She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? (
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3131598?
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17747300? 5.9 years ago
This is Satan's realm. They serve Satan.
19292200? 5.7 years ago
Just what is Luciferianism: a mind dump on the subject, and freemasons. Q 714 Wizards & Warlocks: Ex-Master EXPOSES Freemasons, Corrupt Police, Lucifer
19292288? 5.7 years ago
Lucifer is not the Satan. Study the Hebraic language. Totally different beings and description.
Lucifer means light bringer/morning star
Satan means accuser/opposer/adversary
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17747300? ago
This is Satan's realm. They serve Satan.
19292200? ago
Just what is Luciferianism: a mind dump on the subject, and freemasons. Q 714 Wizards & Warlocks: Ex-Master EXPOSES Freemasons, Corrupt Police, Lucifer
19292288? ago
Lucifer is not the Satan. Study the Hebraic language. Totally different beings and description.
Lucifer means light bringer/morning star
Satan means accuser/opposer/adversary