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17607359? ago

I sleep just fine. Been knowing about all that you Q-tist's have been talking about since 1985. It is why I continue trying to warn you that you're being set up for a really hard fall. We elders in all the Illuminati Secret Society research know that there is only ONE who is going to wipe out the evil on earth. It isn't you Q-tist's the POTUS or Q.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

You as well get that out of your heads right now.

If you understood one inkling of the ancient prophecies you would quickly see what really is coming.

17608476? ago

It already blew by. INTEL groups keep making you watch theatre.

We’ve revealed so much already. But many remain stuck in their biased confirmations.

17613712? ago

If it blew by why isn’t the big reveal part of this? If the intel groups have been scrubbed why the theatrics?

17620707? ago

  • Define Q R V

We'll wait.

17624764? ago

Q Research Voat

Ps. I’m not the ancient aliens anon above. But I am curious why they continue the charade if you say the storm is passed. Still lots of bad actors all around.

17627678? ago

Close, but we’re a bit closer.

17635194? ago

If the storm is passed why is this still happening?

17635990? ago

  • We are not a storm

  • The President is under immense pressure

  • We are always under immense pressure and suppression with their tech-nique

  • They control all storms as a weapon, real and figuratively

17637234? ago

So why say the storm is passed?

17640691? ago

  • In context, and following the metaphor, DECLAS information was the storm

  • It may be possible the President was referencing Weather Modification

  • Storms of biblical proportions are man made

  • Do not believe that our ancestors or ancient peoples were ignorant : :

  • Their tech-nique has not changed

  • The sea is the mother of all things

  • All things return there are have been deliberately returned there

  • The President has continued the Space Force and brought it into the Light

  • We do not know what President Obama knew or legislated

  • We do know legislation was introduced and passed for a Space Force before President Trump took the Office /

17643944? ago

Is what Corey Goode / David Wilcock spilling legit then? Or more sophomoric crowd control?

Space Force seemed a step in the direction of disclosure.

17648516? ago

  • Astral plane projection

  • Not Astral planets

  • Space force may or may not be responsible for the hour-to-hour spraying and weather modification

  • Those crafts have refueling mechanisms in place, in the air

  • AWAC systems can do much more than Congress is aware of

  • It is possible that both parties mentioned are Receivers

  • But are not true Operators

  • We all contain latent and dormant abilities

  • A collective source does exist, but it is temporal and relative to all of us

  • They may be extracting information from the ether

  • Which is another reason spraying occurs to block out interception from luddites. creatives, writers, and people responsible for contemporary fiction

  • Often times Agencies must reach out to those people because they either received the notion serendipitously, purposefully, or by way of another Projecting it to them via REM

  • Agencies then infiltrate their modality of life as a means to both keep them from "discovering" more and also keeping secrets closed

  • They Use all of us on these boxes and can harness our power through the machines

  • Patents exist showing computer monitors work like MRI devices

  • The President attacked the TSA as a call sign to US

  • How do you think those Monitors work?

  • Why do people on this website call other people "glow in the dark"?

  • The President is under immense pressure

  • The Families support him

  • The Banks do not

  • The Secret Schools wish to continue procuring adepts for ritual rites

  • The President is as gifted as any of us

17656882? ago

Aren’t the Families the Banks? Fulford is always on about this stuff.

Seems technology isn’t going away and those who choose to come here again and again “aught” to be more and more conditioned against it. Unless their parents shoot them up with vaccines and feed them teddy grahams.

There is absolutely a natural desire to rid the planet of this virus. The DNA is changing. The planet is shaking itself of the fleas. Regression takes people back to themselves. They remember. They remember what this place is. They make different choices.

Their tech-niques work. So many asleep. Forward momentum and each waking up to themselves is key.

The President is an inspiration to many silent millions. Truth is contagious. And an antivirus. Truth is generosity. Truth will pierce the walls. Then each can have their choice. But many aren’t ready. And hats their free Will choice.

This place really is a glow in the dark clown house. And we chose to be here.

17694769? ago

A) Cryptological Aspects of ESP;

  • CIA declassified document of an NSA document—

  • Outlines predecessors to ionization and radiation dosing—

  • Outlines predecessors to war theatre and false flags—

  • Outlines predecessors to using stress as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using pharmacology as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using GeoEngineering to block/excite/track adepts

B) Torture, targeted stalking is equal to or greater than the existence of the Foundlings appearances AND abductions;

  • lead us to surmise that we are being harvested, bread, or kidnapped for the explicit intent of making children evolve their latent abilities. ie., -- Druish practices -- Occult Arts (devolving into 'satanism') -- occult and secrete schools appearing and disappearing periodically -- and persian sex cults persisting into pedophilia, homosexuality, and trans-humanism

C) H.R. 2977 https:/ /

  • Section 7 / B This bill is aimed at clearly defining space as a clear zone from these weapons, while stating the bill does NOT exclude their current usages

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

I submit that A, B, C are part of the same program(s) which have been disguised as a benefit when in-fact, they are seek and destroy, or seek and control mechanisms on all humans on any landmass, bodies of water, or air space.

Weapons in section B are currently deployed and disguised as commercial products under the guidance of the CIA and NSA and used as a conquer and control mechanism against personal agency or group initiative.

NOTE: this would benefit from seasoned PG researchers offering correlations or refuting claims where needed, however, this one document does represent the polestar for many of the technologies and social issues you are all investigating.


Bonus material:

I should note, for reference, as it relates to religious people and their practices/myths:

If you have been brutalized, raped, beaten senseless, molested, tortured or —worse?;

A collection of lamentations from Dumuzid entitled "In the Desert by The Early Grass" describes;

“Damu, the "dead anointed one", being dragged down to the Underworld by Demons, who blindfolded him, tie him up, and forbid him from sleeping.”

Consider the Vatican Church's statue/installation, positioned behind the Pope. This would be the church the ED from OuterDark clearly indicates is a snake head (Horned Viper? Oldest family line?).

The Statue reflects this story, and the process of ritual abuse used to create "adepts" or "gifted" ones. The anointed one is an allusion to what they do their "adepts" once spotted or identified—if they try to be "good"

Does this look like Christ, or a replication of the story of Damu? I don't think "good" has ever existed and anyone who actually believes in good; are dealt with like this in order to avoid a contagion into their 'ancient' rites and methods. And as a part of the greater alchemical principles of energy, thought-transference, esp, psi—whatever you want to call it, fear will always draw our attentions elsewhere and into a void of our own self-making.

We have it backwards. And that is why we always lose.

I have permission to share OP's original work here

  • Please share with those you cherish and feel need to see logical and irrefutable proof.

  • Patents, Comgressional Bills, and Declassified information are all easily found

  • We so not consent

  • We will not submit

  • Neither should you

17705130? ago

Seems we’re playing the same record again.

17709892? ago

  • tells us about the record you hear

17723546? ago

🎼 You’ve posted this before. We’ve discussed it. 🎶