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17486772? ago

NPR radio had a show today talking about 4chan and 8chan as well as the communities on reddit that were banned for hate speech. They spoke of incels and how these forums are a radicalization engine. They also spoke about the anime-pedo connection to the 8chan founder. It was questioned why these forums even exist and why they should be taken down in the context of how they breed hate and people like the NZ shooter.

The guy giving the talk was an NBC rep.... folks, there are all sorts of people on these forums. They dont care if 99.999% of people here wouldn't hurt a fly or do anything deviant. All they care about is owning the narrative, and keeping their people in power which they are doing through more propaganda.

17491039? ago

He has a lot to answer for when the truth comes out. Only game they have is supression of truth and speech. They cant not offer a counter argument. Thus they, 5eye shut down evidence and questions. Obey swine!

17491370? ago

It looks like this goof has joined the controlled opposition's Pickett's Charge. Does he have the same handler as Ann Coulter?

17491236? ago

Good article. Summarizes the inconsistencies.
There's fuxkery afoot.