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17771932? ago

Please remove the anon status of this sub and all your problems will be fixed. Works just fine for the rest of the website.

17772446? ago

this is the answer. Anon means no accountability. I could sit and reply to myself and pretend to be different people all day. Who knows this could be 17771932 replying to himself. Its not, cuz im markrod420 and if anyone wants ill go add a comment to my identity verification post to prove it. Which i created because i also hate the anon status of this sub. Utterly moronic.

17772575? ago

I asked Putt about it and he said he was going to end samefagging.

17772804? ago

Thank god.

17774095? ago

They’ll just make more throw away accts. They could even name them sequentially a1, a2, etc and it wouldn’t matter bc it’s never seen in anonymous subs.

17778348? ago

I have never seen such a unified effort to destroy a larp ever.

It's like having posts from a pro-leprechaun sub on the front page everyday. Why wouldn't people troll them?

17780859? ago

Because it would get old. Very fast. To me at least. But I guess trolls have an abundance of free time the rest of the working world doesn’t. Trolling also has been incredibly ineffective. It hasn’t slowed the posting and it’s only made them more resilient to getting their posts on the front page. Simply put, if you don’t want to see “pro-leprechaun” posts, filter the sub or don’t visit it.

17777571? ago

I really don't think that:

  1. You actually understand what a shill is

  2. Anyone is actually spending time, effort, and money to "shill" on QRV

I shit on you retards for free because it's fun.

On the exceedingly rare occasions when one of you brainlets manages to monkey together a coherent, thoughtful post, I will engage honestly. Bonus points for a civil, coherent response without the qtard qatechism! That's fun too!

Unfortunately, any minor disagreement is usually met with "nazishill stupid q quote patriots wgwywgwywgy1 reee boomer noises"

You dipshits even do it to your own! Ha!

17780637? ago

You’ve got me labeled incorrectly. I have been back and forth on Q so many times. I believed he was real at first because I wanted all of what he was hinting to be true. Then it just felt like is was dragging on and on so I bailed and even have a top comment w 50+ upvotes criticizing Q.

I’m very math driven, and only 1 post of his (well it’s a combination of 3 technically) makes me think this isn’t a larp:

Basically he posted a picture of a watch in January 2019 then again in March 2019 almost 2 weeks before the national emergency announcement. 1 watch pic got the date right. The other got the EXACT time of 3:42 correct. Q hasn’t spammed pictures of watches. For them both to be correct for the single tweet that announced the emergency declaration, the odds are nearly impossible.

The delta time between POTUS posts and twitter never amazed me because that could be explained by an insider working at twitter triggering a script to post on infin chan at the same time POTUS sends a tweet. If you have any ideas on how the watch “trick” works please let me know, because I’ve been pretty amazed by it.

17778012? ago

I shit on you retards for free because it's fun.

As always, simple things amuse simple minds.

17778038? ago

You can do better than that, right?

17778191? ago

I could but I've already wasted enough time on you.

17778322? ago

I accept your surrender.

17774913? ago

I thought Voat recently went invite only over some other hubbub recently?

17774357? ago

I talk shit all the time. Not in an effort to "destroy a larp" but to make sure people stay vigilant and DEMAND action just in case Q isnt real. Never trust the govt. Never trust authority. When pedophiles are publicly dangling by their necks i will FULLY put my faith in Q and not one second earlier.

17774617? ago

If "The Storm" doesn't involve purging dual citizens from the US gov't, arrests, revoking all funding for Israel, and ending all US foreign intervention, we'll still have plenty of work to do.

17775247? ago

Exactly. This "trust the plan" stuff is fundamentally unamerican. If our founding fathers taught us one thing its to NEVER trust the govt to correct or police itself. Now that doesnt mean assume Q is a LARP. But it does mean that you should be constantly demanding actual progress and meaningful outcomes or you should assume Q is just another lie.

17777597? ago

Inb4 "reee shill"

17777967? ago

Any person who argues with what i said is either flagrantly unamerican or ignorant in the extreme.

17778023? ago

Are you this guy:

Exactly. Keep an eye on what is actually HAPPENING. ...

I was lampooning the inevitable qtard response. Inwas agreeing with you.

Calm down

17778137? ago

I know you were. We are agreeing lol.

17778318? ago

Lol ok, my bad

Yes, you are correct. But then, it seems most of the people on this board are staunch Israel-firsters

Internet brofist

17778373? ago

Right??? America first. Period.

17779555? ago

"Trade with all, alliance with none." This concept is not only the intent of this nation's founders, but is also Biblical, both of which ought to make qoomers notice.


The reality is that Israel today is independently strong and able to resist global pressures

Is that so? Does that mean we can stop sending billions of dollars to Israel every year and legitimizing their land grabs? Or are they not quite that independent?

17779646? ago

Just to be clear, that quote in your comment did not come from me, the person you are replying to. I dont care what strength level israel is at. Pull all support yesterday is my position on that.

17780451? ago

I know. It was from the article linked in my comment.

I will edit to clarify

17780829? ago

Cool beans. Just wanted to make sure.

17774173? ago

I suspect it has something to do with using a trolling website as a fall back for your community. The QRV/Awakening/WAGAGA1GA styff floods the front page and people are rightfully annoyed. So you bear the brunt. C'est la vie!

17772692? ago

That's great man. Thanks
