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18342207? ago

This is literally disinfo... Lucifer isnt even in the bible. Think for a second... if an entity was so obsessed with rebelling against its creator for the sake of enlightening his creations to the differences between good and evil...why would he try and harm them afterwards? Why would God punish them with eternal death for this? What if... you should actually be thinking MIRROR.

18343448? ago

The Enemy is The Cult of Baal? Grand Orient D'haiti De 1824 When does Nicholas cage steal the declaration of Independence? Have Jester Lodge Criminals, House Pedophile Freemasons stolen $3-billion from Shriners Hospitals? Are all these seperate Masonic groups the same??

Each generation thinks they are seeing something for the first time. You are a witness to the corruption of your time. It has been going on for thousands of years and often evil masquerading as good. As to the subject of freemasons. If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry this should be all you need to know, to know it's demonic.

Often times on this board you will hear that it is a battle of good and evil. God and Satan are very real and so is the battle they fight over man. We may never fully grasp what encompasses being made “in the image of God” while we walk in the flesh. God is infinite, and simply trying to comprehend God’s attributes can sometimes seem overwhelming. Keep in mind there will be a day where those in Christ will be made into the image of Christ will sit in judgement of angels. Do you not know that we are to judge angels - to say nothing of ordinary matters? (1 Corinthians 6:3). That is another story for another day.

The god of the lodge in freemasonry is lucifer and all that brings. It is not until you move up levels that it becomes very apparent. The other attribute of freemasonry is they practice witchcraft. Here we get to a revelation that will surprise many. Freemasonry practices some of the same witchcraft that God through Moses of the bible fought in Egypt to free the Israelites and others. “Jews” were not the only people God freed from Egypt. God gave Moses powers in a rod to do all kinds of things, to break the Egyptian spell placed on them to free them. Another story for another time. The battle you fight in your generation is the same evil fought by those before you. You should be aware that your fight is against demonic powers nothing more or nothing less. Do not fool yourself, witchcraft is very real. You must grant permission to be asked to join freemasonry or be taken over by a demonic spirit. The principle spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons and others of the same type of organizations have drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain power. The power to control the rest of mankind.

18432715? ago

Witchcraft huh? You seem like someone who would advocate burning innocent scientists at the stake if they were capable of things that was outside of your scope of acceptable possibilities.

Why is it that Christianity and those that follow, the religion of 'turn the other cheek', is so lressed on the idea of judgement?

If one could get into 'heaven" before christ with good deeds and sacrifices, then what has he died for if only to create another dogma that preaches hate and judgement?

The words of our advocate have been perverted. The philosophy has been contorted intonanreligion and hand fed through immorally indoctrinating children with fear to spread throughout the world like all of the other plagues of thought that have come put of those in power.

You are controlled by fear. You cannot, just as much as the Pakistani teenage girl who wants so badly to experience love but must succumb to an arranged marriage, or the catholic that cant enjoy making love to a woman in a human moment of passion without intense guilt of 'fornicating out of wedlock'.

Your nature has been turned against you to control you.

You are capable of breaking free.

You are capable of miraculous feats.

You are capable of walking between worlds.

But you are best controlled, by implanting religion in your mind as a babe and fearmongering you about the wrath of your all loving God your entire life.

It takes more faith in a true God to leave a religion than to stay stuck in a cult.

I will pray for you.