17853300? ago

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Cain was fathered by Satan and the fake "Jews", also known as Khazars or Kenites are the luciferian puppet masters. Nice try OP. You ate either Biblically ignorant or you are purposely misdirecting people.

17834242? ago

People who keep posting racial shit always strike me as shills.

17832420? ago

Why are you blaming the Masons? They want you DIVIDED. Or you're just a shill.


17834082? ago

the international Zionist Jew, the moslem Shriner red hates, the Masons is there a connection ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3137302/17798854 'People wake up. It's called Freemasonry.' ?

17833965? ago

I don't trust those Mason fags either, most people in some Lodge or Mason House might not know whats going on but get closer to the top and it starts getting weird and spooky and Anti-American

17831680? ago

QResearch/8ch is being bombarded with bots and shills right now. They’re super aggressive tonight as if shit is getting serious. It’s literally like every couple posts is a bot/slide.

17832441? ago

Can you be more specific? Are you referring to the Voat Nazis that have been sliding QRV posts since Day One? Or are you projecting?

17835706? ago

The real research board https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html

17846777? ago

But aren't they the same shills here as there?

17850795? ago


17835702? ago

QR =/= voat/QRV

17846753? ago

So true!! Yet, Q endorsed QRV? And 8bit- is the BO of by QR and QVR? What's up with that?!!

17832421? ago

everyone that names my employers' tribe is a shill :((((

17831524? ago

OP is a mossad nigger.

17832429? ago

You are a brainwashed KKK idiot.

17834059? ago

eat shit mossad nigger

your kkk friends cant false flag to save you.

17834284? ago

Sounds like a bot response.

But seriously, you're pretending to be a Trump supporter? With that racist shit?

17835664? ago

Why cant he support Trump? Do you know something we dont? Is Trump a mossad stooge? Tell us the truth, schlomo!

17846897? ago

Trump isn't a racist. Neither is Q. Yet, here you are, trolling and obsessing about the joos. You've got a one-track mind. Of course, you're going to misdirect every conversation you come across.

17831490? ago

OP , QRV is not that evolved , they still need to overcome lot of mind control. you do get it . spend ur time on 8 chan posts are much better and shills are more greater :-)

17831489? ago

There are only two groups that matter;

Those individuals who respect the inalienable rights of the individual, and those criminal individuals who would violate them.

Those individuals who respect the inalienable rights of the individual are our allies.

Those criminal individuals are the enemies of humanity.

17833054? ago

limitless individualism is a hedonistic pursuit of dopamine, while a complete lack of it is a creative death sentence.

the evil you are commiting is pretending that it is sensible to flee from one extreme by going full retard into the other extreme.

17836103? ago

Best of luck to anyone who doesn't accept the sovereign individual, but they objectively don't belong in the US: a nation founded on individual rights, and merit.

Sincerely, best of luck to you and your statist brethren in whatever other nation you choose, though. Americans know that freedom is not only the only just, and righteous, but the most effecfive.. but when you statists appear to suffer, the weak amongst us start considering the communist's sabotage/poison, forced redistribution of wealth, and then cultivate collectivism to divide and conquer.

There are only two groups that matter;

Those individuals who respect the inalienable rights of the individual, and those criminal individuals who would violate them.

Those individuals who respect the inalienable rights of the individual are our allies.

Those criminal individuals are the enemies of humanity.

17836357? ago

the constitution was authored by people that considered blacks as unintelligent animals, and prevented women from voting, and couldnt at all fathom us being so stupid as to change that.

dont worry though, your idiotic version of america exists all throughout south america and africa and you should be sent there.

17836447? ago

Universal suffrage ≠ individual liberty...

..hence no democracy, but an elected hierarchy, supposedly merit based, serving for the purpose of defending individual liberty.

I'm all for having an absolute monarchy, if I could choose a libertarian American who would defend those rights. You and I don't vote for our president now, and it's a communist's horrible poison idea to go to a direct democracy.

We should definifely not seek input from stupid people, and dependents. Nor any who have ever received public funds/benefits (veterans aside, of course), for that matter.

Children don't vote with parents... at least not a whole vote. Dependents should be heard, but given no political influence.

Voting isn't a right, despite the noise... it's meant to be a.means of defending rights.

17832423? ago


17831239? ago

John 8:44

17832415? ago

This quote from Jesus is referring to original sin. We all have it.

17872829? ago

You need to re-read the 8th book of John.

17908523? ago

You mean this? “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Seems relevant. John 8:7

Or this one? "You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one." John 8:15

This one? “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin." John 8:34

Summary: It was the Pharisees who challenged him. (8:13) It was they who he was addressing when he said they were of the devil. Here's the definition of "Pharisee":

a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.

a self-righteous person; a hypocrite.

17830971? ago

Something something, generic platitudes, hurpa derpa illuminati....Fuck off. Nigger.

17830943? ago

There are many enemies - they are legion.

17830755? ago

Q 3307

Shill count HIGH. Q

17832371? ago

The "it's the Joos" shills think the OP is a shill for "deflecting" there anti-Jew narrative.

These people are STUPID. Q

17830750? ago

Who is writing these posts? Someone who doesn't want the Jews targeted. Use common sense. "clearly we q people are not that stupid" You are being fooled. Jews have been exiled 109 times, always for things like subversion, child sacrifice, types of treaaon, and other disgusting things. How is this not just another case od that? Maybe not every single one of our enemies IS a Jew but the majority of them factually are and the ones who aren't, report to ones who are. If you can't accept that, you're being unrealistic. The rothschilds are Jews. They also fund planned Parenthood. CNN is run by Jews. No one is a "muhjoo shill" for pointing any of this out. Don't let their identity politics get to you. Don't be afraid of naming the Jew.

17833067? ago

You are misdirecting. For what purpose?

Is Rothschild a Jew or just a Satanist posing as a Jew? This topic needs to be explored. Simply delineating the entire Q discussion into an anti-Jew-only theme does not appear to be organic. It seems to be something that is being artificially imposed onto the Q narrative.

Q has said to focus on the bloodlines. This implies that the issue isn't about the Jews in general but is about a specific group of people who secretly worship Satan. He has even hinted once that the "keystone" of this scourge is the Eye of Providence cult. This cult has hidden itself inside the higher degrees of Freemasonry and other secret societies for hundreds of years. This needs to be explore further, not censored by people like you who have your own agenda.

17833673? ago

The bloodlines referred are all of elite families. Majority of those families/bloodlines are jewish. I literally never said all jews are bad and if you're going to pretend like I did, YOU are the one misdirecting. The majority of the opposition is jewish. Not my fault that is true. I never exaggerated it either, YOU did. I only said the majority of our opposition is jewish. I also acknowledged that not all of our enemies are jewish, so YOU need to stop delineating the entire discussion into an anti-Jew-only theme because you're right, it is not organic.

17833843? ago

So the collateral damage that your carefree philosophy produces is acceptable to you? Sort of like Pope Innocent III's call for the execution of everyone during the Cathar genocide? "Kill them all and let God sort them out"

17833706? ago

It's hard to know who's who here. So how would I ever know whether YOU said what, when or how?

17832449? ago

You weave in and out of blaming specific people who have done something wrong, and innocent people, conflating the two as if there is no difference.

You want to target specific jews who have done something wrong, bravo. You want to take their guilt and assign it to other jews who had nothing to do with it, you're wrong and should expect to be called out for being wrong.

17836270? ago

They obviously think all Jews are the richest bank owners, genociders, and former slavers, and that white people are all horrific lying parasite politicians, serial killers, slavers, genociders, and whatever other crimes a white person has ever committed.

Black people went quite a while before Obama made them all the highest degree of criminal possible. Now they're all the worst possible people on the planet.

17836510? ago

You'd think the Nazis/KKK/actual racists would have sprung up when Obama was president if they were real.

Evidence seems to point towards their existence as merely something that gives the MSM ammunition, and functions as the reasoning to take down Gab. Someday they may get Voat. And when they do, the justification will be the abundance of Nazis and KKK members.

17836581? ago

US, the horribly racist nation of people descended from people who, at great cost, ended the institution of chattel slavery that had always existed, and elected a foreign, black, muslim, twice...

In true Orwellian fashion, the US, a nation based on individual rights and merit, is the least racist nation on Earth.

Communists flood voat hoping to convince us to become the boogieman they need us to be, or at least make us look like one.

17833689? ago

I never took jewish guilt and assigned it to any innocent person. Only the jews that are evil. You're missing the point. A minority of jews are evil. But that, minority, is the majority of our opposition as patriots. These few evil jewish families are one of our main enemies. I know some of them are fake jews but why be so pedantic? How is it any less of a generalization to say ALL ashkenazi/fake jews are our enemy? That's not true either. The point is, there are some people in USA who personally choose to represent the title of "jew" and they openly dominate every pillar of our society which is full of anti-white, anti-hetero, anti-independent propaganda.

17834352? ago

Lets cut the crap.

By saying "Jews" instead of "cabal" or "luciferians", you are doing nothing different than people who say whites are guilty of x, y and z because the perpetrators happened to be white. It's mind-boggling how few Jews there are compared to other known deep state actors.

Who do you have that's a known Jewish deep state agent? Rosenstein? Ok there's one. Compared to the Clintons, Comey, Clapper, Lynch, Strozk, Page, Obama, Abedin, Holder, etc.

Then you say "but they are all absolved of their guilt because they were really funded by Jews".

The house of Saud was guilty for much of that. Twitter = Alwaleed Bin Talal, Obama = Muslim Brotherhood, Abedin, Awan Brothers, Clintons overthrowing every-other country in the middle east with Arab springs -- that was all Muslim Brotherhood shit. To suggest that Jews had anything to do with the Muslim Brotherhood is pure conspiracy theory.

When you say "Jews" that is all-inclusive of the 4 million American Jews who reside in this country, and waters down and nullifies whatever argument you were trying to make because everyone begins to wonder when you're going to throw a Sieg Heil and start sucking Hitler's penis. Then they brand the entire venue a home of Nazis and everyone else here gets labeled in the process. Maybe that was your real goal.

17846861? ago

Ok cuck, then not all Luciferians are bad. The majority of luciferians and mormons and satans that live in the US are not involved in the corruption and sedition that we're fighting, so stop trying to shill and put all blame on all luciferians. Also no one ever said anyone was absolved of their guilt, he said that MOST of the guilt weighs down on Jewish shoulders because those are the people at the top, almost every time. Making generalizations in general is stupid and you're the only one doing it by saying "all of our enemies are x". The guy you replied to explicitly acknowledged that the majority of jews are unrelated, but that the majority of our enemy is jewish.

17848277? ago

then not all Luciferians are bad

Luciferians are described as such because of the satanic rituals they engage in, namely cannibalism and child sacrifice. Luciferians are not an ethnicity. Jews are born into an ethnic group.

That you can't make the distinction only shows you to be a shill.

MOST of the guilt weighs down on Jewish shoulders because those are the people at the top,

People at the top describes the entire group? Are you sniffing your own bullshit? Why shouldn't white Americans be judged by the lunatics Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer? Or George W Bush who slaughtered millions in needless wars? Why shouldn't all Chinese be judged by Mao? Why shouldn't all Russians be judged by Stalin?

Everyone has their own volition, everyone can decide to do good or evil.

17846781? ago

You have such a small scope of this it's frightening. Is there even a real "Great Awakening" happening? Good for you, dude. You named several US politicians who aren't jewish. What about euro global bankers? What about Israel? What about the holohoax? You don't see how they fit into a massive part of this? And to break it down for you, who do all those people in your list report to? The one at the beginning of it: Clinton. Who does Clinton report to? The Rothschilds.

17848077? ago

Who does Clinton report to? The Rothschilds.

You weave in and out of blaming people who have actually done something wrong and blaming "Jews", an all-inclusive term that also alludes to the 4 million American Jews in the US who had nothing to do with it. Continually stating the problem, half the time stating the true culprits and then switching to the broad term of "Jews" ... with half of those who argue your position describing remedies of shipping them all off in a boat somewhere as if you get to violate the rights of 4 million American citizens, is completely ridiculous.

17830960? ago

The OP had a significant point, but attempted to use it to misdirect.

It was at the time Sammy Davis, Jr. (a black Jew) was a level 33 Mason, that the Illuminati was repurposed as a Jewish/Black organization devoted to the destruction of Western Civilization. Probably fewer Masons are aware of this than are blacks & Jews.

Most of the misdirection on QRV is from this selfsame source, dedicated primarily toward turning white folks against each other. (((They))) have been caught, yet believe they are still camouflaged.

Those who make deals with (((Them))) on religious grounds, must realize that they racially identify primarily as black, and will tell any lie to infiltrate and undermine humanity.

The World is not as it is by accident.





17833986? ago

' https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3138538/17830027 Solar worship being inverted by gay jews pretending to not be gay jews. They invert everything, dualism is a scapegoat and a simple-minded strategy. They invert and take advantage of the spaces in between.

There are also different types of masons. The masonic order and stone masons are not the same, just a cover. Phreemasons are french taught pedos and Court Masons are required to submit to the Queen mother, not the Queen.

But even all of that is still mis-direction for their actual knowledge which is basically just metaphysics, telepathy, esp, and astral projection. Which is also in many other religions like Hindi and Taoism.

People just keep the myths and confusion going because they're niggerfaggots.'

17831081? ago

Ouroboros? Final solution? Reverse rapture? You can't live in sin without burning in hell.

17831127? ago

Your days of deception are numbered.

17831157? ago

I'm no deceptive! I'm all about full disclosure..

17831319? ago


17830586? ago

clearly we Q people are not that stupid.


17832483? ago

Nazis vs. Q. Who do you think will win?

17832858? ago

Oh, I’d feel bad watching two ahem differently abled people fight.

17830423? ago

I have come to the point that I will read the headlines that catch my attention, but will not give up/down votes for most. I like to check comments as well to see if there are any common sense responses instead of all the stupid stuff that shills like to post.

17833970? ago

Which came first globalist Jew or secret Mason, the Chicken or the Egg

17830404? ago

You are spot on. There is a lot of fakery going on here this evening. Deception is the devils tool. Use your head people. Use it wisely!

17830382? ago

You can't watch the Masonic lodges without joining in to their evil.

17830331? ago

It's the fuckin babylonians man.

17832392? ago

With their Baal and mammon worship.

17833558? ago

Bookmarked. Thanks.

17830203? ago

Ahh. Misdirection. Yes but you're falling for it as well. It's not the Satanic rituals, the killing of goats, the oaths they take that is our problem. Our problem is actually Satan. We can arrest all we want but Satan and his demons are still here I until Jesus our Lord comes back. Until then, be on guard and do not be deceived. Put your faith in Jesus and He will see you through. He is as we speak...just look around.

17830772? ago

This is a free speech board but all you are doing by posting your halellujah shit is turning people off. You are not winning. Get it? Now go away creep.]

17832467? ago

Nazis think they have true spirituality. Isn't that CRAZY?

17830068? ago

I have been seeing a big uptick in anti Q/Trump posts here recently. Gotta be threatening to them that they'd send idiots here to muddy and misguide the overall freedom message.

17831705? ago

  • DT gives mexicans an entire fucking year to keep an open border

  • DT backs down from birthright citizenship EO

  • etc etc etc

"Could any human being at all doubt the god emperor? No they must all be shills"

Stay fucking braindead /qrv/

17830848? ago

They are panicking and walking into welfare trailer parks of half fried brains from drugs, with fistfulls of Soros cash. These shills/trolls don't have any brains. They must be really desperate.

17832470? ago

No. We're just smart enough to realize "trusting the plan" won't get us anywhere.

Our country is being flooded with migrants with no interest or respect for our heritage. They're usurpers here for free shit.

The political situation we're in is a byproduct of our culture and the quality of the voting base. The USA will go blue by 2024.

Even if Q is real, he is just a person, or a small group at most. We are in a bad situation and there is no Democratic solution.

Enjoy the decline.

17830065? ago

Most important thing to remember is that misdirection is the key to the success of any puppet show.

All enemies of humanity must be exposed and brought to Justice.

We do not have time to waste booing puppets; however:

Do not even pretend that the Jews and their blacks are innocent.

That puppet show misdirection has run it’s course.





17832460? ago

Do not even pretend that the Jews and their blacks are innocent.

Do you even read Q posts?

You are the puppet show.

All enemies of humanity must be exposed and brought to Justice.

And you don't think that applies to you?

17832992? ago

Q has repeatedly stated that some of the things that are wicked should not be exposed, that the entire government would come crashing down if the public were to know everything.

Q has no interest in defeating evil, just those that oppose him in the oldest game ever played.

17833572? ago

So you oppose Q and that's why you're here trolling?

17833611? ago

if by oppose you mean i have a more refined and complete version of Qs philosophy then yeah

17833626? ago

Then the next question is does Trump endorse this "complete" version of Qs philosophy?

17833663? ago

well he sure aint telling anybody, however in the long run it doesnt matter if he does or not

17833694? ago

How do you know you have a more complete version of Qs philosophy? Has Q personally discussed things with you?

17833772? ago

what he puts out there for all the puppets to swallow is a massive ball of cognitive dissonance. it doesnt take a one-on-one to determine this, just a passing familiarity with logos.

17834299? ago

Sounds like projection. But I like it: "A massive ball of cognitive dissonance wrapped in an enigma." I think I'll use that.

17834335? ago

cant use "projection" correctly


17834414? ago

Sure I can. You're saying Q is a massive ball of cognitive dissonance. I'm saying you're the one who's really the massive ball of cognitive dissonance.

17834792? ago

its funny how all you can do is parrot other peoples words back at them as if thats in any way a rebuttal

17847159? ago

On the contrary,I don't think you've grasped what I'm doing. I'm acquiring information so as to grasp motive and agenda. From that I'm making observations and conclusions. Rebuttal wasn't my intent. I'm more interested in your insights. You're not the usual shill.

17832611? ago

Q & Trump have an unfortunate pathological inclination to pander to Jews & blacks. Why they do so should be of concern to everyone.

17833566? ago

You're projecting. It's YOU that has an unfortunate pathological inclination.

17830039? ago

Those damn JEWCIFERIANS are a real pain in the ass anon. I agree.

17833978? ago

Globalist Jew or Secret Mason is there a connection?

17831527? ago


stealin this and meme'ing it, thanks.

17840909? ago

hahaha no THANK YOU enjoy it. I used to be a lil bit of a graphics fag but nowadays I just type shit