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17765648? ago 'I am glad he makes the point that not all Jews are behind porn. However, it is a natural extension of the film industry which is dominated by Jewish people. But porn is not made just for money. It is a deliberate assault on decency and morality, and more specifically the family to destroy cultures.

Decades ago I read a UN document which plainly stated their war on families. They had a sound logical reason for their goal of a world government. There reasoning is simple: strong families have their loyalty to their family, and by extension, their neighborhoods and local communities. To get their loyalties to an abstract group such as a global government, they must break the family loyalties and create a larger group for their loyalties to be transfered; first to nations, then the world.

It is not just porn. Why do we have to know about news of people tens of thousands of miles away? Also part of the strategy of redirecting attention away for local community to the world.

And, of course, our friendly Jewish banking cartel is led by filthy rich British Jews named the Rothschilds. And they are the ones who want a global government and who are secret satanists who want all to be satanists with them'

17841774? ago

these look like separate cults?

17836948? ago 'You realize you give yourself away every time you behave as seen above, right?

Every. time.

Silly A____k.'