The DNC NEEDS this board to be white supremacists or their entire propaganda operation falls apart (e.g., Biden starting campaign by regurgitating known Charlottesville hoax, framing around white nationalism, etc).

18700508? ago

Ya know, I never see a lot of black folks at the rallies...there's always a couple strategically placed behind Trump for the cameras, but almost none in the actual audience. Truth is, Trump is never going to be big with blacks, no matter how much he does for them (like getting their unemployment numbers as low as they've ever been in history). The Dems are waving money at them, "muh reparashuns"...essentially buying their votes. Yes, there are some black folks who support Trump, but the vast majority are gonna vote or the Gimmee party...LBJ said it best, "I'll have them niggers voting democratic for the next hundred years!"


18703047? ago

They want us divided by race. Stop giving them what they want. You are not a real Q supporter if you do.

18744298? ago

i'm trying man

18703021? ago

Bullshit. So many of my black friends are coming around to Trump.

They don’t fall for the Trump is a racist thing as easily as white SJW’s.

18698955? ago

As much as it pisses me off, I have to agree about Obama never seeing prison time...you used the word "insulate", and that's exactly how dirty politicians and gangsters stay out of jail. NEVER get your hands dirty if you don't have to, have someone else get theirs dirty...if the shit hits the fan, you show your clean hands and point to the patsy (Tina Tchen is a good example). None of the big players will get locked up, it'll be little schmucks like Strzok and Page...MAYBE Comey...but Obama and Hillary aren't gonna do time. Besides the "insulation" it also comes down to the optics in Obama's case...locking up a former president just isn't going to happen.

18744282? ago

learned this at citrix, "plausible deniability"

18699303? ago

locking up a former president just isn't going to happen.........anything is possible

18701518? ago

He wasn't a real 'President'.

18699709? ago

If he did it he will do time. Their time is over.

Watch I pet goat II

18697989? ago

Why would Obama need blackmail info on people? Who does he work for? What did he have on Justice Roberts? How deep does this go? Do we put people in jail for treason or kill them? One doesn't get much jail time when the person can be pardoned by the next president.

18699869? ago

Treason is not a pardonable offense.

18698558? ago

Obama is also an "actor" with jewish ancestry (so not a "puppet"). His real name probably is Barry Soetoro or whatever.


18698136? ago

...and yet all of these traitors are still free to continue subverting our country 3 years later.

Great job Trump, keep releasing those illegals by the thousands into the interior of our country! Go to war with Iran for Israel, and send Israel more money!

18707312? ago

Lol this anon thinks there will be war with Iran.

You were the very same people who were here crying that Trump was continuing the war in Syria by sending a signal that Trump wouldn’t let anyone cross Obama’s red line.

Shill shill shill.

18707966? ago

He is continuing the war in Syria, he said he was pulling out and then caved into his neo-con Zionist fuckbuddies wishes, and then handed Israel the Golan Heights.

You're the real shill here, shlomo, I have legitimate concerns for the health of my nation, unlike you retards who think Trump can do no wrong.

18698304? ago

Trump has no choice. The deep state has rigged the game. Give Trump some time. He said he was giving the country back to the people. This takes time. BTW, Trump said he'd be rounding up those illegals that he has been forced to release into the country as soon as he gets his laws passed. Hang in there and keep the faith. This is a war like no other.

18698264? ago

...and yet, here you are trying to save us. You're awesome man, wherever you are.

18697971? ago

This means NOTHING unless it can be demonstrated clearly and often to the general public

Merely singing to the Choir is meaningless at this stage of the game

18697844? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=zeRWWNhRNwA :

Dave Janda - Obama Had Private Blackmail Data on Millions of Americans - YouTube

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