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17858807? ago

Abuse and Rape thing is going on years in the Church, in Congress, across Africa, S.America, Asia everywhere its happening. @Conspirologist and some say President of Ireland is btw a homosexual India Freemason? Ireland, France, Germany part of the global pawn game, its possible England will be fucked over with Brexit Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland In India ... wtf is the grand Lodge of Ireland doing in some Hindu place on the Indian Sub continent? @courtjester1111 @RampancyLambentRaven @JesusRules @EavanSmith also Singapore in 1754

17860258? ago

Sutherland a Masonic Jesuit, filmed by Luke Rudkowski "We Are Change" at Bilderberg he resigned from his post as United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration because of poor health.

17859807? ago Has the Indian homo got a connection to Dawood Ibrahim?

17858853? ago

This does not surprise me, thanks. I know for a fact that Mr Higgins is a homosexual. His boyfriend is Northern Irish.