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17612386? ago

Freemasons and Court Masons are not the same.

Freemasons DO NOT service the Queen.

Ala, Court Masons.

Thanks for sharing and working hard.

17821302? ago

NZ? whats ONA Baphomet, Council Order of Nine, Set Temple Rosicrucianism? the Dark Babylon Gods. Many were cast out? FallenAngels? Secret Order of Nine Angles connects to NZ shooting? 'People'?

17863776? ago

Angles ≠ Angles ≠ Anglish Language, Language of the Angles (letters and symbols devised against a Cross line and Circle = Rune Codex).

Stay away from metaphysical fears. What do your eyes see when you read English letters (Anglish Letters).

Ala; Language of the Angles. Not demons it is Demos, as in Latin for demonstration or to build a prototype of something.

Stay away from metaphysical stuff. Or at least, try to ignore mythos and instead read it as a code using images/words to hide the meaning.

Evil people exist in every group, sect, religion, science, technology, etc. Evil people. They use religion as an excuse for their behavior.