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17612386? ago

Freemasons and Court Masons are not the same.

Freemasons DO NOT service the Queen.

Ala, Court Masons.

Thanks for sharing and working hard.

17847075? ago

Which ones are Hollyweird and Tv ? 'Sabrina' and Satanists Reach Amicable Settlement in Baphomet Statue Lawsuit.

17863830? ago

Means nothing really related to your research. Holly wood, like what a magic wand was made of.. Holly branches. DOD, CIA, NSA, DHS, all use media as a tool of indoctrination and they use EVERY mythos possible to entrain people's hearts and brains.

They present the problem and become the solution, while we all watch passively.

But overall, it's just wasting men and woman's energy by capturing their attention and propagating more fear to keep people unfocused on their own spirituality. Divert, Invert, Revert... all druid tactics against the Quadrivium of arts.