17724422? ago

I cant find it a coincidence that Q implicates mossad, makes cryptic remarks about Israel and purposefully sent us to a vividly anti-(((them))) website.

17721545? ago

This isn’t Reddit, stop using imgur.

17725081? ago

And YouTube.

17717334? ago

Freemasonic Lodge in Australia? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3087770/17282347 'Duh'

17716756? ago

Png 1 is also very questionable no proofs in the posts. Iv read all the q and a memory like a elephant most of these arent q drops. Shit post.

17716711? ago

In png two bottom rt hand corner. There isnt any post number and no id. It is fake as.

17715917? ago

It's interesting how it all basically traces back to pre medieval times. Saudi Arabi + Israel (Rothschild - Jews). Soros replaced someone else, I wonder if it was a greek/roman line that he replaced.

17717216? ago

Bunch of people take their 'Occult' serious ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3058557/17007422 'No this goes back to ancient Babylon.'

17716177? ago


17715846? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Du77LXIf5l8M - ( Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Create... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Rtw3nu8bVMDT - ( The Evils of the Federal Reserve and Prior Priv... )

17717143? ago