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17602340? ago

Someone is taking the internet a little too seriously...

17605798? ago

please leave, you are too immature right now

honestly, go somewhere else

17610657? ago

Lol, I can imagine what you're like in real life. Do you think of yourself as "a big deal". Are you Mr. Serious Person?

17627443? ago

17628203? ago

Perhaps too serious.

17629979? ago

Your statement is a refelction of yourself. I do not have a response for you since you did not reply to the to, or about, the content.

17630296? ago

I do not have a response for you

That was a great response. Hope you've had some good coffee or tea this morning. It's going to be a busy day for you today.

17632162? ago

We will wait for you. When you have something to contribute, we will be here.

17632811? ago
