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18033921? ago

No. The highest secular globalist-elite organization is called the Bilderberg Group. The highest religious globalist-elite esoteric organization, within its top ranks, is Freemasonry, along with its many various offshoot religions. Although most Freemasons are simply dues-paying dupes, unaware of its higher doctrines. For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding elite esotericism, including Freemasonry, and its practice by the globalist oligarchy, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis", pp. 87-98 of my following article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes:

Rather than carrying on about secret globalist-elite groups that likely don't exist, we have everything we need to build a rock-solid case with the actual globalist-oligarchic groups which are known to exist.

19574661? ago

The Rothschilds - A Wealth of Info in this dig! Good find.