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17594967? ago

Brenden Tarrant was listed towards the bottom.

NZ did not happen, at least no one was killed.

we're coming for your souls, nothing you have can stop the will of God.

17610121? ago

Each Country, Religion, Sexual Orientation, has its deep state Psycopath’s (it is estimated 1% of the population has the psycopathic mental disorder), these people have manipulated people on their way up the ladder and have sold out to the other psycopath’swho have already rose to prominence, all while laughing at the gullible masses (in their mind, “the Idiots”)

Statistically, @ 2% of the population, there are about 3,300,000 psycopaths in the U.S. alone. PSYCHOPATHS: TOP 10 - AND BOTTOM 10 - PROFESSIONS Experts believe that psychopaths are attracted to some professions over others. Their prevalence in the general population is about one per cent. But studies show that - as an example - an estimated 10% of CEO's may be psychopaths.

This ranking (mentioned in the film) is compiled by Oxford psychologist Kevin Dutton, author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success.

The top 10 list of jobs with the highest rates of psychopathy, modified with noticed opinion comments.

CEO - (Generally Corporate CEO’s of Publicly Traded Companies - Generally not the entrepreneur who built the business from start)
Lawyer. (most of congress and the senate have Law Degrees... in order to be a Judge, you need to be a lawyer)
Media (TV/Radio) - plus Many On CNN, MSNBC, etc.. have law degrees. Its like doubling down.
Police Officer
Clergy Person
Civil Servant

The list of jobs with the lowest rates of psychopathy

17610363? ago

Psychopaths are the only people that cannot be reasoned with.

They have no soul. That makes them beyond dangerous.