18534894? ago

the fool

18533094? ago

I’m starting to suspect Mr Shapiro maybe jewish

18526096? ago

Lol I just watched the whole interview and it was douchebag vs douchebag. They both looked terrible.

18525735? ago

Every comment on here so far sounds like it comes from stone cold idiots.

18525653? ago

Let’s make a balloon of him in a diaper! Crybaby

18525595? ago

Shapiro's a Mossad butt boy. Plays a conservative to lure the fools in and lead them where the cabal wants them to go. Fuckin obvious at this point.

18525470? ago


18525386? ago

He's a snake and a moron who just parrots Republican talking points. People need to stop accepting these people as leaders just because they have the GOP platform committed to memory.

18525521? ago

And funded by Ted Cruz' backers... :/

18525373? ago

Thanks for sharing. :)

quite frankly, I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. Good day, less popular sir.


What is Judeo-Christian, anyway? You mean Christian?

18525789? ago

... guys at hollyweird, the political elite, the media they want open borders & keep saying the US is a 'Judeo-Christian' nation, Prussian Lodge, Thule ... and Voat names them Every Fucking Time!! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291 who are the Shriners?

18525135? ago

Oh look. A jew claiming to be a victim of something. Shocking.

18525030? ago

He's a Jew...... what a shock.

18524948? ago

"Oh no I'm losing so I need to pretend it's because I'm popular and this guy isn't!"

No doubt BS will be hoaxing hate crimes and death threats against himself and his family on a weekly basis now that he's been called out as a controlled opposition loxist working to take down Western Civilization.

18524997? ago

can't watch. at work.

how did Ben get exposed as controlled opposition? Have thought this about him from the start.

18525035? ago

He exposes himself all the time, but for me it was his deleted tweet right after the Mueller report came out. He's still a hard core never Trumper who hates the West because he's jealous of everything the gentile has created.

Why is the USA subsidizing a nation that has a space program (which disproved the propaganda that the j has the highest intellect, couldn't even land on the Moon in the 21st century!)?

18524885? ago

Never liked him, a neocon Zionist masquerading as conservative.