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18606729? ago

Who the fuck names a kid's school to NAMBLA?! That is some depraved and mentally ill shit.

18606834? ago

It's fucked up and shouldn't be defended by anyone.

18607061? ago

It's beyond fucked up. It's evil. Only someone seriously messed up in the head would even imagine something like that.

What can be done? How can I help? Do messages have to be sent to Putt? I'm not ok with a mod getting bullied like this.

18607495? ago

Do messages have to be sent to Putt?

No, it's sick but not illegal and @srayzie has been dealing with stalkers for some time, @puttiout knows all about that already. People on QRV should just be aware that the mentally ill pervert control freak will come here and pretend to care about free speech when they really are more concerned with harassing people they want to shut down. I think the person is a long time voat member and people just got used to giving him space to sheboon his 300 lb mental illness all over the platform.

18607866? ago

People on QRV should just be aware that the mentally ill pervert control freak will come here and pretend to care about free speech when they really are more concerned with harassing people they want to shut down.

Thanks for the explanation. It was pretty clear to me that this isn't really about free speech as much as spewing negativity. Pornography is illegal if it's considered obscene. People forget that, but they want to resort to tropes.

I think the person is a long time voat member and people just got used to giving him space to sheboon his 300 lb mental illness all over the platform.

Seems he is and I truly don't "get" it. Wretched antics. Non productive time waste.

Growing up we put down the cows that were sick so they didn't poison the herd.

18607970? ago

Growing up we put down the cows that were sick so they didn't poison the herd.


Now everyone thinks they're entitled to a participation trophy, even if it means letting the sickest people to run over everyone and smear their feces on the drapes.

18608212? ago

the sickest people run over everyone and smear their feces on the drapes.

You nailed it. He is that self-shitting retard that creates havoc and acts out until all the nurses have to drop everything to placate and soothe him with the attention he craves.

It is an asylum here. It's absurd that the lunatic is protected by all these longtime goaters. How many excuses are going to be made for his behavior?

I just saw now that he wrote this:

All the fucker has to do now is apologize and I guess it's all good again? Vicious, vicious cycle.

18608603? ago

He is that self-shitting retard that creates havoc and acts out until all the nurses have to drop everything to placate and soothe him with the attention he craves.

^^^ yes

All the fucker has to do now is apologize and I guess it's all good again?

That's why I created this post, the people who pushed back on his lame excuses would be pushed aside by his enablers. Fuck that. Call out that freak. This is one of his alts I think:

18608804? ago

I don't think that is one of his alts.

See here.

18608865? ago

I saw that which is why I thought it was his alt. For someone who uses alts to ship post everywhere, and is no longer impressing someone he wants to impress, he says 'have you met ...' wink wink.

18608997? ago

Fair point, but hard for me to say with any certainty without proof.

18609104? ago

I didn't say with certainty and in any event I don't sweat making a mistake in this case, both are fucked in the head.

18609190? ago

yeah, don't sweat it. I just like to play it safe and have proof, otherwise, what's the point? I'm just another asshole making baseless accusations.

After reading that thread, I'm disappointed. I used to think Crensch was solid. Seeing how he defends use of porn, but is well known for his hate of jews is very revealing.

Hypocrisy to the highest degree right there.