Look at all that Mason symbolism at the Ceremony?? When these cousins, aunties and uncles fight ... thousands sometimes millions go die for them? (catbox.moe)
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3138538?
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17820178? 5.9 years ago
the Mason and Shekel lenders bought out the Royalty? @Civil_Warrior @WhereTheAngelsPlay then greedy royals killed their own family for coins? @JesusRules @OdinsWrongEye @CameraCode who owns the Fed?
17820548? 5.9 years ago
... who owns the Fed?
Do I get a multiple choice option? A) Jews B) Globalists (includes Jews) C) Other Jews D) None of the above, goyim
The Mossad with a gun to my head told me to select D. I am going to go with D. But remember elementary school and your ABCs. *bang*
17834100? 5.9 years ago
the Philippines? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133589
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17820178? ago
the Mason and Shekel lenders bought out the Royalty? @Civil_Warrior @WhereTheAngelsPlay then greedy royals killed their own family for coins? @JesusRules @OdinsWrongEye @CameraCode who owns the Fed?
17820548? ago
Do I get a multiple choice option?
A) Jews
B) Globalists (includes Jews)
C) Other Jews
D) None of the above, goyim
The Mossad with a gun to my head told me to select D. I am going to go with D. But remember elementary school and your ABCs. *bang*
17834100? ago
the Philippines? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133589