18600504? ago

Because their Show Hunting Hitler hit to close to home, and had issues filing and funding

18605914? ago

They are a network of psychopaths, narcissists and pedophiles protecting each other and gangstalking their targets.

They destroyed their conscience by committing atrocities against innocent people. This results in physical brain damage that can be detected on brain scans. https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/2920221/15636434 They are a club for psychotic predators.

18598675? ago

and the Shriner praying to a ja-baal-on? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3206042/18486571 'They are Muslims in disguise. Where do you think the fez came from?'

18598086? ago

History Channel is absolutely worthless these days. Used to be my favorite channel next to sports until NBC bought them and destroyed it.

18598730? ago

weird art and rituals? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3158824 Free Mason Lodge of the Republic of Liberia

18597614? ago

Geez, looks like Skippy Podesta must have been hurtin' for work, eh? Next thing ya know he'll be popping up in Pizza Hut commercials...

18597465? ago

I used to love that show, but as soon as Podesta's face showed up, I immediately wrote it off.

18597530? ago

what do they pray to? @Narow_Foe_Minsk @RoxannaHardbutt @Othmar_Regin @NorthernMan an old stone cutter kult from arabia

18621870? ago

"Who keeps the metric system down? We do, we do..."

Funny, that's a line from the "Stonecutters" episode of The Simpsons. Far more recently, I learned that the astronomers say the Earth speeds around the sun at 66,600 mph. Imagine that, numerology in astronomical distances!

Had [they] succeeded in migrating us to the metric system? Then we wouldn't have that data point and ensuing insight, the speed in kph being quite different.

18597263? ago


18598694? ago

and several other properties? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3209192/18528106

18596983? ago

Can't deny I've enjoyed the series since it launched around 2010/11, but now being much more 'woke' and knowing AA is a BBC/H2 (MSM) 'production' full of 'academics,' professors, Wilcock etc...I mean there's definitely a strange His-story to humanities past & origins...but I'm not so sure Georgio Tsukolous knows this hidden knowledge....these secrets I so crave to know!

18597604? ago

The demon temple is going to be replaced by an AI cold monster machine. Here's on theory I hear, the churches temples whatever they are maybe the controllers in these? they are mormon, catholic, protestant, jews, saudi, shinto, hindu some may seem to be more satanic or corrupt than other but they are all a front. At the top some of them are total corrupt, some say they worship demons, freemasonry was a big part of the early networks, the corrupt devil network secretly put across the world. Others say they are not 'satanists' but just cold people, cold blooded? an atheist psychopath maybe? The global worldwide mega corporations are now taking over the place of religions, instead of temples churches and rituals you now soccer the 'x-factor' the NFL the news media to keep peoples brains zombied and brainwashed, cathode ray tube.

18601004? ago

No one watches cathode ray tubes grandma.

18600994? ago

Lmfao. You're literally spouting the storyline from the 100. Stop spouting trolls misinfo. They really got you to believe that shit, this is why we will fail. The kikes have won.

18596958? ago

OP, you are crying about other people exercising their God-given and Constitutional right to express themselves freely.

Haven't you got real things to worry about?

18597501? ago

Why do Shriners pray to these Moongods and why so many secret rituals? You know some of the Jester masonics were also caught doing abuse and other criminality?

18596937? ago

If you don't like it or lack the maturity to have an open mind then don't watch it.

Do something else.

Go outside and play in the sun.

18600535? ago

Maturity and Ancient Aliens should not be associated with each other

18596953? ago

Media says Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral on facebook twitter???

18596972? ago

Perhaps you shouldn't believe everything you hear?

18596908? ago

this guy from tv show, moies, imdb @noworldorder @Conspirologist wiki leak guy was masonic @salvia_d @Wazhappenin1 @flyingcuttlefish ?

18596939? ago

don't know about the mystic rituals, some people know the pagan stuff on voat and can explain it better, sometimes these stories are what the .... weird @oiseaulibre @sand_mann @theoldones @jewsbadnews @fluxusp

18599793? ago

I'm just a Pagan LARPer. All I want to know is WHAT THE FUCK is Podesta doing on this show?!

18597300? ago

which part am i explaining here?

18597240? ago

thanks for keeping me updated

- ois

18596886? ago

Folklore across many culture would talk of chariots of fire? in all this time, hundreds, thousands, millions and then billions of years are we the only intelligence, the only people on Earth. The monsters from the sky? Succubi, Jinn, Akuma, Qliphoth, Behemoth, Mahomet, Demons, Dybbuks....makes more sense to me when you replace "ancient aliens" with satan and the fallen angels.