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18556465? ago

You're the dumbass if you think we sit and wait for NeomRevolt to post.

You sure sound pissed for no fucking reason. Go have a beer and shut up.

18556490? ago

You're the dumbass if you think we sit and wait for NeonRevolt to post.

You faggots sure seem to follow his lead on this one, why not everything else?

Keep thinking you're so enlightened while holding a position that has zero evidence to support it.

You sure sound pissed for no fucking reason. Go have a beer and shut up.

Maybe you should try a little self-awareness.

18556576? ago

Go look in the mirror.

When do we "follow his lead?" I havent heard him mentioned here in a long time, until you just brought him up.

Any other time that name is mentioned is when he tries to post something and promptly gets ran out of here.

Evidence or go back to dealing with whatever pissed you off today.

Have a nice day Anon. Being devisive isnt what we are about, remember?

18556657? ago

When do we "follow his lead?" I havent heard him mentioned here in a long time, until you just brought him up.

Thinking the mods of /v/GA are comped, obviously.

Evidence or go back to dealing with whatever pissed you off today.


Have a nice day Anon. Being devisive isnt what we are about, remember?

Stop believing stupid shit like this, then:

18556703? ago

Who thinks or believes that stupid shit?

Have a nice day. Still no evidence oher than your personal opinion.

I hope you feel better about yourself after accusing people with no evidence. You want to take your anger out on this board, have at it. You do you.

18556912? ago

Oh, hey, apparently ANON believes it. I love how you Guy Fawkes faggots piss on namefags, but somehow expect to not be lumped in with other anons.

Your absurdity would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

18556736? ago

There is lots of evidence though.

18556862? ago

We've already seen the evidence.

NeonRevolt like I said, is a jealous child. We get it, ok? We are not him. Go attack him, not us.