18556662? ago

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18556323? ago

@NotHereForPizza is a tranny ??

wait til i tell the folks over at SBBH !

18556313? ago

where's the evidence NotHere isnt , in fact, a tranny ?

18555484? ago

Amazing to think that all these spammers and Shills are fundamentally against the 1st amendment and hence free speech. Don't forget!

18555529? ago

Whatever, gabara. Noone listens to you, anyway.

18555373? ago

If this doesn't stop I won't be posting my research here any longer.

18555652? ago

Same!!! I'll keep it ALL to myself THEN see what happens!

18555712? ago

Who are you?

18561483? ago


18555060? ago

How To REPORT Porn Comments https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/

18555387? ago

You'd censor free speech because of your sensitive feefees? You anon sissies really are low quality.

18555684? ago

Explain HOW posting Porn has ANYTHING to do with FREE Speech.

FYI: The right to express your opinion does NOT give you the Right to Act like a Moron.

18555444? ago

Anyone mocking a person's gender preference is clearly crossing the line.

18555466? ago

We should hang trannies from streetlights so kids can see what happens if they grow up to be mentally ill faggots.

18555492? ago

If you are threatening me I will report you to Putt.

18555820? ago

If you are threatening me I will report you to Putt.

Putt's tired of your tattling bullshit. He asked me to give you this 🖕🏻.

18555584? ago

We should nail trannies to walls with railroad spikes and keep them alive as long as possible so kids can hear their screams at night and know they are safe from being molested by mentally ill faggots.

18555787? ago

I second this ^

18555606? ago

18555685? ago

Trannies should be hung by their post-op unusable genataliaopen wounds and beat like a pinata by kids in hazmat suits so they don't get AIDS

18554924? ago

No, sorry, just as you have the right to free speech, so do they. If it bothers you so much, maybe you should be a fucking adult and not look at it. I mean you have the capability to not click on it. Am I right? You’re not a cripple, are you? Then perhaps grow a pair, and stop being a little report cunt.

18554936? ago

These people are slandering my good name.

18554989? ago


Wait... You're trying to frame me? Don't you know we can see you're the OP?

18555048? ago

I just want to continue my research but these people keep fucking with me and you are one of them. The Streisand effect will win out in the end.

18555105? ago

I'm fucking with you? How am I fucking with you?

I just started getting pinged all of a sudden by a bunch of people that want other people to think that they are me so they can slander me... Hell, I don't even know why they started freaking out on me all of a sudden. One day, someone started making a bunch of accounts that rememble my Voat username and then the mod at greatawakening started following me everywhere I post and downvoting me and replying with some picture. Then, people in anon subs started commenting saying shit that's sort of along the lines of what I've commented about recently. NOW a bunch of people are pinging me in QRV... again.

THEN (You) make this post about my ass, start commenting like you're me, and fucking THEN your candy ass has the audacity to suggest that I'M the one annoying YOU.

*What the fuck? *

18555138? ago

Nice try, creq. People aren't stupid.

18555311? ago

Dude, I'm not a reddit mod. I swear! I'm only a mod on Tencent... I mean Reddit... I mean Pizzagate.

18555411? ago

I like how those links were never actually established by more than a tranny's claims being repeated over and over again.

18555460? ago

If the fish take the bait but don't get hooked, do you move, or do you offer them more bait?

Also, why mirror everything I say? I'm the one that calls people trannies, man.

18555532? ago

If the fish take the bait but don't get hooked, do you move, or do you offer them more bait?

If the fish are smarter than you are, maybe you should just drown yourself?

Also, why mirror everything I say? I'm the one that calls people trannies, man.

Well, now that ElectroLumus, AKA BuilderAnon, AKA a big part of QMAP.PUB is an admitted tranny that wants to get pregnant, it's really open season on you fucks, isn't it?

18555576? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? None of us care about namefags... like you, srayzie.

18555646? ago


18555599? ago

I thought you anons were supposed to be smart.

I thought you anons were supposed to be good at research and noticing things.

Do I type like @srayzie? She has a very loud and noticeable tone to her words that is almost diametrically opposed to my own. Are all you anons so stupid you can't figure that one out?

18555613? ago

You guys never know when I'm steps ahead of you...

18555674? ago

Because you never are.

18554953? ago

C’mon, really. I have a feeling, a little bitch like yourself, doesn’t have much of a name to slander.

18554980? ago

Srayzie's just mad because I refused to help her run v/GreatAwakening even though she begged me to.

18555002? ago

Bitches, man, amirite?

18554911? ago

@NotHereForPizza is one sick and confused puppy! He's hates women because desperately wants to be pregnant! He would give his left nut for it 😂


18554951? ago

Take it back. Now.

18554938? ago


18554881? ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

18554895? ago

@NotHereForPizza is the one posting the tranny porn all over QRV. He admitted it.

18554970? ago

I'm pretty sure we've all vividly decided it's the shill mods of Voat, that srayzie person, and the one sbbg guys.

18555010? ago

I'm pretty sure we've all vividly decided it's the shill mods of Voat, that srayzie person, and the one sbbg guys.

I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit about what your shadow cabal of anons think.

18555028? ago


18555111? ago

Nobody cares what you think. How is that not clear?

18555142? ago

You're the one talking about some weird shit no one knows about. Then you start telling the people that ask you what you're talking about that no one cares if theyre curious what you're talking about.

Why did you even post this, then? Are you new, man?

18555172? ago

You're the one talking about some weird shit no one knows about.

The tranny porn. All over QRV.

Then you start telling the people that ask you what you're talking about that no one cares if theyre curious what you're talking about.

You didn't ask about it, you said the following:

I'm pretty sure we've all vividly decided it's the shill mods of Voat, that srayzie person, and the one sbbg guys.

Why did you even post this, then? Are you new, man?

Take a good, hard look at my anon numbers. Really, REALLY look at them. Then literally kill yourself for being so fucking stupid that you don't know OP from another user after asking ME if I'm new.

Well, you know, kill yourself if you have even the slightest ability to feel embarrassment, that is.

18555196? ago

Hmm you seem like you're new, or at least one of the "goat" guys.

It's looking more and more like the other dude is right... You know, the one you obviously don't want to be heard.

18555221? ago

It's looking more and more like the other dude is right... You know, the one you obviously don't want to be heard.

Kek. I love how you think your opinion matters. The other dude has been proven to be all kinds of shady fuck, but go ahead and choose his side. Nobody really gives a fuck about what anon sissies do in their anon hugbox.

Hmm you seem like you're new, or at least one of the "goat" guys.

Goats are better than whatever you faggots have here.

18555362? ago

Those autists are what got us here, though. You guys aren't to be trusted and lots of people on chans talk about how normies shouldn't trust you... Hell, why do you think we had to make a new board?

18555436? ago

Those autists are what got us here, though.

Those autists are what got you to go to theawakening first. Great job!

You guys aren't to be trusted and lots of people on chans talk about how normies shouldn't trust you...

Congratulations, you "autists" are having your narrative set for you by known and proven shills. Go ahead, ask us mean old mods to prove that NotHereForPizza is a bad actor. Then ask him to do the same.

You "autists" are nothing more than TV-watchers, happy to believe whatever is said over and over again without any evidence.

Hell, why do you think we had to make a new board?

Because us EVIL MODS exposed your mod team at TheAwakening as being the kind of people Q warned you about?

18555560? ago

That guy was one of the people that suggested anons move the Reddit Replacement to Voat, though. Q had the idea to have 8bit make QRV. You mods are the very people we wanted to avoid, including the anon you're slandering.

We've been warned over and over about you, but you want to say the people who warned us about you are wrong... even though you're doing the exact things they warned us you would do.

This is getting pretty obvious...

18556604? ago

Eat a dick Neon!

18557013? ago

Do you want people that disagree with you to be Neon? Is that it? Have you just thought about him so much that you desperately want to be in an argument with him to the point where every person who disagrees with you needs to be him so you can win the argument?

Alinsky aside, you seem awfully pathological.

18555653? ago

That guy was one of the people that suggested anons move the Reddit Replacement to Voat, though.

NeonRevolt? Or NotHereForPizza?

Either one of them is well-documented to have tried to manipulate others and fully lied about damn near everything. I could show you if you could communicate clearly for once in your pathetic life, instead of speaking ambiguously like a third-world ESL nigger.

Q had the idea to have 8bit make QRV. You mods are the very people we wanted to avoid, including the anon you're slandering.

It's only slander if it's not true.

Us mods are the people the faggots I mentioned steered you away from - with lies. Demonstrable lies.

We've been warned over and over about you, but you want to say the people who warned us about you are wrong... even though you're doing the exact things they warned us you would do.

"Hey, these guys we're talking bad about will accuse us of things! Beware of anyone that accuses us of things!"

My god. Are you literally retarded? If so, I'm really sorry, but you should probably let someone smarter than you do the thinking.

This is getting pretty obvious...

What part of being able to prove NeonRevolt and NHFP as liars and manipulators and bad actors do you not get? You've yet to even ask for that evidence. Try it. Go to GA with a sock puppet or even this account and ask for the evidence against them. Read it yourself. @srayzie would love to present it to you - she worked hard on putting it all together.

18555693? ago

Welp they've obviously said things that really upset you. Are you upset you weren't made the mod or asked to mod the new subverse? Is that it?

18555754? ago

Welp they've obviously said things that really upset you.

That awkward moment when you mistake assertiveness for anger because you lack the testicular fortitude to be assertive, yourself.

Are you upset you weren't made the mod or asked to mod the new subverse?

Are you upset that a few goats can run intellectual circles around every one of you? Ask yourself why NeonRevolt was outed as a liar, manipulator, and part of the mod team that BO said was a bunch of clowns?

Is that it?

How does it feel to be less-than? I can't imagine being part of a group that thinks so highly of itself, but couldn't even figure out that NeonRevolt was one of the bad actors Q told you about.

18555798? ago

You seem really stupid. All anons know about namefags and none of us needed Q to tell us who to trust. Remember, Q came to us and not you, remember?

18555816? ago

Remember how Q sent his users to Voat? Hmmm. Guess this place can't be THAT bad, eh, tranny?

18555832? ago

There's a reason none of you were put in charge of the sub and it was made anon.

We tell all of the newfags about you. This is exactly why.

18555882? ago

Yeah, you tell them, but you never present any evidence of your accusations against us.

18555944? ago

The truth is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it; you let it loose. It will defend itself.

18555966? ago

Claims, repeated often enough, will convince the sheep. Zero evidence for your claims makes you no better than the MSM.

Congratulations on the company you keep.

18554789? ago

This is supposed to be a research board.

18555031? ago

He hangs out at v/tradwives too.

Now we know it's because he wants to be one.

18555193? ago

Not funny.

18557337? ago

But so true.