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17489277? ago


Ever been to New Zealand?

Transvestites are everywhere. Back when I was in the US Navy, we were told in Auckland to be aware of the "HE-Shes", who like to prey on the weak and the inebriated. We were told the Kiwi authorities were very tolerant of them.

In a disco across the room, I saw some unfortunate drunken sailor succumb to one of these vampires. I don't know if he knew at the time, he was very intoxicated and his buddies didn't help him either. It was both a tragedy and horrifying to me. I don't know whatever became of this sailor. I never knew him or ever saw him on my ship. All I thought was - how do live with yourself after something like this happens?

Could Jacinda Adern be a transvestite? It has long been accepted there. Kiwis were very different from American standards back then, but it seems that we Americans are being forced to be more like them.

17491788? ago

... 18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth.