2004, a 76-year-old Mason, Albert Eid, carrying two guns, He reached into his right pants pocket, pulled out the wrong gun and shot William James, a 47-year-old fellow Mason, in the face, killing him (nytimes.com)
submitted 5.8 years ago by 3112465?
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17565675? 5.8 years ago
"As long as you protect the secrets, these will be blanks"
17574146? 5.8 years ago
French Kings? What happened in New Orleans stayed in New Orleans? Beverly Hills-based talent agency, Endeavor, returned a $400m investment to Saudi Arabia and cancelled its contract with the Kingdom? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3092008
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17565675? ago
"As long as you protect the secrets, these will be blanks"
17574146? ago
French Kings? What happened in New Orleans stayed in New Orleans? Beverly Hills-based talent agency, Endeavor, returned a $400m investment to Saudi Arabia and cancelled its contract with the Kingdom? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3092008